View Full Version : Update on Puddy; she's gone*9/29* see post #421

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07-31-2008, 10:41 AM
She's just acting strange and Dr. Lee feels it's best to take her in. It sounds as though she may have cystitis or even a kidney stone, which I hope isn't the latter because she's operating on only one kidney. Please, prayers for my Puddy. I'm ready to bawl.

*8/9* Puddy loves fudgsicles! Pix included in posts #86 & 87. I'm taking this as a good sign!

ETA: *9/29* You can read my tribute to Puddy as an ETA in my first post of the Cat Memorial thread. Thank you all again, my dear friends, for your wonderful words of encouragement, support and sympathy. I treasure all of you.

07-31-2008, 10:45 AM
Oh dear! I hope that Puddy's problem can be easily treated!!

07-31-2008, 10:50 AM
Prayers headed your way.

07-31-2008, 10:52 AM
Prayers gone out for Puddy, sending love & hugs for you.

07-31-2008, 10:53 AM
All our prayers are with Puddy.

07-31-2008, 11:01 AM
I'm sorry to hear this.:( Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way.

07-31-2008, 11:06 AM
Prayers for you and your precious Puddy. :love:

I hope it is something simple to treat; give her hugs from me, please.

07-31-2008, 11:09 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this. :( I hope it's something that can be treated easily, and Puddy will back home in good shape soon.

Sending lots of positive thoughts to Puddy.


07-31-2008, 11:33 AM
Praying that Puddy will get through this and will be going home with you soon!!! :love:

07-31-2008, 11:37 AM
Oh Puddy! You are a strong lion cat and you will be OK!!

07-31-2008, 12:02 PM
Prayers on the way.

07-31-2008, 12:05 PM
Prayers headed your way.

From here as well.

07-31-2008, 12:10 PM
Oh no! Poor Puddy! Prayers are on the way that it is something easily treated and that your darling girl can come home soon. {{Hugs}}

07-31-2008, 12:34 PM
Sending all my best wishes for Puddy:love:

07-31-2008, 12:58 PM
I am so sorry - I am sending prayers for dear Puddy. Like everyone has said, I hope it is nothing serious. Please keep us updated on little Puddy!:love::love::love:

07-31-2008, 01:02 PM
Mary, I hope Puddy will be ok and checks out a-ok.

07-31-2008, 02:55 PM
Prayers for Puddy and hugs for her Mom....

07-31-2008, 03:12 PM
Oh my, many prayers from me and my girls here in Indiana. Hope Puddy is okay, and this is something easy to treat. (((hugs))) to both of you.

07-31-2008, 03:40 PM
Oh Mary, between the kitties' health issues and your own, you've had a pretty lousy week! I'm so sorry. Please know that you're in my thoughts! :love:

Prayers and (((((((HUGS))))))) for you and yours,

07-31-2008, 04:59 PM
Well, I got to bring her home w/me. By the time I got there, Dr. Lee was gone, so I requested Dr. Feeman since he's been on her case from the beginning, too. God bless him, he's so gentle w/her. His touch is as light as a feather and he calls her "sweetheart" which endears him to me, believe me. However, he just doesn't have the instincts that Dr. Lee has and that's what I need right now. Her blood work will be back tomorrow. Her urinalysis shows that she does indeed have a UTI and he gave me Zeniquin for it. Her x-ray showed that she has a mass towards the rear, like near her tailbone sort of. (Sorry that I can't be more descriptive but that's what it looked like.) Dr. Feeman admitted that he had never seen anything like it before, so he didn't use the words 'tumor' or 'cancer'. He said "I just don't know what it is, so I want Dr. Lee to look at it. As a matter of fact, I want all the other doctors to look at it, too. And if they all say they don't know what it is, we'll have a radiologist look at it." No kidney stone, though, so that's good.

So. I'm hoping that whatever it is, that it's benign. I can't put Puddy through a surgery again. Dr. Lee didn't even want to clean her teeth when she was in last time. He felt it was too dangerous, that she wouldn't survive it, so I'm brushing her teeth and squirting Chlorhexadine on her gums. Dr. Feeman told me that I should make a list of how her quality of life has diminished and think about the possibility of having her PTS in the future. He's an alarmist and Dr. Lee isn't, so I'm waiting to talk to Dr. Lee. Puddy scarfed down some chicken when we got home and she doesn't appear to be in any pain so I'm taking it one day at a time.

Thanx for the prayers, friends, but please keep them up, if you feel able. My little 5 lb. calico queen could use 'em.

07-31-2008, 05:14 PM
More prayers for Puddy - I am so glad she is back home with Mom! :love:

Hopefully she just has the UTI and the meds will take care of it.

Prayers that the mass is just a physical Puddy quirk. :)


07-31-2008, 05:26 PM
Since I had the day off today, I've been coming on here to check for an update about Puddy ever 15 minutes or so it seems. I'm glad she got to come home and that a cause for her acting funny may have been found. Hopefully those meds will help her get over the UTI quickly. It is a good sign that she was ready to eat! We'll hope that the mass is nothing serious and that she'll be with you for awhile longer. It is so hard going through these ups and downs especially when they have serious problems. We're all here for you and for Puddy also!

07-31-2008, 09:11 PM
Since I had the day off today, I've been coming on here to check for an update about Puddy ever 15 minutes or so it seems. I'm glad she got to come home and that a cause for her acting funny may have been found. Hopefully those meds will help her get over the UTI quickly. It is a good sign that she was ready to eat! We'll hope that the mass is nothing serious and that she'll be with you for awhile longer. It is so hard going through these ups and downs especially when they have serious problems. We're all here for you and for Puddy also!

That's so sweet of you, Moesha, thank you. Puddy seems to be doing somewhat better. She hasn't been sociable at all the last couple of days, wanting to sleep downstairs w/the rest of the Fur Posse instead of w/me as usual and staying in a carrier in the basement all day, too. It's as though she understood what Dr. Feeman had to say (Uh oh! I'd better be more sociable!) and tonight she laid on my chest while I watched TV and she fell asleep. (So did I; stressful day.) Looks like she'll be going to bed w/me because I just tucked everyone in for the night and she's under the dining room table right now. I guess she's waiting for me to go upstairs. I'll know more tomorrow after I talk to Dr. Lee.

07-31-2008, 10:26 PM
I hope that Dr. Lee will be able to tell you what that "mass" is that was on the xrays. I'd be concerned about that.

I know what you mean about some vets just having better instincts or intuition than some others. The one vet where I go is wonderful with his bedside manner, so to speak, but just seems to be off at times with the diagnosis. The other vet, while she can be brusque, she just seems to know what is up when one of my guys has an issue.

I hope Ms. Puddy will be feeling better and that she'll be more social, and I hope that there will be nothing seriously wrong with her and that no surgery will be required.

Rest up and feel better, Puddy! And hugs to you, Mary!

07-31-2008, 10:28 PM
Prayers are continuing for Puddy and you, hoping that the mass is benign and with meds her UTI will be gone in no time. :love:

08-01-2008, 12:42 PM
Dr. Lee called this morning and he feels that the mass on Puddy's x-ray is a lipoma, which is fat, but to get a better idea he feels that an ultrasound should be done. See what I mean about him? He has the instincts. I was right there and Dr. Feeman could have suggested that and saved me the time and money and Puddy the stress of another trip there. Here's the bad part, though: she's anemic. He feels that she could benefit from thrice weekly treatments of epogen. It would cost me $600 a month! I just do not have that in my budget, I just don't! I want Puddy to have a good chance but that's a lot of money! If it was a one time thing, I'd do it but every month for who knows how long. Sigh. I told him I'd have to think about it. I told him what Dr. Feeman said about making a list of how Puddy's quality of life has diminished and to think about having her PTS in the not-too-distant future and he was totally silent. Then I said that I feel that Puddy still has a lot of fight left in her and he said "I totally agree w/you. She's been through tougher times than this. I've told you before that this cat astounds me. She's an amazing girl. Her creatinine and BUN levels have actually gone down, so you're doing a good job." I just don't know what I'm going to do. I've been trying to see where I can cut some things out but $600 a month is quite a chunk. So anyhow, that's where we are.

Btw, I don't want to give the impression that I don't like Dr. Feeman or that he isn't a good vet. He absolutely is a good vet but, as I said before, Dr. Lee is the man.

08-01-2008, 01:09 PM
Did he say how long it would take for the epogen to work its magic? Maybe you could try it out for a couple of weeks and see how it goes. And maybe the frequency could be reduced after a month or so - down to twice a week?

08-01-2008, 01:45 PM
Did he say how long it would take for the epogen to work its magic? Maybe you could try it out for a couple of weeks and see how it goes. And maybe the frequency could be reduced after a month or so - down to twice a week?

She would have to be on the injections for the rest of her life. I thought maybe trying it for a month and see how she does w/it, then go from there. I just don't know. I've got Specs and his heart murmur to check out and if he has something more serious, then I've got to take that into consideration. My Pidge is in early CRF and Boo is healthy now but he's 17 and that's when things start to go wrong. I'm just overwhelmed.

08-01-2008, 03:48 PM
Mary, I hope that Puddy's UTI goes away quickly. I also hope that the mass isn't anything life threatening. I'm so sorry to hear that she's anemic and needs medication that's so expensive.:( I know that I wouldn't be able to afford something like this either. Do they make a generic version for this that might be more affordable? I'm also sorry to hear that you're so overwhelmed right now. I now that when it rains it pours and I've been there many times. Puddy and the rest of your gang will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care of yourself too. (((HUGS)))

08-01-2008, 04:50 PM
Is there any kind of iron supplements that you could add to her diet and see if that would increase her levels? I'm glad you have found Dr. Lee. He sounds like quite a guy.

08-01-2008, 06:02 PM
Is there any kind of iron supplements that you could add to her diet and see if that would increase her levels?

I had to look up the drug her vet recommends, I'm not familiar with that one myself.

The information I found indicates that the anemia her kitty has is not just a lack of supplement.


Erythropoietin as a Therapeutic Agent. Erythropoietin (Epogen[TM] - Amgen) is used almost exclusively in treating anemia associated with feline chronic renal disease. Dosage is 100 to 150 units/kg subcutaneously every two to three days. As it is a human recombinant product, about one fourth to one third of cats receiving this hormone will produce antibodies against it in six to eight weeks. Care must be taken against overzealous use of this product, which can lead to as polycythemia with severe to fatal results. As the Hct reaches the reference level, the interval dosage of erythropoietin is reduced to every fourth or fifth day. The underlying renal disease is unaffected, but the quality of life is markedly improved.

08-01-2008, 06:08 PM
Ahh, I'm familiar with the name erythropoietin from use in humans.

08-01-2008, 08:31 PM
Mary - seems to me iMom has had clients who need out-of-the ordinary medication. Why not try them?

Is it possible that after a while she would be able to go down to fewer injections?

And we here will help too!
(PS - would it be any cheaper if you learned to do the injections? Just a thought.)

08-01-2008, 10:22 PM
the quality of life is markedly improved.[/I]

It's this line that got to me. If Dr. Lee had said that it might not make a difference in Puddy's overall health, I'd say that I won't do it. But he told me that he has seen remarkable results w/it. So I'm going to ask him if giving her iron supplements could possibly help or maybe a homeopathic remedy. And if the shots are given under the skin, I can probably do it myself if they teach me how. I just don't know. I'm going to think about it over the weekend and see how I feel. I want to give Puddy every chance but I also have the rest of my Fur Posse to think about and my own health problems. If I'm not well myself, I won't be able to take care of my cats. I hate it when it comes down to money!

08-01-2008, 10:35 PM
I know she will need the shots for the rest of her life - but always three times a week? Ask Dr Lee

I think Jen's BraveHeart (RIP) was on that, and perhaps Mr Meow also. You might want to ask her.

Again, try iMom for initial help with the cost, especially if it won't always be that high.

And your Abundance Check just might come through unexpectedly! ;)

08-02-2008, 01:19 PM
Epogen is one of the things cyclists take for doping. It has been in discussion with Filou as well ( who also is anemic). I don't know what it would cost here but I know 400 € a month would be trouble :(

08-02-2008, 02:27 PM
Jst now catching up on your day yesterday, Mary. Prayers for you and Puddy, she is such a sweet lady, I hope a solution can be found for all of this. Best get that UTI heading outta town! {{HUGS}} to you, Mary.

08-02-2008, 07:37 PM
There is a good article on Epogen use for cats in renal failure at


08-03-2008, 09:48 AM
There is a good article on Epogen use for cats in renal failure at


Thank you so much for this article. I haven't read the entire site because it's quite lengthy, however, I did read much that pertains to Puddy and I'm leaning towards not giving her the Epogen. Dr. Lee had indicated to me several months ago that she had possibly a year left and giving her these injections may help her feel a little better but, seeing that she has only one kidney, the risks appear to outweigh the benefits. I will still talk to him again tomorrow, though.

