View Full Version : My mom got her dog! Pics/help needed

08-19-2008, 10:51 AM
My mom dog her dog from the Humane Society last Thursday. He's a big sweety. 5 years old, and the HS said he's Saluki mix(what do you guys think?? how do you pronounce that anyway?) She named him Riley.

My mom is having trouble getting him to eat. He's barely eaten any dog food. He apparently has no trouble eating people food, but she'd rather him get into the habit of eating his own food. Any ideas? She's getting concerned and he was really skinny to begin with. Should she feed him something he'll eat until he finds some dog food he likes? What about canned food?

Also, he either isn't interested in toys, or he doesn't understand how to play with them yet. If you throw the toy, he'll chase it, pick it up, then drop it. Or when I was playing tug with Zeke the other day Riley seemed interested, put his mouth on the rope then immediately dropped it.

He's a great dog though. He seems really agile. I think he'd make an excellent agility dog. I may take him myself (maybe with Zeke if you can run 2 dogs in one class) Apparently he loves to dig though...and bury bones in moms garden :rolleyes:
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Anyway, onto the pics.

As you can see, he is skin and bones. Is that the breed or is he just really underweight?
Playing with my boy, Zeke.

More pics coming...

08-19-2008, 10:56 AM

08-19-2008, 10:57 AM

08-19-2008, 11:07 AM
Awww!! Riley is quite the cutie! I believe the breed in pronounced as it is spelled, (sa-luk-ee). I'm so glad your mom adopted him! I believe Salukis sare naturally thin, kind of like Greyhounds. Sorry I don't have any advice on the food... maybe she could ask the vet? I'm not sure, though..... some dogs are just picky eaters.:)

08-19-2008, 11:11 AM
True, he may be a little skinny, but I think he looks great! Saulki's (Sa-luke-ee) are naturaly thin and lean, so he looks like he should!
Those pictures are great! He sure looks like a Happy boy!!

As for the food, if he were mine I would leave food in his bowl at all times.
Let him get hungry, and he'll eat when he realizes that he's not going to get people food!

08-19-2008, 11:19 AM
He is a cutie and sure looks happy to have a loving new home!

08-19-2008, 11:30 AM
He's beautiful. Definitely a sighthound mix. I wonder if he has ibizan hound, his face makes me think of ibizan more than saluki.



But then mixes can always look so unique. I don't think he looks too thin really, just sighthoundish. They often look somewhat slender and ribby. I suspect as he settles he'll be more interested in his food too. Hope we get to see more of him, he's really a total cutie!

08-19-2008, 11:34 AM
Hi, Riley! I really like the second picture in the first post - you look so happy and ready for fun! Welcome!

Edited to say: What breed is Riley? I have no idea, but he's very handsome!

08-19-2008, 11:39 AM
He's gorgeous! :love: I see sighthound too, maybe Ibizian like K9Soul said. :) Congratulations to you and your mom. :D

08-19-2008, 12:12 PM
That's a Greyhound/Lab if I ever saw one. His head/coat/face scream Labrador and his slim body/neck/face again scream Greyhound.

Salukis are very rare. I highly doubt this beauty is a Saluki mix. In fact, I'm willing to bet my right arm he's a Greyhound/Lab or possibly Whippet/Lab, but definitely not Saluki.

Re: his weight: He is at an almost perfect weight. He could put 3-5 more pounds on, but you *want* to see a faint outline of his ribs. For some pics...
Ivy is not a sighthound mix, but you can see what I mean when I say you want to see a faint outline of ribs on her.

Both Whippet and Greyhound:
In both dogs, you can see the ribs. They're not skinny. That's how they're supposed to be :)

Edit: Do you want me to post pics of your pup on the Greyhound forum? They're diehard sighthound folks and can help ID the mix for you.

08-19-2008, 12:16 PM
Ok thanks :D I'm still concerned that he's not eating though. I know some breeds are like that normally, but he seemed skinny even for that. You can clearly see his ribs, and ever bone in his spine going down his back so I wasn't sure. I'm glad to hear that he's not too bad though. I think my mom is taking him to the vet for a quick check up anyway.

08-19-2008, 12:20 PM
I'd agree that it's not likely for him to be a saluki.... Ibizan would be even more far fetched IMO.
I also think he looks to be in a good weight. He is friggin' adorable!!
For the food issue I would probably tough love it. He gets his meal put down and then after 20 minutes it gets put up again. It is not offerred until the next meal time. As long as he is drinking water he should be okay. A normal healthy dog will not starve themselves. I do not believe in free feeding.
Congrats to your mom. He really is a cutie. And I love his crazy faces when playing with Zeke. :D

08-19-2008, 12:28 PM
he doesnīt look awfully skinny toi me... perhaps more lean built...but heīs so cute!!...

