View Full Version : Driving rant

smokey the elder
07-10-2008, 10:18 AM
Why are the drivers this week such a pain??:mad:

Laura's Babies
07-10-2008, 03:06 PM
To many people are wrapped up in their own worlds without regards to the world around them.

07-10-2008, 04:41 PM
Drivers are ALWAYS a pain for me... tailgating, impatience, not using blinkers, cutting me off when I leave more than an inch between me and the car in front of me........ /sigh

Every morning, gotta love that 7am traffic going into the city!

07-10-2008, 04:56 PM
I noticed that this morning. One left turn on a red light just as I was crossing the street as a pedestrian on MY green, several other stop sign/light runners, driving slow in the fast lane, tailgating and no CHP anywhere to be seen! No one talking on cell phones, tho; I guess they got the word out.

07-11-2008, 02:54 AM
I get my fill of almost getting run over and glared at too! I really think people need slow down thier lives and quit being so impatient about everything
Smell the flowers people!

smokey the elder
07-11-2008, 08:25 AM
I thought we were supposed to be driving slower to conserve gas; it worked in 1973. I guess if you're driving the speed limit you're driving too slow. Basically everyone is on vacation EXCEPT the tailgaters. I must have pulled over 10 times this week to let someone pass who was so close I could see their nose hair (sorry, TMI!):p

07-11-2008, 12:22 PM
I thought we were supposed to be driving slower to conserve gas; it worked in 1973. I guess if you're driving the speed limit you're driving too slow. Basically everyone is on vacation EXCEPT the tailgaters. I must have pulled over 10 times this week to let someone pass who was so close I could see their nose hair (sorry, TMI!):p

I want a bumpersticker that says "Please go tailgate somebody else!"

07-11-2008, 04:07 PM
I want a bumpersticker that says "Please go tailgate somebody else!"
Heck, I want one of those scrollers to put in my back window and when someone zooms up on me I can change the message or something, haha.

I love/hate though when morning traffic comes to an IMMEDIATE STOP out of nowhere, you know the slam-on-your-brakes stop, and the people behind me countless times have had to swerve onto the shoulder to avoid rear-ending me... oddly enough after that, they back waaaaay far away when we start moving again!!!

But tailgating scares the living **** out of me in rain... even when I left enough room (in my opinion lol) between me and a person in front of me, on wet pavement I had to slam on my brakes and skid for a good... oh 30 or so feet and stopped literally centimeters from their back bumper... and I was a lot farther from the person in front of me than the person behind me was to me!!!! Its just scary. I'd rather someone rear-end me though and have to pay for me to get a new car than me be the cause...

07-11-2008, 04:54 PM
Every time I have noticed odd, careless behavior from a driver lately - and I am talking months here, that person has been talking on a cell phone.

It is sad, and scary. People don't even pay attention to where they WALK when on a cell phone, why do they think they should do so while behind the wheel of a ton of steel?

07-11-2008, 05:09 PM
1. Granny on board. (or, to not sexually discriminate, grandpa on board)

