View Full Version : 4 pictures of Anna & Rosie (I am leaving)

09-19-2008, 07:16 PM
I am leaving tonight to return back to Ohio State, so I took 2 pictures of Rosie and 2 of Anna. Enjoy them. :) I will miss those girls and I will be happy to see them again whenever I return back home, probably for the holidays.

Also, I do not know how much time Anna has left, because this morning, we have discovered she had been peeing in the house for a year now, and last night, she peed and slept on it on the COUCH! We don't know what is wrong, but, we fear she's slipping into old age, and she is starting to do what my first dog used to do, walk around in circles, getting comfortable, sleeping on the floor instead of carpet, just sleeping all day long, and prefers to be by herself... She seems to get confused a lot lately, but I know it is just her age. I know I said she was 10 or 11 years old, but my parents & I agreed that she may be OLDER than the age we thought she'd be.

Don't worry, though. They will not do anything without my decision and whatnot. I am her owner, she is my dog, not theirs. Anyways.... Just wanted to let you guys know. Please don't yell or shoot me because of this situation, it's hard enough for me to deal with when I am away.. thanks.

Here are the pics: (big, but worth it)





09-19-2008, 07:21 PM
Awwwwww.......I have an old girl, too, who wants to be by herself more and more, too....always a house dog, but she doesn't want to come for long anymore....I totally understand......She'll be okay........getting old just isn't fun....

09-19-2008, 07:28 PM
Selegilene is an Alzheimer's drug that is used in humans, but also in cats and dogs. See what the vet thinks. Can't hurt to try. Apparently it takes about 10 days to kick in.

BEAUTIFUL girls! Is Anna the first one? They both have such sweet faces...shows what a great home they have.:):love:

09-19-2008, 07:45 PM
Awww, Anna has such a sweet face, you can tell she is an old girl. I am sure you gave her plenty of love while you were home.

Anna is the Husky, and Rosie is the Beagle, for those who don't know.

09-19-2008, 09:09 PM
Awwww.... Beautiful girls.
I notice Mz Logan's face getting some gray. Pretty soon I guess we'll look alike.:rolleyes:

Good luck in school. :love:

09-19-2008, 09:47 PM
As an owner of several old cats and now one wonderful older dog, I understand. My border collie mix is now about 11 or 12 and I know will be coming up on these kind of issues as I've had to do in the past w/my cats who've reached the end of the line. It's not cruel...it's taking of them til the end. And thank goodness you're they're for them.

09-19-2008, 11:46 PM
Rachel, I know your going to be away, but you should ask as the OSU clinic about the possibility of trying Anna on a medication for the leaking urine problem. There are two types of therapy available, one is a short-term estrogen dose which may bring it under control, (given 2x a week for about 8 weeks) and the other is a long-term drug given twice daily (I think). This leaking is pretty common with spayed females as they age. Sorry, I don't recall the name of the drug, but OSU will know.

09-21-2008, 10:31 PM
Beautiful pics Rachel! Sorry to hear about Anna having problems, I hope its nothing serious.

09-21-2008, 10:48 PM
Awe... sweet doggies!

Can your parents take Anna to the vet to check on the pee problem? You said she's your dog, but I'm guessing they'd take her since you'll be at school.

Big hugs to you and to your girls! Hope they'll both be happy and healthy when you get to see them again.