08-03-2008, 11:41 AM
Puddy is still behaving strangely. She purrs a lot which, as you may know, doesn't necessarily mean contentment. Cats also purr when they're comforting themselves and it's also a symptom of anemia. Puddy hisses and she hasn't done much of that lately at all. It's Puddy's hiss that tells me she's herself. When I first began her subQ treatments a couple of years ago, she really put up a fuss, partly due to my lack of confidence and fear of hurting her and also because who likes to have a needle jabbed into them every day? However, after I got the hang of it, she accepted it w/grace, sat there calmly during the treatment and scampered off afterwards. Now she cries during the entire subQ treatment and she quivers. I fear that 3 more injections of Epogen a week will just be too much for her body and even for her strong spirit. I've contemplated iron injections but they're intramuscular and painful and I will not put her through that. She had one during her last vet visit a few days ago and that's enough. I will talk to Dr. Lee about the possibility of giving her iron supplements, though, perhaps in liquid form. I've had to accept that Puddy's care from here on may be palliative. I've also emailed Nancy Efrusy to see if she could schedule me for a reading. Her insight couldn't hurt.

Something else to consider is that Dr. Lee told me that most vet clinics do not stock Epogen; it has to be special ordered. He has it in stock but he's a 45 minute drive each way, so I'd have to put Puddy through the stress of the drive plus the injection and I'd have to figure out how I would take time off from my work schedule to do that. So until I talk to Dr. Lee tomorrow and get a reading w/Nancy, I'm just not going to rush into a decision. It isn't the money. I've decided that I'll do whatever it takes to get the money. It's Puddy's quality of life that is my main concern. She's my "heart kitty" and has been my loyal friend and companion for 14 years and it's my obligation and pleasure to make her as comfortable as possible during whatever time she has left.

08-03-2008, 12:13 PM
Epogen is a drug used in humans, so you can order it on-line through a specialty pharmacy and they will deliver it to you door (that will save you the drive to see Dr. Lee).

There is a liquid form of iron supplements used for babies called Fer-In-Sol, you can also pick that up at your local pharmacy.

08-03-2008, 12:24 PM
Epogen is a drug used in humans, so you can order it on-line through a specialty pharmacy and they will deliver it to you door (that will save you the drive to see Dr. Lee).

There is a liquid form of iron supplements used for babies called Fer-In-Sol, you can also pick that up at your local pharmacy.

Thank you for the info about Epogen. I wondered also if perhaps Pet Meds would deliver it. As for the iron supplements, thanx again. I will definitely ask Dr. Lee how much I should give Puddy. I love Pet Talk!

08-03-2008, 01:00 PM
FYI - if you start Puddy on any sort of iron supplement, you'll have to watch for constipation. That's one big problem with iron supplements.

There are iron preparations for humans that include a stool softener. Maybe something similar for animals?

08-03-2008, 01:51 PM
Mary I agree fully with you- for a cat at the end of her life you really have to decide through how much therapy you want to put her. As we know renal failure cannot be cured and I know that Filou would not like a life that gets him to the vet daily. He is now fine with going one time per week but you should see how he always jumps in the carrier from the table when he thinks it's time to go back.....
Let's hope you can get Puddy to be in hissing mode for some time with the iron.

08-03-2008, 02:21 PM
Thank you, Grace, I'll definitely remember that. And Barbara, thank you so much for your understanding. I fear that, in the beginning, I may have sounded mercenary where Puddy's treatment is concerned. I was just shocked at the amount of money that the injections cost but, as I said, money is secondary to Puddy's comfort and quality of life. If she was a kitten instead of 14 years old or wasn't in CRF or didn't have the host of other health problems that she has, if, if, if......However, I have to be realistic and along w/that realism I need compassion and I love this cat as I've never loved an animal before. If I have to help her to the Bridge one day, there will be a hole in my heart the size of Ohio. But I'm praying that Puddy will get her hiss back and that she'll have some loving and comfortable, sweet days yet w/me and the rest of the Fur Posse.

08-03-2008, 03:33 PM
Mary you can only do your best where puddy is concerned, and i think so far you have been so wonderful, puddy is indeed a very lucky wee kitty, i hope all goes well for puddy and you can make her comfortable ,HUGS to you and puddy. take care of yourself too you know, i know you have health worries, so meowmie must make sure she is well too.:love::love:

PS my vet told me it is quite common for cats with renal failure to be anaemic.

You know sometimes it does come down to money, if you can't afford it to the detriment of your own well being and the other kitties,then maybe the decision is taken out of your hands, i understand your heart is breaking over this, but take comfort in knowing just how much you have done for Puddy, and that Puddy has had a good life with you, and still can for sometime yet.

08-03-2008, 07:03 PM
You know sometimes it does come down to money, if you can't afford it to the detriment of your own well being and the other kitties,then maybe the decision is taken out of your hands, i understand your heart is breaking over this, but take comfort in knowing just how much you have done for Puddy, and that Puddy has had a good life with you, and still can for sometime yet.

I've been reading this thread since you put it up, and have kept quiet for lack of anything useful to add -- but I agree wholeheartedly with what Carole has said. And to quote another very smart lady ;) in the PT forums -- it has to be "People First."

Yes, I'm sure there are some solutions you can probably find to make Puddy feel at least a little better for the short to intermediate term, but you just cannot endanger your own health by stressing yourself out trying to make it all better for her when ultimately that is just not possible. Right now, I'm worrying about you and how YOU are doing; please take care of Puddy's Mom! :love::love:

Big hugs,

08-03-2008, 07:11 PM
I've been reading this thread since you put it up, and have kept quiet for lack of anything useful to add -- but I agree wholeheartedly with what Carole has said. And to quote another very smart lady ;) in the PT forums -- it has to be "People First."

Yes, I'm sure there are some solutions you can probably find to make Puddy feel at least a little better for the short to intermediate term, but you just cannot endanger your own health by stressing yourself out trying to make it all better for her when ultimately that is just not possible. Right now, I'm worrying about you and how YOU are doing; please take care of Puddy's Mom! :love::love:

Big hugs,

Ah yes, my own words coming back to bite me. LOL Yes, I've thought of that, too. I'm putting a call in to Dr. Lee's answering machine tonight so that he'll have the message when he first arrives at work and can return my call when he has some time to talk to me and not just when I call and he has to answer. I'll keep everyone posted. Thank you so much, friends. Your kindness and compassion mean the world to me.

08-03-2008, 07:14 PM
Hopefully there will be something to help Puddy....even if it's the 'human iron with stool softener' idea mentioned earlier.

If it will bring up her iron level slowly, that will be easiest on her.

{{{hugs}}} and PT Prayers for you and Puddy-tat. :love:

08-03-2008, 07:59 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Puddy doesn't have her hiss back yet. She's been in my thoughts this weekend, and I hope that Dr. Lee will have some more answers for you, and that Puddy will feel better without too many more needle pokes.

Hugs, kisses, and hisses to Ms. Puddy! ;)

08-03-2008, 09:12 PM
I haven't checked in on Cat Health for awhile, usually just check Cat General several times a day. I was so saddened to read that Puddy isn't feeling well. My heart and prayers go out to you and your precious Puddy. Along with everyone else here, I'll anxiously wait for updates. <<<BIG HUGS>>>


08-03-2008, 09:35 PM
Just thought I'd include a pic of my Puddy. No reason. Just wanted to. I can hardly ever get her to look at the camera. She was feeling pretty punk when I snapped this yesterday. She wanted to sleep downstairs w/the rest of the Fur Posse so, of course, I let her but at 2:00 AM she banged on the door so loudly that I thought someone was knocking on my front door. I let her out and she scampered upstairs straight to the bathroom. She wanted me to help her up to the sink again so that she could drink out of the faucet. I did it several times and finally I just let the faucet dribble a little and left her there so I could get some sleep. She jumped down when she was finished and I turned the dribble off at 6:00 AM. God forbid she should use her own private fountain. Good thing I didn't have to get up early this morning. LOL

08-03-2008, 10:48 PM
Bless her little heart!! She looks like my own heart kitty, Callie!

08-04-2008, 12:14 AM
Aww puddy is so darn cute, she is long haired similar version to my Ellie-mae too, my heart goes out to you, and remember you have our support here 100 per cent in whatever choices you make, you and you alone can only make those choices and you will do whatever is for the best,hard as it may be,Puddy has been lucky to have such a caring, warm, kind , devoted owner, HUGS.:love::love:

08-04-2008, 01:14 AM
Puddy, sure is a gorgeous girl and I hope that you'll be able to find something that will help make her feel more comfortable. She'll remain in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

08-04-2008, 09:24 AM
I just now spoke w/Dr. Lee and he said that I could start the injections and then taper off. So expense wise, at least, it would help but I'm still not sure yet. I asked if it would hurt if I gave it a week more to think about it and he said "No, it wouldn't hurt her; you don't have to give her the treatments. She just isn't producing the hormone that produces red blood cells any more". Iron supplements only encourage red blood cells but they don't produce them. Poor little girl is just sick and tired of me jabbing her and shoving meds down her throat. I want to give her every chance but so far I haven't been able to tell if it's what she wants. I ask her directly and there are times when she looks at me as if to say "Enough!" and then there are other times when she looks as though she's saying "You're not going to give up on me, are you, Mom?" Of course, that's my own human thinking getting in the way but I'm human! I can't think like an animal and an animal can't think like a human. Nancy Efrusy got back to me and said that she would try to get to Puddy's reading this week.

As for my own health concerns, the test results came back normal today, so I'm relieved about that. My gynecologist did further testing for ovarian cancer and to say that I was nervous is putting it mildly. I do encourage all my female PTers to get a pelvic ultrasound and a CA125 blood test to put your minds at ease. A pap smear doesn't tell the whole story. So now I've got to figure out why I'm gaining weight around my middle when I have absolutely no appetite. But that's for another thread and another day. Right now Puddy is my main concern. And I can't forget Specs. Gotta get him in for a chest x-ray and an ultrasound. Ka-ching! LOL

08-04-2008, 06:02 PM
I am also concerned about you Mary,if you are not well, maybe you have to make yourself the top priority in this case, i am so relieved to hear your scan showed nothing up and the tests came back negative for ovarian cancer,we don't even get offered these blood tests in NZ yet,you maybe can get them but at a huge expense and only if they think something is wrong, i have been told soon their will be a simple urine test for ovarian cancer in the states,which all sounds positive.

I am sorry you are having so much worry with your two kitties at the moment, you have enough on your plate with your own health by the sound of things,have they tested your thyroid yet, however putting weight on around the middle with no appetite does not sound like thyroid either, you are usually hungry and put on the weight, i am worried about you, please take care and you can only do your best for Puddy, so far Puddy has not done without and you have given her every chance possible, take comfort in knowing that,maybe it is time to stop some of her treatment, it is so hard to know as they cannot tell us,just know we are all here to help in anyway we can. HUGS:love:

08-04-2008, 06:32 PM
I am also concerned about you Mary,if you are not well, maybe you have to make yourself the top priority in this case, i am so relieved to hear your scan showed nothing up and the tests came back negative for ovarian cancer,we don't even get offered these blood tests in NZ yet,you maybe can get them but at a huge expense and only if they think something is wrong, i have been told soon their will be a simple urine test for ovarian cancer in the states,which all sounds positive.

I am sorry you are having so much worry with your two kitties at the moment, you have enough on your plate with your own health by the sound of things,have they tested your thyroid yet, however putting weight on around the middle with no appetite does not sound like thyroid either, you are usually hungry and put on the weight, i am worried about you, please take care and you can only do your best for Puddy, so far Puddy has not done without and you have given her every chance possible, take comfort in knowing that,maybe it is time to stop some of her treatment, it is so hard to know as they cannot tell us,just know we are all here to help in anyway we can. HUGS:love:

I'm going in for testing for thyroid and diabetes on Wednesday. My mother had both conditions so I follow up w/tests every couple of years and, so far, everything has come back negative. I sure would like to get to the bottom of this. I had every single symptom of ovarian cancer, which had my gynecologist (and me) concerned but, as I said, the tests came back normal. As long as my Puddy and the rest of the Fur Posse are doing ok, that's half the battle for me. When someone close to me that I love is ill, I end up getting sick myself; too much of an empath, I guess. Thanx for the concern, Carole. I'll keep you posted. :) As for the tests for ovarian cancer, I do have health insurance but it's really only good if I get a devastating illness or am in an accident. When you're my age and self-employed, insurance is expensive and lousy. They probably will only pay 10% of the costs for all this testing and the rest I will be responsible for.

08-04-2008, 08:06 PM
Good luck with the further tests,i know how it feels to have things not normal and never getting to the bottom of it, so fustrating and very worrying, i really empathise with you Mary, and yes if you are under stress with kitties that will indeed make you unwell too, completely understand where you are coming from on that issue, I am hoping all is well with you and you can find out what is troubling you, and ease the worry,that in itself will make you feel so much better, thinking of you and wishing you all and puddy all the best.:love::love:

Thank goodness you did not have ovarian cancer, i am so relieved for you.

