View Full Version : A bumper sticker I can relate to!

05-28-2008, 06:12 AM
I was behind a car at a light yesterday morning and their bumper sticker caught my eye. It was all done up in red, white and blue and had the words:
It looked really good (much more artistic than just what I typed above), and I think somehow it represents many of the people in this country today. So many of us wish we had a candidate that we could rally around. :rolleyes:

05-28-2008, 08:47 AM
Now that's a good one!!

I saw a bumper sticker about a month ago that said, "Monica Lewinsky's boyfriend's wife for President"

I couldn't stop laughing!!

05-28-2008, 11:11 AM
One of my brothers once asked me, "Karen, how come no one we want in office ever makes it through and runs for President?" and my reply was, "I guess some are too smart to want the job, knowing all the nonsense unrelated to doing the job that the "interview process" entails."

05-28-2008, 11:46 AM
There is no perfect candidate, for sure. This morning's news sure bashed the one we have.

I guess we can keep wishing for a perfect country, but in the scheme of things, the President, himself, has not enough power to change all the things we would want him to be able to do.

We have to vote, not only for President of the US, but we have to vote for local representation, statewide representation, and certainly for our representatives to the Senate and House of Representatives. Combined, they can make a difference.

05-28-2008, 12:32 PM
Love it Pam. There's no candidate running that I would want to give my vote to. Wondering already if I should just stay home this year :(

05-28-2008, 12:40 PM
Love it Pam. There's no candidate running that I would want to give my vote to. Wondering already if I should just stay home this year :(

I know exactly what you mean. I am hearing this from so many people that I can't even imagine who they are polling as to how the general election might go. So many of my friends, relatives and co-workers are not enthused at all and have not yet made up their minds. We should all go out and exercise our right to vote, but the question is for who? :confused:

smokey the elder
05-28-2008, 03:37 PM
What we really need to do is vote some of the old fossils out of Congress (Lautenberg, Byrd, et al.) Term limits, anyone? Serving in the House and Senate were not intended to be lifetime jobs. (Only the Supreme Court.) A lot of the elected officials are in it for their own sake, not their constituents'. So if you need to hold your nose to vote for President, vote Libertarian or something, and go to the polls to vote for Senators, Representatives, even the school bo(a)rd!:D:p

05-28-2008, 04:49 PM
I guess we can keep wishing for a perfect country, but in the scheme of things, the President, himself, has not enough power to change all the things we would want him to be able to do.

We have to vote, not only for President of the US, but we have to vote for local representation, statewide representation, and certainly for our representatives to the Senate and House of Representatives. Combined, they can make a difference.

Logan, you are so right about this.:) I wish more people would understand
this & take politics seriously, from the local offices to the state levels as well
as the race for president. It's not all about one governmental office.

05-28-2008, 09:21 PM
:confused:Has anyone noticed the before and after pics of the recent presidents?

Only a megalomanic, did I mention a rich megalomaniac?, wants that job.

Yep, it's an idealistic desire-notice the slogans- and we all know that they fall way short of what they promise BEFORE they get into office.

You and I get paid AFTER we do a job.

But athletes and politicians seem to get big bucks before the ever step into the arena-I know, politicians don't get paid up front, but look at the war chests they gather beforehand!


Here's my idea.

Pay athletes like we get paid, show up, do the work and we'll see.

Politicians? Show up, and if you don't get the job done, go to effing jail.

Most politicians end up in the clink anyway, why not make it part of the job description? Only the truly stupid or pure of heart will run for office and we can tell the good from the bad right off......

Only the truly stupid will think they have a pure enough heart to run!

Last one standing gets the job!:eek:;)

Suki Wingy
05-29-2008, 04:58 PM
One of my brothers once asked me, "Karen, how come no one we want in office ever makes it through and runs for President?" and my reply was, "I guess some are too smart to want the job, knowing all the nonsense unrelated to doing the job that the "interview process" entails."

That's exactly what I think.