I too would let him realiza he ainīt getting people food.... he might not take a bite for a couple days... just as long as he takes water... itīs nothing to worry... he needs to adjust...

poor baby.. he doesnīt knows how to play.. awww... heīll learn in no time...and heīll get so much love...:D

08-19-2008, 12:31 PM
well I agree with the others - definately a greyhound/lab mix-ish.
Salukis are pretty rare as far as I know.
Course I don't know about your area at all.
He sure is gorgeous!
I agree tho - he looks perfect for a sighthound body if he gains any make it less than 5 pounds. But then again I wouldn't know what to do with a dog that skinny! :D
Of course, I highly reccommend a check up/psychical at the vet for any new dog. :)
good luck Riley!
I'm with the others as well, just leave the food in the bowl, I wouldn't mix anything in it (broth, or wet food) b/c then he'll get used that and then NOT eat anything without it. She could always switch the kind she's feeding, maybe he doesn't have the taste for it.

08-19-2008, 12:33 PM
I think Riley is 100% adorable!! Regardless what his breed is. :D
(and because I am not good at guessing breeds, unless it's obvious :p)

Riley and Zeke are having such a good time together. That is wonderful. I just love Riley's funny faces in some of the pix. LOL :D :D

08-19-2008, 12:33 PM
The others are probably right on saluki or ibizan being unlikely and more probably being greyhound mix. I also agree he more than likely is mixed with lab. Just when I saw some of his head on shots, the face made me think of ibizan, but with lab in the mix it could broaden the skull into a wedge more and make that appearance. He sure is cute :)

08-19-2008, 02:23 PM
Well, this is the current consensus:
- Out of about 20 replies, about half think he is not sighthound at all.
- 2 or 3 think he could have a bit of greyhound/whippet.
- The others think he is just a thorough mix.

Now, if you have pictures of him running, that would certainly help ;)

Also, have you thought about DNA'ing him?

critter crazy
08-19-2008, 02:59 PM
He sure is a cutie!!!:love:

08-19-2008, 03:10 PM
Hello Handsome Riley! Welcome to PT as a "mom's pup!" You are just a sweet one and have found a great home for yourself!

He doesn't look overly thin to me. As someone else said, I'd just put the food down for 10-15 minutes morning and evening. Set the kitchen timer. To me, a dog jumping bouncing and playing around as these photos suggest he does, is not a weak, ill, underweight pup!

If his energy level is good, he drinks, pees and poops, then he is self monitoring his weight and is fine.

Now digging in mom's garden, that could be a tough challenge to address! :D

08-19-2008, 03:24 PM
I'll have to take a video of him running. He's pretty quick and it's sorta funny how he jumps around when he plays.

08-19-2008, 04:33 PM
I just double checked his pics... adn he somehow reminds me of Glacierīs Ozzy and/or Mac...

could be an Alaskan Husky mix...... look at those legs!!.... and now he doesnīt seem to have that large chest as a sighthoung may have....but then again he could be a race line Alaskan husky/lab mix and still be lean...

and in this pics you can clearly see some huskyish mask...

08-19-2008, 04:41 PM
In all honesty, I do see Saluki in him! He's got the same colouring, butt feathers, chest, and legs.


Don't worry about him eating... don't give in to him and feed him human food. When he is hungry enough, he will eat his kibble. You can try adding yogurt or pumpkin to it to entice him enough that he eats it.

08-19-2008, 06:00 PM
In all honesty, I do see Saluki in him! He's got the same colouring, butt feathers, chest, and legs.


Don't worry about him eating... don't give in to him and feed him human food. When he is hungry enough, he will eat his kibble. You can try adding yogurt or pumpkin to it to entice him enough that he eats it.

You can't really see it in these photos, but his spine/ribs show exactly like that first pic...really boney looking. His tail is long and fluffy too. In the end, it doesn't really matter what breed he is. He's a great dog. It's just nice to know a little about him :) Plus it would be nice to say he is one of those breeds which are typically thinner just so people don't harass my mom about him being too thin. I know I get a few people telling me Zeke is too thin and I starve him o_O As you can see, he's perfectly healthy looking...

Thanks for the info/advice :D

08-20-2008, 07:32 AM
He's stunning and looks like such a sweetie pie. I love the pics of him playing with Zeke (btw..we could use some new pictures of him;))