View Full Version : Graduation gaffes!

06-13-2008, 10:51 AM

Now, I am not that much of a rules kinda guy but there have been a rash of graduation gaffes that I have seen lately.

In this case 7 people get jailed because they 'whooped' when they should have been a little more discreet.

Did it ever occur to some folks that their yelling is more obnoxious than others? I have been to awards ceremonies where the family of the person being honored acted like it was a sporting event. They shouted some pretty stupid things and war-whooped as if General Custer was on the stage.


At our grad ceremony the school had lined the path to the stage with American Flags. One idiot decided to pick one up and toss it like a javelin.
Not a smart move, he was taken off the field.

A few days ago in a school in San Gorgonio, CA, a few kids were banned from grad ceremonies for having fake tickets in their paws.

They grads were given 5 free tickets and were given the chance to buy 5 more.

Apparently the school wanted to keep the crowds manageable and safe.

The mother of one student that was caught praised her son, "he's a good kid, has good grades and has his gown, He'll graduate anyway!" He's going to college and mom is thinking about suing! LOL, the leaders of tomorrow, today!


The last Grad Gaffe has to do with a campaign that targets grads, drinking and driving. Now, these kids should not be drinking anyway but I digress!

The slogan for the program is "Every 15 Minutes" - a kid gets wiped out on the road in a traffic accident every quarter hour.

The Cal Hiway Patrol goes to a school has a few different ways to get the kids on board......One way is to have a Grim Reaper character go to classrooms and pull people out of class. The kids are made up to look like they have been in an accident and put into crashed cars on the athletic field.

The other kids are led to the bleachers and shown what drinking and driving can lead to.

In Oceanside, CA the program was done with this twist. Kids were chosen before hand and kept out of class that day. An announcement was made in the school that the kids were killed in traffic accidents. The kids freaked out- some were so tweaked out that they had to cut the 'program' short because of the way the kids reacted.

Some students got the message, other criticized the adults for pulling this prank on them! Hmmm, We trust the kids not to drink and drive so I thought it was a wash!

I was wondering about the other "grad horror stories" from around the country!:eek:


06-13-2008, 11:37 AM
My niece graduated from 8th grade last week. The ceremony was held in the gym, not outdoors. There was one family that screamed and yelled throughout the entire thing. It was annoying! And while the names were being announced people yelled, clapped and cheered. You couldn't even hear the next name called.
While it is bothersome, I don't think people need to be arrested for it.

My Alma Mater did the Grim Reaper thing. Not while I was going there, but I heard it was pretty shocking. I believe the kids knew their classmates weren't really dead though. Boy, I hope so. That could really mess some kids up. Emotional stress!

06-13-2008, 12:57 PM
My school did the 'every 15 minutes' program, I thought it was very powerful. I really enjoyed it.

06-14-2008, 12:12 PM
I don't know if this qualifies since it was the school official and not the
students but it's definately a gaffe.:)

Typo on diplomas embarrasses Ohio principal
By Associated Press
8:54 AM CDT, June 6, 2008

WESTLAKE, Ohio - A Cleveland-area principal says he's embarrassed his students got proof of their "educaiton" on their high school diplomas.

Westlake High School officials misspelled "education" on the diplomas distributed last weekend. It's been the subject of mockery on local radio.

Principal Timothy Freeman says he sent back the diplomas once to correct another error. When the diplomas came back, no one bothered to check things they thought were right the first time.

The publisher has reprinted the diplomas a second time and sent them to the 330 graduates.

06-20-2008, 11:03 AM
Two more!

Two kids from Tesoro High School (CA) were charged with breaking into their school computers and changing grades!

One kid could get 40 years in jail for this.:eek:


And back east, a printing company that does the yearbooks had to give out stickers with the names of the graduating class that were misspelled when they used a SPELLCHECKER to edit the text!!

06-20-2008, 03:57 PM
I don't know this is a "gaffe," exactly. But at my city high school graduation, 5 students were not permitted on the stage to collect the diploma because they were wearing sneakers. Not appropriate attire for such an event.

The middle school behind me did a simulation for a lock down. Teachers knew before hand, students did not. Had to call it off as one classroom went totally hysterical and couldn't comprehend when the teacher tried to explain it was a drill. The poor kids were terrified, all squished in a closet, with the desks all propped at the classroom doors.

06-24-2008, 12:11 AM
I attended my step-daughters graduation two years ago. I had not been to a graduation since my own college graduation in 1990, I suppose, but I have to say I was shocked and appalled.

There were kids there who had on flip-flops, tank tops and very short shorts. One boy who looked like he just got off work - he was wearing greasy overalls and work boots. These were not audience members, mind you, they were the graduates themselves.

There were several people in the audience with air horns, blasting them constantly. The audience in general screamed, hooted and yelled so much I would have thought we were at a sporting event.

It was a horrible experience.