2. If you can read this, you're tailgating me because you're pissed off at my lousy driving.

3. How's My Driving? Dial 1-800- I Already know it sucks a$$.

4. Pedestrians make great speed bumps.

5. Caution: I may or may not be blonde, but I drive like one.

6. I'm Sorry. (ya, we wish they'd apologise for their terrible driving)

7. I'm not cutting you off, I'm just getting your attention.

8. Road Rage, Fear, Aggravation - My work here is done.

9. Lost your kid? Try looking under my tires.

10. Don't Honk: Driver yappin' on cell phone.

11. No I'm not a tourist, I'm just a really bad driver.

12. I stopped to think... and never got started again.

13. Warning: driver armed with lipstick and may use it.

14. Seeing over the steering wheel is for suckers.

15. Honk all you want, I'm deaf. Highbeam all you want, I'm blind, too.

16. Pardon my driving, I'm commutally challenged.

17. Why are you the only person on earth who knows how to drive?

18. I brake for no apparent reason.

19. I'm the reason the middle finger was created.

07-11-2008, 05:38 PM
I just returned from a mini vacation. I drove to Lancaster County PA and returned several days later. On my way to PA I took major highways for the most part and tried to stick to 55 mph! Well, everyone passed me, regardless the speed limit. No one, I mean no one did the limit. I stayed in the right lane and did speed up when necessary. Not one car travelled at 55 except me, when the limit was 65. What is with these folks. It is common knowledge that the most efficient speed is 55, saving gobs of gas not to mention the gentleness on our environment. On my way home I travelled 65 when appropriate for the limit, not the 55 as when I travelled to PA and everyone still passed me. What gives? I suspect our government will step in some time soon and drop the maximum speed limit like they did years ago. I think it makes sense, all things considered. Fewer accidents, less fuel usage. I think the trucks were worse than any car or driver. Everyone needs to slow down. Ugh.

07-11-2008, 06:17 PM
My top driving peeve....if you are going to drive in a different country, learn to convert speeds. 55 km an hour is not the same as 55 miles an hour....the highway speed is in METRIC, like everything else in Canada! If I get stuck behind one more tourist driving 55km an hour on the Alaska Highway when the speed limit is 90km(which is equal to 55 milers per hour), I may come unglued.

And if you are going to drive an RV the size of a tractor trailer, perhaps you should take some lessons before heading out! You are going to kill someone!

six more weeks to the end of tourist season!

07-11-2008, 06:53 PM
As the saying goes: "If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?"

Anyway - some town somewhere did an experiment. Instead of say, 55 MPH, they made it 53.

If all speed signs were changed to end in an odd number like that - 51, 62, etc - it might create enough of a mind trip to make a difference!

07-12-2008, 05:55 AM
And why are people in such a hurry anyhow? To get to their jobs? Doubtful. Just where are they going in such a hurry that they need to endanger your life, theirs and others, too?

07-12-2008, 08:52 AM
Oh I am with you on this rant. I am absolutely sick of careless drivers. Now with a baby in the car, I get especially upset. I've already had a bad accident with him in the car because someone couldn't be bothered to stop at a stop sign. And another pet peeve of mine - when did it become too difficult to use a turn signal??

07-12-2008, 11:23 AM
Ah turn signals! I do have to ask - do Mercedes Benz even come equipped with turn signals at all or is that in the deluxe model and an extra they forget to ask for? Oh, wait, I forget - they have SPECIAL driving rules for Benz drivers ;)

Shall we start a pedestrian thread too or can I post that rant here?

07-12-2008, 05:52 PM
Since I've lived in CA, I've seen so many bad drivers. So many of them try to change lanes without evening looking to see if they have enough room. I've almost been hit several times because of this.:eek:

You really can't drive the speed limit here if you wanted to without having the car behind you right on your bumper. Now I usually drive at least 5 miles an hour above the speed limit on most streets and cars still speed on by me.:rolleyes:

07-12-2008, 08:54 PM
10. Don't Honk: Driver yappin' on cell phone.

Oh goodness, I LOVE this one!

when did it become too difficult to use a turn signal??

For YEARS, Dad has said about such a person: "Guess they didn't make turn signals on that model." Now it's ME saying the same thing.

07-12-2008, 09:06 PM
Totally agree with everything that has been said....we were out running errands today, and people were absolutely crazy...My husband was driving, and I was sitting in the front passenger seat, and there were several times, I closed my eyes because I knew some idiot was about to hit us.....Here in the Dallas area, even with the $4.00 gas, a lot of people aren't going to give up their stupid pick up trucks....which is fine, but don't go weaving in and out, tailgating, etc just to end up side by side at the light anyway.....drives me nuts!!! It is a wonder my two kids didn't learn a lot of new words today! :D