View Full Version : My son is coming home for a visit!

10-02-2008, 03:58 PM
He'll be here for Thanksgiving, his favorite holiday and his first time home in 11 years for Tday. His first Tday in L.A. he told me that he was having dinner w/friends who had just moved there. He had only been there a week or so and I thought "How lucky for him. I feel better now." He even called me that day and told me he was fine. Well, he made it all up. He didn't want me to feel sad that he was alone on Thanksgiving Day but he didn't tell me this until just a few years ago. I cried because I felt so bad about it and he said "See! That's exactly why I made up the story. Your Tday would've been ruined."

Last year during the holidays we made a promise to each other to visit more often. Of course, life got in the way. He got that terrible illness in February that scared the wits out of us both. Then Puddy got worse and he asked me this year to fly out to L.A. for Tday but I told him that I just couldn't leave Puddy. So he booked a flight here. He was going to surprise me but then he thought better of it in case I accepted an invitation to someone else's home. He can't stay long; he'll be here the Tuesday before and leave that Sunday. But he'll be back for Christmas and I plan on visiting him after the holidays, probably in February. So I'm a happy mom!

10-02-2008, 04:04 PM
:) That will be so Great Mary.. You both will enjoy the visit I know so much.. Now do you just have this one boy??

10-02-2008, 04:14 PM
Now do you just have this one boy??

Yep, just one son. That's my family. I affectionately call him "the boy".

10-02-2008, 04:21 PM
Awww, Mary, that is fantastic news! I am so glad that he has decided to come visit you. I think it will do you both good to see one another! Sounds like you both have had a very trying year! Do you have a countdown yet to his arrival?????

10-02-2008, 04:31 PM
That's wonderful, Mary. Just perfect!


10-02-2008, 04:34 PM

I'm so glad he's coming for a visit. I wish my brother would come to CT for a visit. I really miss him alot since he's moved to NC.

10-02-2008, 05:00 PM
That is great Mary. Just what you needed. :)

10-02-2008, 05:58 PM
Awww, Mary, that is fantastic news! I am so glad that he has decided to come visit you. I think it will do you both good to see one another! Sounds like you both have had a very trying year! Do you have a countdown yet to his arrival?????

54 more days! Happy happy joy joy, happy happy joy! (I'm an idiot.)

10-02-2008, 09:07 PM
Aww Mary i am delighted to hear this news, just what you need right now, i too have a son, with whom i have a lovely bond, it is very special, and i know you have one with your's,jut by the way you write about him,enjoy those days with him and make the most of it.HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN.:)

10-02-2008, 10:16 PM
I am so happy for you. I truly understand the bond you have with your son. My Michael will be home the end of January and that is when we are having Christmas and I am already excited.
So what will the menu be? Does your son have some favorites? Apple or pumpkin pie, ham or turkey?
Corn or beans. Or all of the above.:D:D:D

10-02-2008, 10:29 PM
I am so happy for you. I truly understand the bond you have with your son. My Michael will be home the end of January and that is when we are having Christmas and I am already excited.
So what will the menu be? Does your son have some favorites? Apple or pumpkin pie, ham or turkey?
Corn or beans. Or all of the above.:D:D:D

Funny you should ask. All he wants is my stuffing. I told him it's kinda hard to do w/out the turkey. Actually, this year he wants to go out for Tday. I've always made it a practice to invite people who have no family and nowhere to go but no one seems to reciprocate. I have no family here; this is his first Tday home in 11 years and no one has ever invited me so he said "Why do all that cooking, Mom? Let's go out to a nice restaurant and you take it easy for once." I told him he'll regret that come evening and there's no left over stuffing.

10-02-2008, 10:33 PM
Well you are welcome to come here Mary, you and your son are very very welcome.

10-02-2008, 10:37 PM
Well you are welcome to come here Mary, you and your son are very very welcome.

Thanx, sweetie. I wasn't hinting, just telling you what my son said. But thank you again for the kind offer. Makes me feel good.

10-02-2008, 10:41 PM
Well I hope you do come, what fun it would be. You can make the turkey and stuffing and I will make everything else.

10-02-2008, 11:40 PM
My wonderful, fun neighbor has invited John and me to her house for the last few years. Multi cultural Thanksgiving, tons of people, great fun. My 40th high school reunion is the next day and one of my best childhood friends is coming from Canada to stay with me a few days and joining the gang for dinner.

All this to say...too bad you don't live closer and your son isn't staying that long. You both can stay at my house too, you'd love my buddies, and visa versa. Wouldn't that be fun? Next year??? Maybe I'll cook and invite anyone who wants to come!

10-03-2008, 07:13 AM
My wonderful, fun neighbor has invited John and me to her house for the last few years. Multi cultural Thanksgiving, tons of people, great fun. My 40th high school reunion is the next day and one of my best childhood friends is coming from Canada to stay with me a few days and joining the gang for dinner.

All this to say...too bad you don't live closer and your son isn't staying that long. You both can stay at my house too, you'd love my buddies, and visa versa. Wouldn't that be fun? Next year??? Maybe I'll cook and invite anyone who wants to come!

Wow, that does sound like fun. I'm sure you'll remember this Tday forever. Thank you for thinking of me and my son, too. PT is fantastic.

10-04-2008, 02:45 PM
All he wants is my stuffing. I told him it's kinda hard to do w/out the turkey.

Oh how I relate to that! My son and granddaughter would rather have the stuffing than the turkey. It's gotten so now that not only do I stuff the turkey, but make the crockpot full too! Not as good as cooked IN the turkey, but it solves the problem of never being enough!! :D

And how great that your son is going to be with you this year!