View Full Version : Could definitely use some PT well wishes

06-16-2008, 05:21 PM
My uncle Robert (or Bobby, as he was known) passed away in his sleep last night. We used to be a very close knit family and so this is hard for everyone.

He had no wife, no children. Just his beloved Callie. A love, respect, and understanding of animals has been passed down through every generation and uncle Bobby definitely had it. He went everywhere and did everything with Callie (a mixed breed dog), true soulmates, no doubt. He got a kick out of teaching her tricks and showing them off. Their story was one of love.

Robert struggled with several personal daemons. He never hurt anyone but himself. He was a great man, with a beautiful heart, and he will never, ever, be forgotten.


06-16-2008, 05:25 PM
Awww, does Callie have a new home?

Your family will be in our prayers.

06-16-2008, 06:08 PM
Sending prayers to you and your family.

06-16-2008, 06:15 PM
I am sending you much love and a feeling that your Uncle is now free and happy. He and Callie will be reunited one day too.

My prayers for you and all of your family at such a sad time.

06-16-2008, 06:22 PM
Yes, who will take in dear sweet Callie now?

So sorry to read of your loss. Prayers for you and your family, and for Uncle Bobby.

Ginger's Mom
06-16-2008, 07:20 PM
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I am sure the animals at the bridge were there to welcome such a great animal lover.

06-16-2008, 09:02 PM
So sad. RIP Uncle Bobby. I hope Callie will be OK.

06-17-2008, 12:29 AM
{{{{hugs}}}} Dear Bobby, now you live in endless peace...no more pain.

Fly free and joyful forever.

I hope Callie gets lots of hugs...it will help everyone...

06-17-2008, 06:33 AM
No more personal demons for Uncle Bobby, only peace. Callie is going to greatly miss her partner. Please give her lots of love and attention. (Of course you will.) I hope you will be able to find peace, as well.

06-17-2008, 10:18 AM
Thinking and praying for you, with a [[HUG]],

Pawsitive Thinking
06-17-2008, 10:21 AM
RIP Uncle Bobby

4 Dog Mother
06-17-2008, 12:05 PM
So sorry to hear about your uncle! Prayers for you and your family are on the way.

06-17-2008, 01:43 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss, and for Callie. :(

My deepest sympathy and hugs!

06-17-2008, 04:17 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your loss...

06-17-2008, 05:06 PM
I am so sorry about your Uncle.:( I'm convinced God judges our hearts
and I'm sure that he will be just fine now, in heaven.

Prayers for you & your family.