08-05-2008, 05:36 PM
I called my local vet to see if they stock Epogen and they don't but she said she could have it overnighted. She'll call me tomorrow w/the exact cost of each injection but she ballparked it today and it came to approximately $30 instead of $50 w/Dr. Lee. That would help and I also would only have a 10 minute drive instead of a 45 minute one and the gas expense would go way down as well. So, if the price stays around $30, then I'm going to give Puddy at least a couple of weeks worth of injections and have her blood work done to see if the RBC count and her energy have improved. Right now it's as though I have a little stuffed animal. She doesn't want to come out of her carrier at all. Before, at least, she would lie in the sun in the patio room. Now, even if I carry her there, she goes back to her carrier. She wants to be left totally alone. I have to bring her food to her or I take her to feed w/the rest of the Fur Posse but, as soon as she's finished eating, she goes back to her carrier. Puddy is just a shell of what she used to be and it's making my heart so sore to see her this way.

08-05-2008, 07:20 PM
I had totally lost track of this thread (:o sorry), but prayers are always with you and Puddy.
If you go the Epogen route, ask about an iron/vitamin suppliment to go along with it. BraveHeart got Pet-Tinic.

08-05-2008, 08:41 PM
I have a call in to Dr. Lee so that he'll get it first thing tomorrow morning. I'm not going to wait for the Epogen to come in to my local vet's. I want to start her on it tomorrow and get the ball rolling, then call my local vet and tell her to order it. Puddy is fading quickly, which is why I was hesitant to start the Epogen in the first place. It isn't a miracle drug but it can raise the RBC count. Given her extreme renal failure, though, I'm not sure at this point that it will make any difference but I feel that I at least owe her that chance. I'm ready to cry so I'm going to sign off for now.

08-05-2008, 09:05 PM
I just reread some of this thread that I had missed.

1st, after the first injection, YOU should be able to give them at home. Make them show you how (it is a sub-Q shot)

2nd, the dosage WILL decrease once it is shown that RBCs are being made again.

3rd, The Epogen I got was from a human compounding pharmacy, not through the vet. Possibly the price might be different at a local pharmacy.

Best of luck with this. I hope it can perk her up fast.

08-05-2008, 09:30 PM
Oh, Mary! {{{{hugs}}}}

C'mon, little Puddy-cat - hang on til you get to see Dr Lee! :love:

Mary, I know it's hard to focus right now with Puddy in such weak shape...but do note what Jen has said - maybe your local vet can get this from a human compounding pharmacy.

PT Prayers that Puddy makes it through the first few shots...then she will perk up.

Gentle {hugs} and cuddles to that dear girl.:love:

08-05-2008, 11:41 PM
Mary, I'm so sorry to hear that Puddy isn't doing well.:( I hope that Dr. Lee will be able to help her tomorrow and that the Epogen shots will help her and make her feel much better. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

08-06-2008, 12:03 AM
You have so much going on right now! My prayers are with you and with all of your cats, especially sweet Puddy right now. After reading through this thread I think your idea to start her on the Epogen is a good idea. Perhaps it will make a difference or maybe it won't but then you will be able to decide knowing that you gave it a try. If it does seem to begin to help her maybe you could eventually switch over to your local vet for convenience for both you and Puddy.
I was also wondering if her being so withdrawn and maybe uncomfortable could also be due to the UTI or to the Zeniquin she is on to fight the UTI. I don't know anything about this drug but maybe with everything combined (kidney issue, anemia, UTI and possible side effects from the Zeniquin) she might be feeling awful. I am wondering if the UTI clears up or the meds are finished she might come around a bit and be a bit more ready to combat the anemia issue. How many more days will she be on the Zeniquin?
She is so beautiful and I know that it is so hard living in this limbo trying to figure out what is the best decision to make. Whatever you decide, it will be based on love. You have her best interest at heart and she is blessed to have you.
I'm sorry that you are going through all this and I hope that things will begin to get better on all fronts, especially with you and your health! Praying that the diabetes and thyroid tests will show that you don't have an issue with either. But I do hope that you will be able to get to the bottom of what is going on with your health and the recent changes. Please keep us posted.
P.S. I was so relieved to hear that you do not have ovarian cancer. The stress of wondering if you had it or not must have been tremendous. I'm glad that part is over and hope that a solution to whatever is going on is around the corner. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

08-06-2008, 08:00 AM
I'm so sorry you're going through this. :( I hope the Epogen will make a difference and help Puddy perk up.

Sending lots of positive thoughts that both Puddy and you will feel better very soon. Please take care! :)


08-06-2008, 01:14 PM
Mary, I hope the med helps Puddy and prayers, too for you both...

08-06-2008, 06:10 PM
Mary, I just wanted you to know that you and Puddy are in my thoughts and prayers. :(:(


08-06-2008, 06:11 PM
Just checking to see if there are any updates about Puddy girl.

08-06-2008, 06:34 PM
HUGS and PRAYERS for Puddy and Medusa from Chicago :love:

08-06-2008, 06:54 PM
I was also wondering if her being so withdrawn and maybe uncomfortable could also be due to the UTI or to the Zeniquin she is on to fight the UTI. I don't know anything about this drug but maybe with everything combined (kidney issue, anemia, UTI and possible side effects from the Zeniquin) she might be feeling awful. I am wondering if the UTI clears up or the meds are finished she might come around a bit and be a bit more ready to combat the anemia issue. How many more days will she be on the Zeniquin?

We use Zeniquin at work for UTI's an other nasty infections. Here's some info copied from the product insert.


DESCRIPTION: Marbofloxacin is a synthetic broad-spectrum antibacterial agent from the fluoroquinolone class of chemotherapeutic agents.

INDICATIONS: Zeniquin (marbofloxacin) tablets are indicated for the treatment of infections in dogs and cats associated with bacteria susceptible to marbofloxacin.

ADVERSE REACTIONS: The following clinical signs were reported during clinical field studies in cats receiving 1.25 mg/lb/day: diarrhea (2.1%) and soft stool (1.4%). Vomiting was reported in less than 1% of cases in cats.

DRUG INTERACTIONS: Compounds (e.g., sucralfate, antacids, and mineral supplements) containing divalent and trivalent cations (e.g., iron, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, and zinc) can interfere with the absorption of quinolones which may result in a decrease in product
bioavailability. Therefore, the concomitant oral administration of quinolones with foods, supplements, or other preparations containing these compounds should be avoided.

08-06-2008, 07:18 PM
More Prayers for Puddy! :love:

08-06-2008, 07:40 PM
Mary prayers for you and what you are going thru with your emotions and your health. Prayers for your sweet Puddy and for improvement in Puddy's health. I am so sorry that you have had and are having a difficult time in your life right now.

08-06-2008, 08:03 PM
A ton of love and Hugs being sent your way, thinking of you.:love::love::love:

08-06-2008, 08:11 PM
My thoughts and prayers are going out to you and Puddy. I'm so sorry that she is feeling so badly! C'mon Puddy, we're all rooting for your fighting spirit to come back. HUGS to you both!

08-06-2008, 08:30 PM
Checking in again.

As for the night time visit to the faucet (that was 2 nights back, I think?) Chestnut says MEOW, Puddy, water is ALWAYS better from the faucet than the fountain!

My Ozzy has to have a special medicine from a compounding pharmacy. At first I was picking it up at the vet, then I discovered (as someone suggested above) that the compounding pharmacy will ship directly to my home. No driving to the vet, saved me time and money.

Praying for dear sweet Puddy, that photo you posted, she is lovely.

08-07-2008, 05:21 AM
Sending all my best wishes to you and Puddy. Sweet tender kisses for the poor girl.

08-07-2008, 07:48 AM
I say "seems" because I'm just not sure yet. I was up w/her all night again last night. I apologize for not posting sooner. I had to rush her to Dr. Lee's yesterday morning, I didn't even have time to shower, then I had to catch up on my work, then go to a dinner last night. I didn't have time to breathe. By the time I got home, I was so exhausted I went straight to bed but Puddy was up all night again anyhow, so I'm running on empty.

She got her first shot of Epogen and Dr. Lee measured 3 more injections for me into syringes so that I can inject her myself. He showed me how and it's simple; they're under the skin, as Jen said. Then she'll go back and have her RBC count checked. If she's improved, we can back the injections off to once a week. I talked to my local vet about buying the Epogen from her but she wants me to buy, get this, $3000 worth at a time. Yes, that's right, a 3 w/3 zeros. She isn't convinced of its efficacy and she feels that it actually has harmful effects, so she stopped using it. She said that she ordered a med once before for someone and they changed their mind about its use, so she was stuck w/the med and it spoiled. I told her that it isn't in my budget to spend $3000, that I have 6 other cats to care for and myself, too. And God forbid, if Puddy was to die, then I'd be stuck w/the Epogen. So, depending on whether or not Puddy will have to be on it long term, I'll just get it from Dr. Lee for the time being. I misunderstood what Dr. Lee told me; Puddy may not need to be on it forever.

Puddy was so still and quiet when I took her in that I was afraid she'd die on the way but when I tried to take her out of the carrier, I thought I'd have to take it apart because she clung on so tightly. And for the first time ever, Puddy's bladder gave way on the exam table. Poor little girl was so embarrassed that she hid her head. She actually covered her face w/her paws. They cleaned her up and gave her to me and she hid her head in my arm, so I put her back in her carrier. She was still so lethargic all day, then last night she started up again w/wanting to drink only out of the faucet and weakly crying. She doesn't appear to be in pain and she isn't vomiting or losing bladder control. I just think she's miserable. I hope these injections make a difference and fast because I'm feeling pretty crummy about all this. Dr. Lee said that if the Epogen doesn't work, we can try anabolic steroids, which are also very expensive, and I told him 'no', that I will have put Puddy through enough. I want her to live out the rest of her days in relative comfort and peace. If I could just hear her hiss, it would be music to my ears. And I wish she would feel good enough to lie in the sun in the patio room again. Well, she at least ate some chicken last night, so that's something.

I hope I made sense in this post and that I didn't ramble too much. I had to reschedule my own medical tests for today because I just couldn't make it in time yesterday, so I have to catch up on more work before I head to the dr.'s office. Thank you so much for your continued prayers for my calico queen Puddy. She sure does need 'em and when I began my prayers last night, I lost my train of thought because I was so tired. I'll keep you posted if there's any change, good or bad.

08-07-2008, 10:17 AM
Awww...poor Puddy, so embarrassed. That's okay, sweetheart, you were scared and things like that can happen.

You and Momma will get well together. After a couple of more needles, you will start feeling better.

Looking forward to news of your first hiss! :):love:

08-07-2008, 12:26 PM
That article I posted earlier does mention getting Epogen in smaller quantities from places like Walgreen's or Walmart. I think this link will take you directly to that section of the article:

If not, from the start of the article, search for the word "obtaining"

It may be more realistic than getting $3000 worth at one time.

08-07-2008, 12:28 PM
That article I posted earlier does mention getting Epogen in smaller quantities from places like Walgreen's or Walmart. I think this link will take you directly to that section of the article:

If not, from the start of the article, search for the word "obtaining"

It may be more realistic than getting $3000 worth at one time.

Oh trust me when I say that there's no chance that I'll buy it in that mass quantity. I'm playing it by ear right now to see how Puddy does on it and then I can make a decision as to how much and where I buy it. Thank you, though; your info is much appreciated. :)

08-07-2008, 04:19 PM
I stopped at Pet Supplies Plus on the way home today and bought a drip bottle that's used in cages for gerbils. I thought maybe Puddy would drink out of that and not want to drink out of the faucet. I attached it to the inside of the carrier because she likes to sleep in there but so far, no luck. She is stubborn!

08-07-2008, 08:35 PM
I hope that Puddy will start feeling better and that the epogen will help her. I also hope that you'll both get some much needed sleep tonight. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent to both of you. Please take care.

08-07-2008, 08:50 PM
So far she just won't come out of her carrier except to go under the bed. I know the Epogen won't work that fast but I sure wish my little girl would feel better.

08-09-2008, 12:12 PM
She still won't come out of her carrier but I thought maybe a fudgsicle would entice her. I buy the lo-cal, lo-fat ones, so I figured it couldn't hurt. She wouldn't come out, so I held it outside the carrier and she stretched her neck to lick it. I swear, she ate almost the entire thing. I wish I could figure out how to get the video to work on this cheap camera. I did it once by accident and got an "action" shot of Specs just sitting there. I'm sure it's simple but then, so am I. :confused: So until I figure it out or get desperate enough to insert the CD and follow directions, these pix will have to do.

08-09-2008, 12:13 PM
As you can see, Puddy was licking away w/gusto! :p I'm ready to cry again, only this time from happiness.

08-09-2008, 12:23 PM
I'm so glad to hear that miss Puddy is interested in something! I have heard that chocolate can be toxic for pets but I bet those fudge-sicles probably don't have much real chocolate in them anyway. lol
She looks so cute in those pics and it's wonderful to see her perking up like that!:)

08-09-2008, 12:27 PM
I'm so glad to hear that miss Puddy is interested in something! I have heard that chocolate can be toxic for pets but I bet those fudge-sicles probably don't have much real chocolate in them anyway. lol
She looks so cute in those pics and it's wonderful to see her perking up like that!:)

Yes, I heard that, too, but it's mainly baker's chocolate. I asked Dr. Lee, though, just to be sure. They're practically all water.

