View Full Version : Rescued puppies, have no idea of breed!

09-09-2002, 12:35 AM
Lucy and Gus were sitting beside the highway in a rural area, hungry and full of ticks. They were probably 10-12 weeks. We think they are a shepard mix..Lucy is mostly white, and Gus is golden, with white tail tip and paws, chest and a spot on the top of his head. They are medium hair, with long tails and legs. Even though the picture doesn't show, both of them have pricked ears, though Gus lets one hang down, like a rogue.

Here's the one that throws me..when their hackles are up, they look like mohawks! Each has a stripe down the back 4-5 inches wide of darker fur that really gets attention from other dogs, and people.

If someone is an expert in the name the breed game, tell me what these are!!
http://www.witnessvision.com/images/gus.jpg http://www.witnessvision.com/images/lucy.jpg

09-09-2002, 08:32 AM
Ohhhhhh they are soooo sweet!!! WHO on earth would give up such sweet babies???? Ohhh it just makes me so mad!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: But I am so glad that you found them, they sure look happy now!!!

Aspen and Misty
09-09-2002, 12:18 PM
Maybe Rhodsian Ridge back, Golden Retriver and German Shepherd? I'm not very good at guessing breeds, but theses are my guesses. If you don't know what a ridge bakc is its hair along the backbone look like they stick up. KInda Like a Mohak

09-09-2002, 02:52 PM
lol, what ever they are they're adorable...and mixes. ;)

09-09-2002, 02:53 PM
Ditto on the Heinz 57.

09-09-2002, 03:06 PM
What a couple of cutie-pies!

09-12-2002, 02:12 PM
How cute is that??? I agree with the Ridgeback assessment. That was my immediate thought. Looks like shepard and perhaps some sort of terrier. Is their hair wirey or smooth?? How big are they?? How big do they expect them to get? Are you keeping them? I know I would...they're just too cute for words.

09-12-2002, 02:20 PM
I also thought terrier as it looks like they have a slightly wirey hair to them. And also ridgeback if the hair stands up if it is just a little darker in color it may just be the shep. It seems part shep. in the face structure and kinda terrier in the face too. The ears might be part terrier, ridgeback or possibly lab. The color looks like ridgeback or lab (although some sheps are more tan and if it has a slight black mark on the back that might also come from shep)But the ears might stand up more as the dog ages. Isnt it always fun to keep guessing mixes?

DEFFINETELY CUTE!!! Are you going to find hoes or keep them?

09-12-2002, 09:09 PM
Yes, I'm keeping them! After surviving in the car with them for over two hundred miles, we've bonded in a special way.<G>

The ridgeback has occured to me too, but someone told me that thier hair actually grows opposite along the ridge, and that its narrower, thiers seems to be wide. Dunno. There's no black on them anywhere, just the golden and white. Everywhere I go people are asking me what breed they are and how old they are...I only have estimates for both!

Thier hair is a little coarser than a lab's might be, but the snout is shorter than a shepherds.
As to how big they'll be...well when we found them they were 16-18 lbs...a month later they're 28-30 lbs! And not slowing...


09-12-2002, 10:49 PM
I think they're just vanilla and cream canines! It'll be interesting so see how big they get, that will tell a lot about their breed - but they sound too big for most kinds of terrier already, but the Wheaten. Do they shed? (Wheatens don't) They look Shepherdy to me, but the fur's a mystery! And I don't think their raising their hackles makes them a Ridgeback, our Great Dane + 1/4 Lab's fur did that, and maybe most dogs' do, but we don;t notice it as much with shaggier dogs ... Gracie's coat was slicksmooth, so it was noticable on the few ocasions when she was bothered by something enough to react!

Do they have webbed feet?

09-14-2002, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by Karen
I think they're just vanilla and cream canines! It'll be interesting so see how big they get, that will tell a lot about their breed - but they sound too big for most kinds of terrier already, but the Wheaten. Do they shed? (Wheatens don't) They look Shepherdy to me, but the fur's a mystery! And I don't think their raising their hackles makes them a Ridgeback, our Great Dane + 1/4 Lab's fur did that, and maybe most dogs' do, but we don;t notice it as much with shaggier dogs ... Gracie's coat was slicksmooth, so it was noticable on the few ocasions when she was bothered by something enough to react!

Do they have webbed feet?