View Full Version : May the owner of this dog ...

08-19-2008, 06:48 AM
... burn in the fires of hell. :mad:

Abandoned dog in 'skeletal state

An abandoned German Shepherd dog was a "walking skeleton" when he was found, animal charity the RSPCA has revealed.

The RSPCA made an appeal for information after the dog, nicknamed Hobo by staff looking after him, was found in Little Billing, Northampton.

Hobo, who was found on 16 July, is believed to be between five and seven years old. He had overgrown nails, was severely emaciated and had mange which caused him to lose almost all of his hair.

Hobo was found by a member of the public and taken to the PDSA Hospital in Northampton. He is now receiving treatment and is eating and drinking well but will have to stay in hospital for at least a month.

Insp Claire Ryder, of the RSPCA, said she thought Hobo may not have been a stray for long as he would probably have been picked up before his condition worsened. She said: "I have never seen such a mistreated dog, he really was like a walking skeleton. He must have been in agony for a long period of time. I shudder to think how someone could have been so callous as to let him get in this state. I urge anyone with information to come forward to help us find out where Hobo came from and how he came to be in such a terrible way."

Anyone with information is asked to contact the RSPCA.

WARNING. If you look at the link the picture will break your heart as it did mine.

08-19-2008, 09:17 AM
OMG....typing through tears here. :( That is horrible.

4 Dog Mother
08-19-2008, 09:30 AM
You're right - that picture broke my heart. How can anyone treat a dog this way?

08-19-2008, 09:32 AM
OMG!!!!! :eek:
I pray he makes a full recovery and gets to spend the rest of his life with a wonderful family.

Miss Z
08-19-2008, 09:50 AM
Gosh, the poor guy barely looks like a dog, let alone a GSD, he is so emaciated. :eek: :(

I've seen some pretty nasty cruelty cases whilst volunteering at the shelter, but that is just disgusting. Whoever did this to him needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. :mad:

08-19-2008, 09:57 AM
:( OMG I am just stunned here.. Its a sure wonder that baby is even still alive.. How so Horrible.. This baby for sure is a survivor.. Bless Hobo's heart.. May that blank-de-blank person Rott in HELL!!!!:mad::mad:

08-19-2008, 11:21 AM
I have a lump in my throat and I haven't even looked at the picture. I don't dare click on the link. That "person" will get their pay one day, have no doubt about that!!!!


08-19-2008, 06:22 PM
I looked.:( I hope his system is not so badly damaged that he can't
recover completely.:( He must have a strong spirit to hang on for so long.

I so hope whomever neglected this dog is found & punished for this.:mad:
I hope they rot in hell.

08-19-2008, 07:05 PM
Aw, Poor baby! He looks like a zombie, that's just so wrong. I won't even comment about the person who abandoned him as I'd probably be banned! :mad: I bet he will get many inquries for adoption thanks to this news story. I hope to see an update on this.

08-19-2008, 07:19 PM
Praying he has a microchip, or that someone watching the TV news will recognize him.

This is only barely forgiveable if the owner was dying, or is dead...I hope they find out who the person is!

Prayers for a full recovery for this dear soul.

08-19-2008, 07:24 PM
. burn in the fires of hell.:mad:
Just where his owner needs to be.:mad: Prayers that Hobo makes a full recovery.:(

08-19-2008, 07:25 PM
omg i don't think i've ever seen a dog in such a horrible state

08-19-2008, 07:44 PM
I can't even believe that he is still alive. That is just astounding with the shape he is in. That poor soul. The fact that someone allowed him to reach that point, and do nothing to help him, it's just unconscionable. :(

08-19-2008, 08:11 PM
Looks like HoBo has an angel watching over him. I will keep him in my prayers that he can make a full recovery and find a forever loving home.:love::love:

As for the "thing" that did this to him well no nice words come to mind so I shall keep them to myself. However karam is a *itch and it will come back to get them.:mad::mad:

Daisy and Delilah
08-19-2008, 09:00 PM
I can't look at the picture. The story makes me sick without seeing the poor guy. I hope his owner gets.......worse than I can say here.

Get Well Hobo!!!!:(:(:(:mad::mad::mad:

08-20-2008, 01:24 PM
What a gruesome sight. Hard to even recognize it's a German Shepherd. Certainly hope they can trace the owner...

08-21-2008, 07:54 PM
Any update on Hobo?

Poor guy! That photo just tears at your soul. So sad.

08-21-2008, 08:47 PM
Oh my gosh! Poor dog! At least he has a a chance at a decent life. I hope he pulls though this. I agree his owner should pay dramatically!:mad:

08-22-2008, 10:13 PM

Relief as 'walking skeleton' Hobo on mend

Hobo, the German shepherd, is on the way to recovery
An emaciated dog – described by RSPCA officers as a "walking skeleton" – is recovering well in care after being found walking the streets of Northampton. The dog, dubbed Hobo by staff at the animal charity, was discovered in Billing Way, Northampton.

Hobo, a male German Shepherd aged between five and seven, had mange, which caused him to lose almost all of his hair, as well as overgrown nails.

He is now recovering at the PDSA hospital in Monks Pond Street, Spring Boroughs, Northampton.

A spokeswoman said: "He is doing really well. He is eating well and has put on 3.5kg [7.7 lbs!] since he arrived.

"His skin is no longer burnt from the mange and his fur is looking much better."

RSPCA inspector Claire Ryder, who is investigating the case, said at the time of discovery: "I have never seen such a mistreated dog, he really was like a walking skeleton.

"He must have been in agony for a long period of time. I shudder to think how someone could have been so callous as to let him get in this state."

ETA: Two posts from Pet Street, UK;

Hobo has put on about 2kg in weight so far, (he is now nearly 20kg) he loves his food and would eat all day if allowed to, but he is being fed little and often about every 2-3 hours. His kennel door is always open and he is free to come and go when ever he pleases with the outside door also open so he can go outside in the run when ever he likes. And Tuesday 29th July the people from animal 24:7 are coming to film him. Animal 24:7 He loves everybody and is very friendly. At this stage we dont know if there is any damage to his liver and kidneys. Everything so far seems ok but we will do some more tests. He still has a long way to go but he has improved so much. He is much happier and brighter. Thanks

Have just heard that the lady who found him has been ringing everyday to see how he is doing and is hoping to adopt him.Will keep you posted.

08-23-2008, 12:47 AM
How horrible.:( I've never seen an animal is such bad shape.:(

He's so lucky to be alive and now he's gaining weight and doing well. He's got a second chance at a new wonderful life.:D Thanks for the update Candace.:)

08-23-2008, 01:17 AM
awe... he looks better already!

08-23-2008, 02:44 AM
Thank God he was saved. Poor fella!

I have only seen one kitty come in like that- her name was Useless, by her owners.. Turned out she had hyperthyroidism and they waited too long to bring her in. She was full grown, and weighed in at 1 pound. She was not a little cat, she had a long body. I wanted to scream:mad:

BUT this dog, with mange and starved. I will never understand how someone could do this, or see this dog and turn away without helping. DISGUSTING:mad:

08-23-2008, 05:19 AM
Candace, diolch yn fawr, thank you so much for finding an update.

08-23-2008, 10:33 PM
:eek: Oh my, I knew it would be awful before clicking the pic, but I never imagined anything as awful as that! Poor Hobo, it is a wonder he is even alive. I'm praying he recovers and gets to enjoy life in a good home - he certainly deserves that chance after all he's been through.
*just saw the update. Good news so far....

08-24-2008, 10:44 AM
He looks a bit better then before, which is good. I hope he makes a full recovery, poor baby.