08-09-2008, 12:55 PM
Actually how about a fat vanilla icecrem? Fat is not bad for kidney kitties and I know Filou likes it very much. But- she eats and that is good in itself :)

08-09-2008, 01:09 PM
Actually how about a fat vanilla icecrem? Fat is not bad for kidney kitties and I know Filou likes it very much. But- she eats and that is good in itself :)

Hey, if she'll eat it, I'll buy it. I didn't buy the fudgsicles for her. They're my occasional treat, or at least they used to be, LOL, and I thought I'd check on her and see if I could entice her to come out of her carrier at the same time. Years ago, my dogs used to LOVE a vanilla ice cream treat just for dogs called Four Paws but I don't know if they make it any more.

08-09-2008, 03:17 PM
It's so good to see Puddy enjoy the fudgsicles. :) I hope it will entice her to come out and eat some "proper" food. ;)

I'm still sending lots of positive thoughts to Puddy, and to you.

About recording a video clip... do you have a wheel to turn on your camera? The camera setting on mine looks like two circles put together with a box underneath. Try them all one after the other, you can always delete the wrong pics you get.

08-09-2008, 03:42 PM
Years ago, my dogs used to LOVE a vanilla ice cream treat just for dogs called Four Paws but I don't know if they make it any more.

Glad to see Puddy eating - even if it's not a "proper" diet. I've been following her progress - hopefully she's making a comeback.
Four Paws is still on the market - most major chain supermarkets carry it.:D

08-09-2008, 04:46 PM
Correction - what I used to get is called Frosty Paws. I think it's the same tho.

08-09-2008, 04:49 PM
Correction - what I used to get is called Frosty Paws. I think it's the same tho.

Yes, you're right. Four Paws is the grooming spray that I used on them. Long time ago. LOL

08-09-2008, 06:34 PM
It's great to see Puddy enjoying something and hopefully she'll start feeling better soon.:) She still remains in my thoughts and prayers.

08-11-2008, 07:55 AM
She ran down into the basement yesterday when I cleaned her room (she doesn't like the vacuum cleaner) and stayed there. When I was doing my night time routine and cleaning out the litter boxes, she scampered out of her carrier and ran around as though she was disoriented. I watched her for a few seconds, then she ran to a corner of the basement and peed on the cement floor. There were 8 litter boxes right there that she could've used. Then she vomited just a drop. I don't know what to make of it. She was fine after that and slept upstairs in her room. She didn't get up as many times for water at the faucet, just 3 times last night, and she slept w/me for a little while. She seems to be ok this morning. Sigh. She sure is puzzling me.

08-11-2008, 04:36 PM
Mary, I'm sorry to hear that she's acting strangely.:( Maybe these are some side affects from the epogen. I'm glad that she was able to calm down and sleep with you. Hopefully she'll feel better today.

08-11-2008, 06:01 PM
Mary, I'm sorry to hear that she's acting strangely.:( Maybe these are some side affects from the epogen. I'm glad that she was able to calm down and sleep with you. Hopefully she'll feel better today.

I don't know. She's become such a hermit. I baked a chicken breast for dinner and she used to pace back and forth in front of the oven when I cooked chicken because she loved the smell of it. Now she won't even come out of her carrier, so I took some to her and she's eating it right now. The Epogen is supposed to help her produce red blood cells so that she has more energy. I sure hope I see some positive change in the next week or so. Puddy is just a shadow of herself and it makes me so sad. She just lies in her carrier day and night. If I take her out and hold her while I watch TV, she runs back to her carrier. She used to love to lie on my chest while I watched TV and I'd give her a noggin noogie. I sure hope I'm doing the right thing. :(

08-11-2008, 06:08 PM
Mary, I know it's so hard to see our furkids not feeling well. Lots more prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way. Please take care.

08-11-2008, 08:18 PM
Gosh, that is strange behavior. She definitely sounds as though she was disoriented in the basement. :(

I hope that the epogen will help her feel better. I'm so sorry that Puddy is going through all of this.

08-12-2008, 04:15 PM
Poor Puddy, that is a strange behavior. She seems that she doesnt feel herself. Hopefully, what ever is bothering her will pass and she will return to her spunky self. Prayers and thoughts coming your way Mary! :love::love::love:

08-12-2008, 06:20 PM
I feel so bad for my little girl. Day and night she just lies in her carrier; she won't come out at all except when I take her out to eat. This cat would come running when she smelled chicken and I still can't believe that she didn't budge. I brought her into the patio room w/me today to see if she would look out the window at the birds or get a little sun but she couldn't get back to her carrier fast enough. She'll get another shot of Epogen tomorrow, then another on Saturday, then she sees Dr. Lee on Monday. To top it all off, my local vet called to say that Boo's blood work came back and it appears he has some thyroid problem, so they're doing another test and I'll have the results in a couple of days. Boo has never had a sick day in his life. What is going on w/my Fur Posse?!

08-12-2008, 06:45 PM
I am glad to hear that Puddy is eating, at least.

I wonder if she had a mini-stroke, completely unrelated to the other stuff she is going through? Another two shots of Epogen will hopefully make a difference...if she is really anemic, she'll just want to hide in her carrier now.

Praying for a hiss soon.

Dear Boo - at least, that can be a very inexpensive thing to treat.

PT Prayers for both your babies.:love:

08-12-2008, 06:47 PM
Mary I am so sorry that you and the fur kids are having such a difficult time. We will continue to pray for you and your babies.

08-12-2008, 07:02 PM
LES! :(:(
Mary, I'm so very sorry. Whenever I lurk I do watch and read Puddy's threads.

{{{hugs}}} Mary and hang in there girl. You are not alone in this excursion. :love::love:

08-12-2008, 07:11 PM
LES! :(:(
Mary, I'm so very sorry. Whenever I lurk I do watch and read Puddy's threads.

{{{hugs}}} Mary and hang in there girl. You are not alone in this excursion. :love::love:

Oh I do know that, thank you so much, which is why I post so often about her. I really don't have anyone to talk to here. My son is in L.A. and he does listen but he's not here in the flesh and my friends, well, they'll listen for a little while but you know how that is.

08-12-2008, 08:25 PM
It is so hard watching Puddy and thinking she's not improving. But I am sure the Epogen would need at least a little more time to perk her up.

As for Boo, don't be discouraged......you caught the "problem", something a lit of people miss until symptoms are worse. And you can just chalk it up to aging cats. :(

And you do realize that EVERYTHING ALWAYS HAPPENS AT ONCE!! :eek: We can all attest to that.

08-12-2008, 09:18 PM
Mary,I'm so sorry to hear that Puddy isn't improving.:( At least she still has an appetite. She'll remain in my thoughts and prayers.

I also hope that Boo will be okay. If there is a problem it sounds like you caught this very early. He'll remain in my thoughts and prayers too.

Unfortunately as our animals get older, they may get thyroid, kidney, diabetes or other diseases.:(

08-12-2008, 11:43 PM
I'm sorry that Puddy is still hiding so much in her carrier. It must be her safe zone and feels better for some reason. Maybe she is hypersensitive right now with all that is going on and noises and light might make her feel worse? It's hard to know. If you have a few extra carriers around, you could put one in a few different rooms with soft bedding so she has a variety of 'caves' to choose from. That way she could at least be nearer to you. It sounds like the one in the basement is her favourite though.
Prayers going out to you and Puddy and to Boo! I hope that his thyroid condition will be manageable so he can get healthy. You sure have a full plate right now!

08-12-2008, 11:45 PM
thoughts and hugs on the way Mary and the fur posse.

08-13-2008, 07:52 AM
Mary, I'm sorry to hear Puddy isn't improving as yet. Prayers continuing for her, and added for Boo.

08-13-2008, 08:00 AM
I was hoping to read that Puddy was improving, but at least she's eating. Hopefully those meds will kick in soon and you'll see some results. As for Boo, thyroid problems are usually pretty easy to manage and the meds are very inexpensive. My 13 year old Pomeranian has been on them for several years and is a boundless fur ball of energy. My prayers go out to Puddy, Boo, and of course to you.:love::love::love:

08-13-2008, 08:11 AM
I'm sorry that Puddy is still hiding so much in her carrier. It must be her safe zone and feels better for some reason. Maybe she is hypersensitive right now with all that is going on and noises and light might make her feel worse? It's hard to know. If you have a few extra carriers around, you could put one in a few different rooms with soft bedding so she has a variety of 'caves' to choose from. That way she could at least be nearer to you. It sounds like the one in the basement is her favourite though.
Prayers going out to you and Puddy and to Boo! I hope that his thyroid condition will be manageable so he can get healthy. You sure have a full plate right now!

Thanx, Lara, I thought of that and so I put carriers in the patio room, basement and one in her room upstairs. But she insists on being in either the basement or her room. She did a little better w/sleeping last night, though. At least she isn't insisting that I watch her every time she walks up the little steps to the faucet. I actually got a fairly decent night's sleep. Well, today she'll get another Epogen shot and, hopefully, those red blood cells will start reproducing soon and she'll get some energy back. She vomited last night right before bed and she hates to vomit and she does this sort of yodel right before and she was just exhausted afterwards, poor girl. She only did it once, though, and Dr. Lee told me not to worry unless she does it twice, so maybe she just drank the water from the faucet too fast because it was all water.

08-13-2008, 08:13 AM
I was hoping to read that Puddy was improving, but at least she's eating. Hopefully those meds will kick in soon and you'll see some results. As for Boo, thyroid problems are usually pretty easy to manage and the meds are very inexpensive. My 13 year old Pomeranian has been on them for several years and is a boundless fur ball of energy. My prayers go out to Puddy, Boo, and of course to you.:love::love::love:

That's good to know about thyroid, thank you. Boo has never had a sick day in his life but he's 17 so I guess we've been pretty lucky for this long.

08-13-2008, 02:55 PM

08-13-2008, 03:35 PM
Mary, sending prayers for Puddy, Boo, and you!!!

08-13-2008, 03:55 PM
Mary, I just found this thread so I apologize for not posting earlier.

You can be sure that you have my prayers for Puddy. Having our babies sick is just one of the hardest and heart rendering situations. They cannot tell us so we try everything we can think of to make them feel comfortable and to get them to eat.

I will be watching this thread now for your updates.

Mary, take good care of yourself while all of this is going on!!:love:

08-14-2008, 01:43 PM
I hope your little girl will feel better soon. I can tell from her photos that she has quite a personality. Anemia is hard on the body, she is probably weak and dizzy, so her carrier provides comfort. My husband and I are sending our best loving thoughts. Take care!

08-15-2008, 06:52 AM
I came downstairs and was sitting at my computer when I heard the tap, tap, tap of Puddy's funny claw on the hardwood floor. I could hardly believe my ears! I thought she might run downstairs to the basement into another carrier but she didn't. She's sitting in the kitchen in her spot, as though she's waiting for her breakfast. If she goes into the patio room afterwards, this will be a banner day!

08-15-2008, 06:54 AM
That's a wonderful thing to read this morning! Have a great day Ms. Puddy!

08-15-2008, 07:00 AM
Music to your ears I am sure. What a nice present on a Friday morning! Enjoy your day Puddy!

08-15-2008, 07:25 AM
That's wonderful!!! Maybe it's the beginning of what you've been hoping and praying for.:D

08-15-2008, 08:35 AM
I waited a little while to give them breakfast because I wanted to see what Puddy would do. She waited a bit and then went to the basement to her carrier. I thought that I'd probably have to take her out of it to eat but when I said "Breakfast time!", she came out of the carrier and went up the stairs all by herself. She ate heartily and hung out in the kitchen a bit, then went back to the basement. I did have to take her out after that to give her the subQ and meds but I feel this is HUGE! :D:D:D

08-15-2008, 09:06 AM
That is so good to hear. I know that most definitely made your day, it sure made mine.


08-15-2008, 09:47 AM
Don't they just make your heart sing when you see improvement?
What a lovely Friday for you and Puddy too!

08-15-2008, 10:19 AM
That is such good news! Good girl Puddy!!

08-15-2008, 10:41 AM
GREAT news! Has she had the second injection of the Epogen?

Maybe it's starting to perk her up.

Hugs to that dear girl, and that she continues to improve.

Next milestone - The Hiss! ;):D

08-15-2008, 11:26 AM
You go, Puddytat!!! MMWAHH!

08-15-2008, 12:16 PM
Such great news! I am so glad that Puddy is starting to perk up. Please give Puddy a (((hug))) and chin scritchies for me!

08-15-2008, 12:29 PM
GREAT news! Has she had the second injection of the Epogen?

Maybe it's starting to perk her up.

Hugs to that dear girl, and that she continues to improve.

Next milestone - The Hiss! ;):D

Yes, I gave her the second injection on Wednesday plus Dr. Lee had given her one, so that makes 3 so far and she'll get another one tomorrow, then get blood work done on Monday.

I thought I'd give it the litmus test today, so I brought home some take out chicken and waved the bag around at the bottom of the stairs so that she could smell it. She came out from under the bed but wouldn't come downstairs but I'm not discouraged by that. Probably her trek downstairs this morning tired her out, so I took some chicken up to her and she scarfed it down. I really do feel as though a weight has been lifted off me, off my chest, actually. My heart was so sore about all this, wondering if I was doing right by Puddy and keeping her here because of selfishness on my part but now I can see that the Epogen is working. Even if she does need to be on it forever (Dr. Lee said maybe not but we never know), I'll find the $600 a month somewhere, especially knowing that she may only need to be on it once a week eventually instead of 3 times a week, so that would bring the cost down considerably. I just can't express how much better I feel about all this. I know how the Law of Attraction works and I was doing my best to send out only positive thougts but then I'd look at Puddy and how lethargic she was and I'd allow the negative thoughts to creep in. Now that she's improving, though, it'll be easier for me to keep my thoughts in check.

Thank you all for the continued prayers and good thoughts for Puddy. Now, as you say, Candace, I'm gonna start praying for getting Puddy's hiss back. :p

08-15-2008, 12:53 PM
That is WONDERFUL news Mary!! It sounds like she is beginning to come around. :) I look forward to reading your 'Hiss Hiss Hooray' post! :D I'm thinking positive thoughts that this day will come.

08-15-2008, 01:04 PM
What wonderful news! I'm so glad to hear Puddy is perking up - chicken dinner and all. :) It seems that the Epogen is working.

Please give her a hug and some scritches from me - I'll keep sending lots of positive throughts.

08-15-2008, 01:05 PM
Wonderful news! :D

08-15-2008, 01:13 PM
Great news!

I think others mentioned some low-cost options, like getting the human Epogen? Or could you order it direct?

HUGS to you and Puddy-tat!

08-15-2008, 01:22 PM
Mary, that is quite the wonderful thing to here! Yea for Puddy! That is very exciting. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers! :love::love::love:

08-15-2008, 03:50 PM
Great news!!! So glad that Puddy is feeling good enough to make the trips up and down the stairs, and is reacting to the chicken!

Can't wait for that hiss!! Hugs to Puddy!

08-15-2008, 04:22 PM
Great news!

I think others mentioned some low-cost options, like getting the human Epogen? Or could you order it direct?

HUGS to you and Puddy-tat!

Yes, and I am going to look into that. I'll talk to Dr. Lee about it on Monday and see what he says.

08-15-2008, 05:12 PM
Great news!

I think others mentioned some low-cost options, like getting the human Epogen? Or could you order it direct?

HUGS to you and Puddy-tat!

I was wondering if perhaps you could get Epogen at a more reasonable price thru a Canadian pharmacy, but all the ones I checked don't have it available, or it could be under another name in Canada. It might be worthwhile to mention it to your vet when you take Puddy back. Nothing ventured - nothing gained. In the meantime - it's good to read of her slow but steady progress. Keep it up Puddy girl!!! :D

08-15-2008, 05:19 PM
I was wondering if perhaps you could get Epogen at a more reasonable price thru a Canadian pharmacy, but all the ones I checked don't have it available, or it could be under another name in Canada. It might be worthwhile to mention it to your vet when you take Puddy back. Nothing ventured - nothing gained. In the meantime - it's good to read of her slow but steady progress. Keep it up Puddy girl!!! :D

I spoke to my pharmacist and he told me that he really doesn't think that he can get it for any less than Dr. Lee can but he said to have Dr. Lee call him on Monday w/the exact dosage (even though I already told him the exact dosage) and he would do some research for me to see if he can get it for less.

08-15-2008, 05:28 PM
Oh I'm so glad to hear she seems to be improving. Keep it up Puddy, your meowmie is not ready for your trip to the bridge yet. :)

08-15-2008, 07:52 PM
Mary,this is wonderful news!!!:D I hope that Puddy continues to regain her strength and I'm looking forward to hearing about her "Hiss" soon.:) She remains in my thoughts and prayers.

08-16-2008, 07:01 AM
I am so very glad that Puddy is doing better, it just took a while for the Epogen to kick in :)

It goes by the same name in Canada, but you would be more likely to get it from a specialty pharmacy (i.e. mail order) for a less expensive price than your local pharmacy.

08-16-2008, 07:44 AM
I am so very glad that Puddy is doing better, it just took a while for the Epogen to kick in :)

It goes by the same name in Canada, but you would be more likely to get it from a specialty pharmacy (i.e. mail order) for a less expensive price than your local pharmacy.

My local vet tried a compounding pharmacy for me and I still couldn't get it for any less but I'm going to keep trying. Dr. Lee may know of some that she doesn't.

08-16-2008, 04:26 PM
I gave her the 3rd injection of Epogen today and I thought she might perk up even more but she's back to staying upstairs again, only now she wants to sleep on the sink countertop. I went upstairs and read in my meditation room for a while and tried to get her to come in w/me but she would just meow and run out of the room. I swear she's going daft! I was so elated yesterday and now I'm stumped! :confused::(

08-16-2008, 04:42 PM
The day people receive an injection it can also wipe them out, so I would not use today as a standard of what she may be like again in a day or so.

08-16-2008, 04:59 PM
The day people receive an injection it can also wipe them out, so I would not use today as a standard of what she may be like again in a day or so.

Thanx for that. :) I sure hope that's all it is. I hurt when Pud hurts. Her vet appt. on Monday can't come fast enough.

08-16-2008, 11:24 PM
Mary maybe it is the medication you are giving her that is making her act so strange, i swear since Ash has been on his new medication , he has been acting strange, not himself, mind you he hates the pilling and avoids it if he can, but he ain't got a chance,but honestly i have been saying to my hubby, he has gone daft at times, anyhow hope things get better for you, thinking of you and puddy.

08-17-2008, 07:39 AM
Thanx, Carole. I don't want to sound like a whiner. It's just that she was doing so well and now she's back to being a hermit again. There are so many comfortable spots to sleep but she chooses the hard sink counter top. It's as though she's afraid to be too far away from the water faucet. I thought maybe she might be diabetic but she tested negative. I can't wait for tomorrow's vet visit!

08-17-2008, 05:27 PM
You are not a whiner, you are a very worried Meowme. I think Puddy may prefer the sink counter top because it feels cool to her. I had one that always slept in the bathroom sink bowl. Good thoughts for the vet visit tomorrow.


08-17-2008, 06:04 PM
You are not a whiner, you are a very worried Meowme. I think Puddy may prefer the sink counter top because it feels cool to her. I had one that always slept in the bathroom sink bowl. Good thoughts for the vet visit tomorrow.


I was wondering about this too and thought maybe she is feeling hot and looking for coolness in the carriers and on the counter. Maybe she would like a fan blowing on her? Puddy's private spa! ;)

08-17-2008, 08:28 PM
I had friends over for dinner, etc. today from 2:00 until just now. Puddy hasn't come out from under the bed in my room and she hasn't eaten a thing all day except for a little bit of Fancy Feast this morning. I hope she's feeling better by tomorrow, poor girl. I'm anxious to hear what Dr. Lee will have to say tomorrow.

08-18-2008, 01:09 AM
I hope that everything goes well at the vet's tomorrow and that Puddy starts feeling better. I'll continue to keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

08-18-2008, 12:08 PM
Dr. Lee is on vacation this week. Had I known, I would've waited to take Puddy in when he came back. Anyhow, another vet did her blood work and when I told her all that has transpired since starting Puddy on the Epogen injections, she said that Epogen asks a lot of a cat's kidneys and Puddy only has one kidney and that one isn't very good. She said that the Epogen probably just takes too much out of her. The blood tests will tell us more tomorrow as to whether it's a good idea to continue the injections or not. If Puddy at least maintains, then we'll continue but the point of all this is to get her to produce more red blood cells. If she's dropped, then that means the Epogen isn't working and there's no point in continuing it. She gave me enough for two more injections and, if the blood work is satisfactory, I'll get more next week. Puddy peed on the exam table again and I purposely waited to give her the subQ because I thought that may have contributed to it. Poor little girl. This vet did tell me that when a cat becomes a hermit that it isn't a good sign, which I already knew. I have that sinking feeling in my stomach and the lump in my throat again. I fear I'm losing my Puddy.

08-18-2008, 12:38 PM
I'm so sorry to read that you didn't get a better report from the vet, but maybe Puddy's blood tests will tell a different story. I know how difficult this is for you - I went thru the same thing with 2 of my Siamese years ago. Whatever the outcome, I'm sure you'll do whatever you think is appropriate for both you and Puddy. I'm hoping for the best for both of you.:love:

08-18-2008, 12:43 PM
Prayers for Puddy and her Meowmie :love:

08-18-2008, 12:47 PM
I'm so sorry to read that you didn't get a better report from the vet, but maybe Puddy's blood tests will tell a different story. I know how difficult this is for you - I went thru the same thing with 2 of my Siamese years ago. Whatever the outcome, I'm sure you'll do whatever you think is appropriate for both you and Puddy. I'm hoping for the best for both of you.:love:

Thank you so much. I feel so scattered right now. I just simply do not know what to do. I told this vet that if all that's wrong w/Puddy, aside from her CRF, is that she's tired, then I can't in good conscience have her PTS because if that's the criteria, then I should've been PTS 20 years ago. It's just that Puddy doesn't seem to have quality of life right now. It's no life to just sit in a carrier all day, the only time to come out is to use the litterbox, to eat or to drink out of the faucet. She doesn't enjoy anything, not sunning, not playing, not being groomed by Creamsicle. Nothing. I'm willing to try for as long as it takes, as long as I see improvement, but I can't have just a stuffed animal. Puddy has been too good to do that to her. Sigh. I was so hoping to hear some encouraging words from the vet today.

08-18-2008, 03:32 PM
I too, am sad that the news isn't better. I'll be interested in the blood test results.

08-18-2008, 04:37 PM
Mary, more prayers being said for Puddy - and you too.

08-18-2008, 04:48 PM
I am so sorry to read this about puddy, i think it does come down to their quality of life, i have already made my decisions regarding my Ash in the future, however you have to do what you think is right for your kitty,it is really hard to let go i know,only you and you alone can make that decision, as hard as it will be, take comfort in knowing you have done your'e very best for Puddy and don't give up hope yet. HUGS to you and Puddy.:love:

08-18-2008, 06:11 PM

If Epogen is so hard on the kidneys, I am surprised Dr Lee would have started with 3 times a week!

I pray that nothing more than her CRF is acting up - and that perhaps lower doses of Epogen are possible.

Prayers for you and dear Puddy!

08-18-2008, 06:22 PM
I feel so scattered right now. I just simply do not know what to do.
Mary, I'm so sorry that you are going through this. It is almost harder when it's like this because she is somewhere inbetween. If she were flat out, the next step would be obvious but when she is still eating and there is still potential for some recovery, it is heart wrenching to even think of anything else but giving her time.
My first prayer is that Puddy will recover to the degree that she can go on to live a life of quality.
My second prayer is that it becomes clear over the next little while, what decision to make because it is living in limbo like this that is so hard on you because you love her so very much.
My thoughts are with you. :love:

08-18-2008, 06:27 PM

If Epogen is so hard on the kidneys, I am surprised Dr Lee would have started with 3 times a week!

I pray that nothing more than her CRF is acting up - and that perhaps lower doses of Epogen are possible.

Prayers for you and dear Puddy!

My thoughts exactly, except that Dr. Lee told me on the day we met that he's aggressive w/treatment. I think he felt that Puddy really needed it but I intend to talk to him about it when he returns from vacation. Actually, Puddy only gets two shots a week but I did get some good news just now. The vet called and said that her red blood cell count went up from 24.2% to 26.9%. They consider 27-28% to be low normal. So she said "This is good news. She's now in the above moderate level". She does feel that the Epogen is too hard on her, so she said to cut it down to one shot a week. I don't have to take her in on Monday unless she gets worse. Otherwise, they want to see her towards the end of next week. Hopefully, the Epogen will perk her up w/out wearing her out afterwards.

As an aside, the vet said that the fudgesicles won't hurt Puddy but to watch for artificial sweeteners; no aspartame or xylitol. These don't have either of those in them, so Pud can have her occasional lick. I've been hunting for Frosty Paws and can't find it anywhere.

08-18-2008, 06:52 PM
That is great to hear Puddy is at the low end of normal. Hopefully she will start coming back out and this is just a phase she is going thru since she has been thru so much. We all will keep the prayers going up for you and Puddy both. I am not sure where you live but I know our local Public has the "Frosty Paws".

08-18-2008, 07:07 PM
That is great to hear Puddy is at the low end of normal. Hopefully she will start coming back out and this is just a phase she is going thru since she has been thru so much. We all will keep the prayers going up for you and Puddy both. I am not sure where you live but I know our local Public has the "Frosty Paws".

I live in Ohio. I've looked everywhere and the local Pet Supplies Plus doesn't carry it either. I'm on a mission now; I'll find it!

08-18-2008, 07:16 PM

I will look for more............


08-18-2008, 07:18 PM
Here is the link to the FrostyPaws (http://www.frostypawstreats.com/FrostyPaws/) website. At the bottom there is a box where you can type in your zip code and it will give you the closest store to you that carries it.
I think the manufacturer of Frosty Paws is in Ohio.

08-18-2008, 07:28 PM
Here is the link to the FrostyPaws (http://www.frostypawstreats.com/FrostyPaws/) website. At the bottom there is a box where you can type in your zip code and it will give you the closest store to you that carries it.
I think the manufacturer of Frosty Paws is in Ohio.

Thank you so much! I found several stores. Now, why didn't I think to look online? That just tells you how scattered I am; normally that's the first thing I would think to do. I'm going to buy my Pudster some Frosty Paws tomorrow.

08-18-2008, 07:29 PM

I will look for more............


Gini, that's awesome, thank you! What wonderful friends I've made here on PT!

08-18-2008, 07:39 PM
If you don't know what to do, then you really know what to do. When the time comes to say good bye to your sweet Puddy, then you'll know. I hope that the reduction in the epogen helps Puddy's cell counts and gives her more recovery time to feel perkier in between. It is good news to hear that her counts have improved.

08-18-2008, 07:48 PM
Mary, I'm glad to hear that the Epogen has helped Puddy so she's now almost in the low normal range. Hopefully by giving it to her only 2 times a week that this will help her have more energy. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

08-19-2008, 05:10 PM
I'm not sure why but I think she sleeps on the sink countertop because she's just too tired to go back down the little steps sometimes. She sleeps in her carrier or under her bed or my bed or on the sink countertop and that's it. No more sunning in the patio room. Hopefully, cutting back to one Epogen shot a week may make her feel energetic but her kidney won't have to work so hard to produce red blood cells. I miss her company. I go upstairs to check on her occasionally and to see if she wants to hang out w/me like she used to but she just doesn't want to be bothered right now. The rest of the Fur Posse keep going upstairs but they only get so far because I have a baby gate blocking their way. If I don't do that, Coco Puff will pester her and Creamsicle will eat her food and she's allergic to it. It's nuts around here! LOL

08-19-2008, 05:16 PM
She is such a strikingly beautiful cat, Miss Puddy.

Thanks for sharing these pictures. I pray that the reduction in medication will jazz her up a bit.

08-19-2008, 06:13 PM
She is such a strikingly beautiful cat, Miss Puddy.Agree 1,000 percent!

Thanks for sharing these pictures. I pray that the reduction in medication will jazz her up a bit. Agree 1,000 percent again! Prayers, positive thoughts and whisker kisses for Miss Puddy.

08-19-2008, 07:44 PM
Awww...just a BEAUTIFUL stunning girl!

Her eyes in that last pic..."I don't feel so good, Mommy..." Prayers that she feels better soon!:)

08-19-2008, 08:18 PM
Her eyes in that last pic..."I don't feel so good, Mommy..."

That is what I saw in her eyes too. :( :(

Many prayers for Puddy. All we want is for you to be comfortable and happy.

08-20-2008, 03:58 AM
She is such a beautiful cat!
Looking at those pics of her on the counter made me think that maybe she is feeling nausceous (spelling??). I brought my hubby home from the hospital a few hours ago after hernia surgery and he became really nausceous in the truck when I had the fan on with the heat to get rid of the mist on the windows from the rain and muggy weather. As soon as he got hot he felt so sick, thought he was going to throw up and needed to put something cold against his head. Thankfully I had just gone grocery shopping before picking him up and had some frozen vegetables on hand! He felt better right away.
So, when I saw Puddy's pics, this is what came to mind. Do you think that she might be dealing with nausea? It could be a reaction to the new meds. Maybe you could ask your vet about this possibility and there might be a safe anti-nausea med or something holisitic she could take that might help turn her around that also wouldn't harm her if that isn't what she's dealing with.
Sorry if this post isn't making much sense, it's 2:00a.m. and I should be in bed. lol :rolleyes:

08-20-2008, 06:04 AM
She is such a beautiful cat!
Looking at those pics of her on the counter made me think that maybe she is feeling nausceous (spelling??). I brought my hubby home from the hospital a few hours ago after hernia surgery and he became really nausceous in the truck when I had the fan on with the heat to get rid of the mist on the windows from the rain and muggy weather. As soon as he got hot he felt so sick, thought he was going to throw up and needed to put something cold against his head. Thankfully I had just gone grocery shopping before picking him up and had some frozen vegetables on hand! He felt better right away.
So, when I saw Puddy's pics, this is what came to mind. Do you think that she might be dealing with nausea? It could be a reaction to the new meds. Maybe you could ask your vet about this possibility and there might be a safe anti-nausea med or something holisitic she could take that might help turn her around that also wouldn't harm her if that isn't what she's dealing with.
Sorry if this post isn't making much sense, it's 2:00a.m. and I should be in bed. lol :rolleyes:

You've made perfect sense, Lara. :) Dr. Lee told me long ago that part of CRF is the nausea that goes w/it, so that's a possibility. However, the aluminum hydroxide that I give her twice a day is a phosphorous binder but it's also an antacid, which he said should help w/the nausea. I may ask the other vet about giving her something else today. I just hate to shove more things down this poor girl's throat, y'know? She just finished her antibiotic. There is a powerful ceiling fan in her room and, even if she's in the bathroom on the countertop, it's close enough that she feels the breeze from it. There's really no place to put another fan, even a small one, in that bathroom. It's so small you have to go into the hallway to change your mind. I was up several times during the night checking on her because I feel so bad that she sleeps on that cold, hard surface. She came into my room this morning and woke me up for a noggin noogie and laid on my chest for a few minutes. So that's something, at least.

Btw, I hope your hubby is feeling better now. :)

08-20-2008, 06:08 AM
That is what I saw in her eyes too. :( :(

Many prayers for Puddy. All we want is for you to be comfortable and happy.

Yes, unfortunately, I see it, too. I feel so bad for my little girl.

08-20-2008, 07:22 AM
Well at least it's good news to read that Puddy's blood count has come up some - that's one step in the right direction. She is such a pretty girl. Poor little thing - she looks so uncomfortable laying on the corner of the bathroom counter. Makes one just want to pick her up and hug her and then lay her down on a big soft pillow! But only she knows what she wants right now. She's probably feeling just as scattered as Mom does now, only she doesn't know why she's feeling that way! If all the prayers and well wishes she's been receiving would make her better, she'd be bouncing off the walls by now. It's heartwarming to see all the support that continues to come her way everyday. :love:

08-20-2008, 08:17 AM
Poor little thing - she looks so uncomfortable laying on the corner of the bathroom counter. Makes one just want to pick her up and hug her and then lay her down on a big soft pillow! But only she knows what she wants right now. She's probably feeling just as scattered as Mom does now, only she doesn't know why she's feeling that way! If all the prayers and well wishes she's been receiving would make her better, she'd be bouncing off the walls by now. It's heartwarming to see all the support that continues to come her way everyday. :love:

I put a soft towel there for her so she could snuggle in but she wouldn't lie on it. She even pushed away my little hand towel. Well, no more Epogen shots now until Saturday because she's down to one a week and her last one was last Saturday. And you're right about the prayers, except that I do believe they're working but not to where she's bouncing off the walls. LOL :)

08-20-2008, 07:18 PM
Hang in there little Puddy. We are all routing for you. I am so happy to hear that Puddy is perking up a bit. I am routing for the little guy. He knows that his mom Mary is taking really good care of him. Keep it up Mary, you are doing a wonderful job. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers!:love::love::love:

08-20-2008, 09:19 PM
There's no change. Puddy girl just sleeps on the counter top. It's breaking my heart. She has no quality of life at all, it seems. I can't wait til Dr. Lee gets back. I want him to take a look at her. I don't know if I can put her through much more. She won't even let me pet her. Maybe she'll come in bed w/me tonight and want a noggin noogie. I don't want my little girl to be miserable. If I could just have some sign other than numbers to show me that she's improving. :(

08-20-2008, 09:54 PM
Oh, honey --

I haven't had the chance to be on for the past week (school started! :eek:), and so have not been able to keep up with you & Puddy.

I am so, so sorry to read about all you and your sweet girl have been going through -- it really just sounds like you're having one of those times of life where you wish you could just wake up and find that it's all been a bad dream. I have absolutely nothing useful to add, except to say that you and the entire Fur Posse will remain in my prayers -- and to send you lots of love and a big cyber-squeeze.


08-20-2008, 10:03 PM
Mary my heart breaks for you too, i can understand how much you want your little girl to show you a sign she is feeling better, maybe it is time to let her go peacefully,know that i am thinking of you and hoping for the best outcome in a very difficult and sad situation.

08-20-2008, 10:57 PM
Mary, I feel just awful for you...

I really hope that Puddy's turnaround is just delayed, and she will perk up soon.

Please, God, heal Puddy and have her give her mom some noggin noogies, ok? Please have Puddy FEEL all better, even if she isn't yet.

HUGS, Mary. :love:

08-21-2008, 12:41 AM
Mary, I'm so sorry to hear this.:( I sure hope that she'll start showing you signs of improvement. If not then you'll have to consider her quality of life and make a very tough decision. I'm sure that she'll let you know when she's had enough and when it's her time to go to RB. Both of you remain in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

08-21-2008, 02:58 AM
Mary I send some hugs for you and some very tender kissies for Puddy.
I know how it hurts your heart when cats retire because they are not feeling weel. I think sleeping on the counter still shows that she wants to be near you.
Wishing you a strong mind to keep up hope.

08-21-2008, 09:12 AM
Hang in there. I pray that you will get a sign so you are sure which steps need to be taken next.

08-21-2008, 04:02 PM
Thoughts and prayers are still going out for you and Puddy. I hope there will be some positive change soon!

08-21-2008, 04:20 PM
:love: Come on wittle Puddy & start getting better soon.. Meowmom is so worried about you.. I too hope that Dr. Lee gets back soon for Puddy.. Maybe the Doc has a cure.. My Heart breaks for you Mary.. I know its so hard.. I know when I found my Buttons in pain I was just devastated..
Bigg Positive Vibes & Huggss..

08-21-2008, 04:24 PM

It's only a week's holiday....but the LONGEST week of your life, Mary.

I hope he comes back early!

08-21-2008, 07:35 PM
I am so sorry that Puddy is not doing any better. The Dunn gang will keep the prayers going and hope they will be answered they way we all want.

08-22-2008, 08:01 AM
Yesterday morning she came downstairs by herself when I called out "Breakfast!". This morning, though, she came out of her carrier but no farther. I carried her downstairs and she ate w/the rest of the Fur Posse but as soon as she was done, upstairs and into her carrier she went. When I was flossing my teeth, she was sitting on the bathroom countertop, as usual, and she batted at my floss, so I pulled a string off and draped it over her head playfully and she played w/it for several minutes. I watched her the entire time so that she wouldn't swallow it and choke. It seems, though, that the slightest effort tires her out and she just sat down and I could tell she was so tired. Last night I walked into the bathroom w/a half eaten fudgesicle and as soon as she saw it, she chirped like a little bird and perked her head up, so I held it while she licked it and that tongue was really going to town. (She and the entire Fur Posse have turned up their noses at Frosty Paws, so I guess I'll give it to my girlfriend to see if her pets like it.) She'll get another Epogen injection tomorrow, so we'll see how she does. She did come into bed w/me for a brief time but she just can't seem to get comfortable. She wants a noggin noogie but as soon as I start to give her one, she pulls away. I thought maybe she wanted to just sit on my lap or lie next to me but she just can't sit still. She jumps down and goes back into the bathroom. So, I'm taking all the little things as positive signs but when she comes downstairs and walks into the patio room, then I'll know that she's indeed improving and feeling better.

08-22-2008, 08:42 AM
(She and the entire Fur Posse have turned up their noses at Frosty Paws,

I kinda had my doubts that Puddy would like Frosty Paws, but then you never know. Years ago I had 3 Lhasas and only one would eat it. If I remember correctly, it is pretty hard, and they preferred the softer ice cream treats like Puddy does (people variety).:D
I have to check for your posting every day to check her progress. She sounds a little better and a little is better than nothing. When one gets to be a senior it seems forever to make a comeback when you get down (I speak from my own experiences!!). You're both in my thoughts and prayers!:love:
And Sparky and Myndi are sending big doggie kisses. :love:

08-22-2008, 08:45 AM
I have to check for your posting every day to check her progress. She sounds a little better and a little is better than nothing. When one gets to be a senior it seems forever to make a comeback when you get down (I speak from my own experiences!!). You're both in my thoughts and prayers!:love:
And Sparky and Myndi are sending big doggie kisses. :love:

Believe me, I can relate. It takes more time to recover now than it did to get tired in the first place. So I can only imagine how Pud feels. Thanx for your encouragment; your pooches are adorable!

08-22-2008, 09:45 PM
Thanks for the lastest update. I hope that Puddy will start feeling better and show you even more signs of improvement.:) She remains in my thoughts and prayers.

08-24-2008, 08:50 PM
Yay, Puddy! Thinking of - and praying for you!

08-24-2008, 11:54 PM
Dr Lee is back tomorrow???? YAAY...you just keep on keepin' on, Puddy!:love::)

08-25-2008, 08:09 AM
Dr Lee is back tomorrow???? YAAY...you just keep on keepin' on, Puddy!:love::)

Yes, he's back (how sweet of you to remember, Candace) but Puddy's appt. isn't until Wednesday. She got her last Epogen injection on Saturday and they want some time to elapse before they do blood work again. She doesn't seem to be any better or worse; she just lives on the bathroom countertop. What a life. The other morning, 3:00 AM to be exact, I couldn't sleep because I missed my Puddy and I went into the bathroom, looked Puddy in the eye and said "Pud, you need to let me know what's going on because I'm stumped here. I don't know what to do for you. What am I missing? What else can I do for you?" I thought I'd get some clue, some thought would come into my mind. I've always been so good at reading my cats. She just stared back at me; no meow, no nothin'. So can you see why I'm in such a quandary? If she was shutting down, if she wasn't eating or using the litterbox, if she was clearly in pain, something, then I'd know what to do. I've had the unfortunate task of needing to help animals to the Bridge but there was never any doubt in my mind about what had to be done. The signs were clearly there. Puddy just seems tired and wants to be left alone on the bathroom countertop. It certainly isn't the life I would choose for her but she doesn't seem miserable any more, just tired and she apparently prefers being left alone. This is why I really need to confer w/Dr. Lee.

08-25-2008, 08:28 AM
:( Oh poor wittle Puddy.. My Heart Just Ackss for you Both.. Now how old is Puddy?? Do you think Puddy is morning over something or someone?? God Bless Both Your Hearts.. Huggss & Prayers

08-25-2008, 08:35 AM
:( Oh poor wittle Puddy.. My Heart Just Ackss for you Both.. Now how old is Puddy?? Do you think Puddy is morning over something or someone?? God Bless Both Your Hearts.. Huggss & Prayers

She's 14. If she's in mourning, I don't know why. My Peeka went to the Bridge over 3 years ago, so that can't be it. It's been the Magnificent Seven ever since. Nothing has changed here either except the patio room has been remodeled but she hung out there even after the remodeling, so that's ruled out, too. I just do not know.

As an aside, my computer is giving me grief again, so my pc guy is coming today to take it. I told him to keep it until it's fixed right. I type a key and another one comes up instead of the one I strike and the only way to remedy the situation is to reboot, which means I lose my document or email. I've had enough of this computer, I can tell ya, so I may not be able to update on Wednesday but as soon as I get my computer back, I will. So please know that I appreciate everyone's continued prayers and well wishes and all of you and your furkids are in my prayers daily.

08-25-2008, 02:02 PM
As it turns out, the pc guy will be here tomorrow. Our schedules just didn't mesh today. I went upstairs to check on Puddy a little while ago and if I hadn't seen it w/my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it: she peed right in the sink. She isn't acting as though she has a UTI; she finished up a round of Zenaquin about a week ago. I don't know if she can't control her bladder or if she just didn't want to walk down the little steps to the litterbox or what. She's been using the litterbox fine up until this incident. This is getting serious.

08-25-2008, 02:12 PM

I can't even guess what her reasons for this action could be, but it sure tells me something is out of the ordinary. :(

08-25-2008, 02:18 PM

I can't even guess what her reasons for this action could be, but it sure tells me something is out of the ordinary. :(

That's for sure. She played w/my dental floss again today, purred while she was playing, but wouldn't come downstairs to eat again. I had to carry her. She ate fine, no problem there, didn't run into the dining room to pee, just went back upstairs when she was finished eating. But she made a point of peeing in the sink right in front of me. This just is not my Puddy. I don't even know this cat.

08-25-2008, 02:47 PM
:love: Well I would say she is going thru a Mid Life Crisis.. From what I am reading & seeing is Puddy does not want anything to do with down stairs.. Something has scared her bad.. Whats you think of setting up her litterbox & food upstairs in the bathroom or somewhere close to where she is comfortable.. I would try this for a bit & just see how she does.. She could also be going thru some depression..
That's for sure. She played w/my dental floss again today, purred while she was playing, but wouldn't come downstairs to eat again. I had to carry her. She ate fine, no problem there, didn't run into the dining room to pee, just went back upstairs when she was finished eating. But she made a point of peeing in the sink right in front of me. This just is not my Puddy. I don't even know this cat.

08-25-2008, 03:28 PM
:love: Well I would say she is going thru a Mid Life Crisis.. From what I am reading & seeing is Puddy does not want anything to do with down stairs.. Something has scared her bad.. Whats you think of setting up her litterbox & food upstairs in the bathroom or somewhere close to where she is comfortable.. I would try this for a bit & just see how she does.. She could also be going thru some depression..

Actually, Puddy has her own room which is about two human steps away from the bathroom where she hangs out. She has her own litterbox, food and water dishes, fountain, bed, carrier, you name it, she's got it. I just wish I could get inside this little calico's mind.

08-25-2008, 03:35 PM
:love: I am sorry Mary.. I thought you were saying that she had to go downstairs to eat & potty.. Well you know Calicos can be very sensitive at times..
That's for sure. She played w/my dental floss again today, purred while she was playing, but wouldn't come downstairs to eat again. I had to carry her. She ate fine, no problem there, didn't run into the dining room to pee, just went back upstairs when she was finished eating. But she made a point of peeing in the sink right in front of me. This just is not my Puddy. I don't even know this cat.

08-25-2008, 03:46 PM
:love: I am sorry Mary.. I thought you were saying that she had to go downstairs to eat & potty.. Well you know Calicos can be very sensitive at times..

No worries. And no apology necessary. Everyone on PT and my friends here, too, are trying their best to come up w/possible solutions for me and I deeply appreciate it. I only bring Puddy downstairs to eat breakfast because I want to see how she does when she's there. She used to love to go to the sun patio afterwards and hang out or sit w/me at the computer. Now she goes back upstairs immediately. She has food up there, too, but I keep hoping that she'll come down on her own as she did a couple of times and stay for a while but so far, no luck. :(

08-25-2008, 03:59 PM
:) You know I am still thinking something has really frightened her downstairs.. Do you have several people over at times?? Is there a dog close by that barks alot?? Is there a loud car or something outside at diff times of day or night?? I am for sure going to go home & read all my cat behavior books..

08-25-2008, 04:44 PM
:) You know I am still thinking something has really frightened her downstairs.. Do you have several people over at times?? Is there a dog close by that barks alot?? Is there a loud car or something outside at diff times of day or night?? I am for sure going to go home & read all my cat behavior books..

No on all counts. My house is extraordinarily quiet. I have the AC on most times so that cuts down on noise and even when I have the windows open, there really isn't anything happening outside that should frighten her. It's a quiet neighborhood. Puddy has always been the alpha female and she always loved hanging w/the humans. Her head would go back and forth from person to person while we were conversing as though she understood everything we said. I've always said that she's a human in a calico's body. LOL

08-25-2008, 07:29 PM
I wonder what could be up with her. Becoming and introvert is definitely a sign of something. Poor girl.

08-25-2008, 07:37 PM
Mary, I'm so sorry to hear that she hasn't shown any signs of improvement.:( Maybe she peed in the sink because she's just too tired to make it to the litter box.:( At least she did it there instead of on your carpet or bed. I sure hope that she'll get some energy back and start feeling better.

Her hiding reminds me so much of when my RB Pepper was so sick. He hid back in my room for so long that my cats Storm and Sunny just got used to not having him around. When I would try to force feed him and medicate him he would let out big sigh. I knew that he had enough and wasn't ever going to get better.:( I'm sure that Puddy will let you know when's she's had enough. I'll continue to keep her in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care of yourself too. (((HUGS)))

08-26-2008, 01:11 AM
Nothing has changed here either except the patio room has been remodeled but she hung out there even after the remodeling, so that's ruled out, too. I just do not know.

She used to love to go to the sun patio afterwards and hang out or sit w/me at the computer. Now she goes back upstairs immediately.

Well, this is probably far fetched but I suppose it doesn't hurt to consider all possibilities. Do you think that something (chemical, product etc..) could have been used in the remodeling of the patio room that could have affected Puddy? I know it's a stretch but there are toxic reactions by people and animals to certain laminate flooring. I think you mentioned tiles in a post about your renos a few months back? Maybe there is something to do with the tiles used or the grout or the finish on the tiles? The timing of the renos and then her continuing to hang out in there after the remodeling followed by her not wanting to go in there at all might indicate a connection. :confused:
Prayers going out to you and Miss Puddy. :love:

08-26-2008, 06:18 AM
Y'know, I suppose anything is possible. That doesn't explain her insistence on planting herself on that tiny piece of real estate on the corner of my bathroom countertop. She won't even sleep in her carrier any more, only on the countertop. That bathroom was going to be my next renovation. What will she do then? She did come into bed w/me briefly last night and she actually let me give her a brief noggin noogie. I could tell that she really wanted it but as soon as I touch her, she pulls away. She doesn't cry out in pain but it's as though she can't stand to be touched but wants it so badly. I wish I could adequately explain how she behaves but it's so bizarre that I can't. If she was a cat that's a loner and who prefers being by herself upstairs, I wouldn't have a problem w/that but to hang out 24/7 on a patch of countertop that measures not even a square foot is ridiculous!

My pc guy will be here in a couple of hours to take my computer. Puddy's appt. w/Dr. Lee is tomorrow morning and I don't know if I'll have my computer back by then so if I don't update, that's why. Again, please know that your continued thoughts and prayers are so greatly appreciated and I always remember my PT friends in my daily devotions.

08-26-2008, 08:07 AM
Wow! Puddy sure is difficult to figure at this point. You must be at your wit's end!

Year's ago when my 20 year old Siamese was telling me he was ready to go, he would hide in such obscure places that it would take me forever to find him. He wanted to be totally left alone. And when my son's cat was was failing, he would open a kitchen cabinet and hide in the pots and pans! Somehow I don't think Puddy is at this stage - she's very visable - even if it is on the bathroom counter! Could she maybe be going somewhat senile???

I hope Dr Lee can shed some light on what's going on. In the meantime, you and Puddy are still in my prayers.

08-26-2008, 08:36 AM
Does Puddy have regular bowel movements? IS she peeing in the sink, but is going to the litter box for bowel movements? I am also thinking, as someone else stated, that at her age she may be senile and not really understanding what or why she is behaving this way. I know it is hard to see her not behaving as herself.

08-26-2008, 08:46 AM
:love: You mentioned Puddy has always been the Alpha Female.. Has one of the other cats started showing to be more Alpha than normal.. Maybe Puddy has been noted she is not the Alpha anylonger.. Also check how loud your ring-tone is on your phone.. Puddy could be having sensitivty in her ears..

08-26-2008, 09:46 AM
Does Puddy have regular bowel movements? IS she peeing in the sink, but is going to the litter box for bowel movements? I am also thinking, as someone else stated, that at her age she may be senile and not really understanding what or why she is behaving this way. I know it is hard to see her not behaving as herself.

Her litterbox habits haven't changed; she's always been really good about that. The pee in the sink incident was done in front of me, as though she wanted me to see her do it. I've thought about her possibly becoming senile and I intend to ask Dr. Lee about it tomorrow.

08-26-2008, 01:05 PM
The way she is behaving does sound like it could be related to senility. But I can't stop thinking that there is a connection to the 'coolness' of the countertop. It's my guess that she is nausceous and hot, so much so that she won't leave that countertop, even to pee. When you're nausceous, you don't want to walk, you don't want to be touched and you tend to want to be cool. I know I've already said that but it's just my hunch but hopefully your vet will help you really get to the bottom of this mystery. I can only imagine how hard this has been having to watch her be this way day in and day out without any resolution. Hang in there! :love:

08-26-2008, 04:02 PM
Oh Mary my heart goes out to you, so fustrating and upsetting trying to figure out your wee girl, i still think maybe some of the medication could be affecting her, you know yourself when you take medication it can do funny things to you,everyone is different and has different reactions, i know Ash certainly has been behaving a bit odd since we started his medication, he used to stay indoors all the time by the heater, not anymore,things like that, however i suspect he is scared we are going to pill him again,who really knows, i hope Dr Lee can shed some light on her behaviours, and you could well be right, she maybe becoming senile,let us know how you get on when you can,until then HUGS all around and the best of luck with Puddy.:love::love:

08-27-2008, 09:30 PM
I don't like that Medusa isn't around to give us Puddy updates!

08-27-2008, 10:48 PM

We're here for you, Mary. You know that. :love:

08-28-2008, 11:27 AM
I'm sorry that I am just now seeing this thread. Hugs to you and prayers for dear Puddy!

08-28-2008, 11:45 AM
I don't like that Medusa isn't around to give us Puddy updates!

I'm right there with you! I keep checking for a "Puddy Post". I hope it's good news.

08-28-2008, 11:51 AM
Mary said that her computer was being worked on so she wouldn't be able to update us for a while. I hope that everything is okay. Puddy remains in my thoughts and prayers.

08-28-2008, 12:48 PM
Finally got my pc back; I was w/out it for nearly 3 days and now I'm really behind on my work, so I'll try to make this as succinct as possible. It's still giving me problems, so I may have to be w/out it again.

As soon as Dr. Lee saw Puddy yesterday he said "Oh boy, this isn't the Puddy I know". She was just lying there in a ball; she usually is hissing like mad. When he petted her, she didn't make a sound. So he petted her a little harder to see if he could get her to respond and she did hiss but she never even lifted her head. Dr. Lee, whom I've always said is a genius but, by his own admission, is not warm and fuzzy, stroked her so tenderly. I could tell that he really likes her; his eyes curl up at the corners and he grins when he sees her. He leaned down and talked to her at her level, which ordinarily would be a dangerous thing to do because she goes for the face when she's really mad, and he said "Puddy, what's going on w/you, little girl?" And she let out the most pathetic cry. That's when I lost it and started crying, too. Poor Dr. Lee, I could tell that he wanted to comfort me but he didn't know what to do. He asked "How long has she been lying in a ball like this?" I said "Almost two weeks. She stays on the corner of the bathroom sink countertop 24/7". I filled him in on everything, how she eats fine, uses the litterbox fine but just will not socialize at all, not even w/me.

He said that it could be one of a couple of things: senility could be setting in and/or she could be having an auto immune response to the Epogen. He said that he's never heard of cats responding to Epogen in that way, dogs yes, cats no, but then he said "Puddy has defied all the odds so far, so why should this be any different?" He said that cutting her back to once a week would neither help nor hurt her and her numbers all came back the same so he said to continue w/once a week injections and to really watch and see how she responds after next Saturday's shot.

Of course, when we got home yesterday, she went upstairs so I figured she was headed for the countertop but she ate first, then went to the countertop to drink her water, then she went in her carrier for the first time in two weeks and she slept there all night. So. Now I don't know if it's because she's doing better or if it's because the weather turned cold and rainy (it went down to 50 yesterday) and it's warmer in her carrier. Dr. Lee said that Epogen only stays in the system for about 4 days, so if she's having an auto immune response to it, the 4 days would have been past and thus she went into her carrier. (Are you tracking w/me on all this? I know it's difficult; I have a problem w/it myself.) If she goes back to the countertop and stays there again after her shot on Saturday, then I'll probably have my answer. I'm trying to take a friend's advice to stop analyzing everything and just take this as a positive sign because I'm exhausting myself.

Dr. Lee also said "I'm a numbers guy. Her numbers say she's improving but this is not the normal Puddy behavior. I'm not w/her all day, so only you can say whether or not her quality of life is non-existent. If you're asking me, though, if this is the end for Puddy, I'd have to say 'NO'. Her gums are pink and if a cat is anemic, the gums are white. Her appetite is good, her litterbox habits are fine. I think she needs to be observed a little longer." I asked him the question I always ask "If she was your cat, what would you do?" He said "Again, I'm a numbers guy. I'd wait. But if her numbers go down after a while, then I'd have to sit myself down and say 'Mike, you have a decision to make'."

I hope I haven't forgotten anything. Yesterday I cried until I was spent. I came home, laid down and cried til I fell asleep and I did sleep for about an hour and a half. I guess I needed the cry and I definitely needed the sleep because I felt better afterwards and Puddy slept through the night, too. This has been one strange experience. I've had to help animals to the Bridge but there was never any doubt then that I was doing the right thing. Just when I think it may be time to let Puddy go, she rallies, so I've been in a state of confusion for weeks. Dr. Lee told me to keep him informed of any changes, good or bad, and I'll let all my PT friends know, too, unless I have to part w/my computer again. If you don't see an update or if I don't reply to your posts, that's why.

Thanx again for all your thoughts and prayers and I apologize for the long post. I just wanted to make sure I covered everything.

08-28-2008, 01:09 PM
And I'm sitting here crying with you! What a difficult and confusing time this is for you and Puddy also. Just hang in there and take it a day at a time and hopefully eventually you will see even more of an improvement. It does seem tho like it may be an issue with becoming senile since she just doesn't seem to be really "sick". Prayers for you and Puddy! :love:

08-28-2008, 01:27 PM
RIGHT! I forgot that your pooter was going to the vet also. ;)

Puddy does defy the odds! I loved how Dr Lee was so sweet with her...and she KNOWS him, and just cried at him! With her not feeling well, it's so sweet that she would 'ask for help'.

Mary - don't drive yourself crazy with details, but I did find a couple of bits of information on Epogen. Just have a look and then check the link if you want to. Epogen is made from a human protein, which is why autoimmune can happen...but if her counts stay up, that is good. There's another drug mentioned here also.



The main adverse event to be concerned about is antibody production. Antibodies are generated in response to an alien protein in the body. The problem is that antibodies that are generated not just against the alien (human) erythropoietin but also against the patient’s natural erythorpoietin. This makes for a profound anemia which can only be treated with blood transfusions. Regular monitoring to check for a sudden drop in red cell count, is crucial as this is the sign that a problem is incipient and the product can be stopped while there is still time. It has been proposed that darbepoetin (Aranesp ®) is less likely to cause this reaction than other recombinant erythropoietins since it differs from the human product the most.


It is very important to administer an iron supplement in conjunction with the erythropoietin injections so that the bone marrow will have all the necessary “supplies” with which to make red blood cells. A multivitamin with iron is typically used as this will also provide the B vitamins needed in red cell production as well.

In humans, carnitine administration improves the response to erythropoietin in some individuals. Carnitine is a nutritional supplement available at most vitamin stores.

Also...is she on any meds that Epogen might interfere with?

HUGS to you and Puddy. I hope you get some much-needed rest. :)

08-28-2008, 01:33 PM
RIGHT! I forgot that your pooter was going to the vet also. ;)

Puddy does defy the odds! I loved how Dr Lee was so sweet with her...and she KNOWS him, and just cried at him! With her not feeling well, it's so sweet that she would 'ask for help'.

Mary - don't drive yourself crazy with details, but I did find a couple of bits of information on Epogen. Just have a look and then check the link if you want to. Epogen is made from a human protein, which is why autoimmune can happen...but if her counts stay up, that is good. There's another drug mentioned here also.


Also...is she on any meds that Epogen might interfere with?

HUGS to you and Puddy. I hope you get some much-needed rest. :)

Thanx for the info, Candace. Dr. Lee did mention that possibly down the line if the Epogen isn't working as it should that I could consider a blood transfusion. He also mentioned a monthly iron injection but at the time, Puddy was so sick and frail that he didn't want to do it to her because he said it's painful and my little girl is only 5 lbs. To give her a painful injection right now just wouldn't sit well w/me and he said that it isn't essential at the moment, so I'll wait until he gives me the green light. She isn't on any meds other than aluminum hydroxide gel, which is a phosphorous binder and an antacid which helps w/nausea. Dr. Lee said that nausea is a big problem in kidney patients and he should know; he said he's had kidney stones, nausea, back pain, the works. He's been a kidney patient for quite some time, I guess, so he can really empathize w/Puddy.

08-28-2008, 01:43 PM
Could she take an oral (even liquid) form of the vitamins and iron?

Maybe just ask about darbepoetin (Aranesp ®). Carnitine is supposed to help the response to Epogen...it's made by the liver and kidneys, so Puddy might be low in it.

I an wondering what Dr Lee thinks of this stuff. HUGS!

08-28-2008, 02:04 PM
Could she take an oral (even liquid) form of the vitamins and iron?

Maybe just ask about darbepoetin (Aranesp ®). Carnitine is supposed to help the response to Epogen...it's made by the liver and kidneys, so Puddy might be low in it.

I an wondering what Dr Lee thinks of this stuff. HUGS!

I asked him about an oral iron supplement and he said "Oh, the Geritol effect. I'm of the opinion that it doesn't do a bit of good" and he proceeded w/a lengthy explanation that I've since forgotten. Long story short, he feels that studies have shown that iron supplements are fairly useless. Whether or not he's right is up for debate but seeing that he is of that opinion, I won't bother w/the oral supplements. I want to see how Puddy does after this Saturdays' Epogen shot, then I'll go from there and maybe take her in to my local vet for the iron shot unless she's not doing well, then of course, I want Dr. Lee to see her. I will ask him about Darbepoetin, though.

08-28-2008, 02:12 PM
and the carnitine? (I am SUCH a nag! :o ) :)

08-28-2008, 02:17 PM
and the carnitine? (I am SUCH a nag! :o ) :)

I'll ask him but he said that I'm jabbing her once a day, squirting meds down her throat twice a day, jabbing her again for another reason once a week, I have to brush her teeth every day, rinse her gums w/Chlorhexadine; he said that too much could stress her out and have a reverse effect on her. But I'll ask nonetheless; it couldn't hurt to ask.

08-28-2008, 07:54 PM
Just a couple little things. An immune reaction can last longer than the presence of the thing that caused it - there's a feedback loop that takes time to wind down.

Also, have you tried offering her a bit of beef? I know that fresh, high-quality beef tastes heavenly to an anemic human!

Love, Columbine

08-28-2008, 08:04 PM
Just a couple little things. An immune reaction can last longer than the presence of the thing that caused it - there's a feedback loop that takes time to wind down.

Also, have you tried offering her a bit of beef? I know that fresh, high-quality beef tastes heavenly to an anemic human!

Love, Columbine

I did not know that. Thanx for telling me that. As for the beef, no, I haven't tried it. She has always turned her nose up at beef but things change so it can't hurt to try. Thanx again. :)

08-28-2008, 08:11 PM
Just know that I will keep the prayers going up for both you and Puddy. There are not words that can help right now, but prayers work wonder.

08-28-2008, 08:14 PM
prayers work wonder.

I believe that w/every fiber of my being. I can't thank you all enough. Puddy just let out a meow, something I haven't heard much of lately, so I think that's her way of saying "Amen!" ;)

08-28-2008, 09:22 PM
Puddy just let out a meow, something I haven't heard much of lately, so I think that's her way of saying "Amen!" ;)

Dear Puddy,
Cassie and I are praying for you and your meowmom!

08-28-2008, 11:54 PM
oh Mary, I just read your post on your visit to see the vet, and it just brought me to tears. I am so sorry that you have been going through so much right now. You truly are doing everything you can at this point in time, and just take it day by day. Puddy seems to be quite the trooper. Sydney has been on iron supplements for about a month, and they brought her blood levels back into the normal range when they dropped. Just a thought. You are in my prayers and thoughts - the both of you. And I will be checking for updates on Puddy's condition. :love::love::love:

08-29-2008, 12:08 AM
so I came downstairs and decided to check email. Guess who came looking for me? She meowed and wandered around a bit and then went back upstairs. I'm still in shock!

08-29-2008, 12:28 AM
Wonderful! :)

08-29-2008, 06:37 AM
That update made me smile!

08-29-2008, 07:28 AM
Go, Puddy!

Love, Columbine

08-29-2008, 09:06 AM
I think your visit with Dr. Lee went very well. Keeping an eye on her levels and observing the behavioral changes after altering the Epogen sounds like a great plan. It sounds like she is already showing signs of improvement. This is good news!

08-29-2008, 12:38 PM
It seems that Ms. Pudwah was feeling good for only a moment. I just got home and could hear her vomiting upstairs. Poor little girl was in her litterbox retching. She usually lets out a cry before she vomits; it sounds like she's yodeling but I didn't hear it. Maybe she was doing it as I was pulling into the garage but as soon as I walked in, I could hear her vomiting. She hasn't done it since and I don't panic at vomiting, especially since Dr. Lee told me if she does it once, not to worry, twice though, and I should call him. She'll get another Epogen injection tomorrow and now I'm concerned about how she'll do. Tell me again that I'm doing right by her......

08-29-2008, 12:59 PM
Mary, this must be so hard on you. You have my prayers for Puddy!

08-29-2008, 01:35 PM
My girls and I are sending prayers your way from Indiana.

Mary, you are doing the right thing for Puddy. And it sounds like your vet is wonderful and insightful. I truly believe that Puddy will tell you when, and you will know, as Puddy is so close to your heart. Just sit back, give Puddy lots of luvvins, and relax. (I know, easy for me to say.)

Know that we are all praying for you and your entire furposse.

(((hugs))) :love: :love: :love:

08-29-2008, 01:38 PM
Tell me again that I'm doing right by her......

Of course you are. You can't know how she'll react to that next shot until after she gets it.

Each person needs to decide the happy medium between trying too hard and not trying hard enough (to save a beloved animal). And in the end you WILL do the right things, because of the love between you.


08-29-2008, 06:03 PM
Mary you will know in your heart when you need to do something different, but for now I believe you are. Our prayers will continue for you both.