View Full Version : New Addition to the household!

05-27-2008, 06:05 PM
Also x-posted in cat general

He isn't mine, but my in-laws brought home a wee little lab puppy this past Friday! Apparently it was an accidental (or at least I HOPE it was accidental...) breeding because they were giving them away outside walmart.

His name is Indy, short for Indiana after Indiana Jones, since that's his dog's name ;) And it was the day that the movie came out! :)

I will ALSO be bringing home one of the foster kittens from school after she is spayed, so probably some time before the end of June. I put in the application for her last Wednesday, and I'm first on the list! I waited till last minute to put in the app, too, but so far nobody had put any in for her! I'm sooo excited!

And of course, pics!! You didn't think I'd leave you hanging dry did ya??

Indy (he won't stay still long enough to get a decent picture!!!)





Annnnnd Shelly (maybe renamed, but she's Shelly for now!)

Baby picture:





Things should be interesting around here for awhile!

Ginger's Mom
05-27-2008, 06:57 PM
Aww, he is cute. I must admit I was a bit confused when Sunny's Mom mentioned that you had a new puppy. Now I get to see him. :D I love his sleeping picture. The kitten it cute too. How old will she be when you get to bring her home? What will 007 think of a new kitten in his home?

05-27-2008, 07:30 PM
How are you going to handle all of the cuteness in your house after Shelly arrives? It would be like a cuteness overload each time you walk into another room. =D

05-27-2008, 07:32 PM
they are both absolutely adorable! :love: I hope the other pups get good homes and that the mom is spayed now that the people gave the pups away!

05-27-2008, 08:36 PM
Aww, he is cute. I must admit I was a bit confused when Sunny's Mom mentioned that you had a new puppy. Now I get to see him. :D I love his sleeping picture. The kitten it cute too. How old will she be when you get to bring her home? What will 007 think of a new kitten in his home?

I'm sure she'll be one of the last ones spayed since these kitties are the youngest animals we have. Every Thursday is "surgery day" where they spay and/or neuter two of our animals. We've done six or so so far! As soon as they are spayed/neutered and have recovered we can take them home. I'm not sure what the schedule is but hopefully I get her soon! All of our current animals will be spayed and neutered before the end of this term (end of June) and they are ALL being adopted, they just need to be spayed and neutered first :) So no later than... what three more weeks!

I did take her home a couple nights the first few weeks we had them since they needed to be bottle fed and couldn't be left alone overnight and Double-Oh did not like her too much... he was really curious but when he was face-to-face he was really... not mean but he was vocal about his disapproval. He'll get over it, though ;)

How are you going to handle all of the cuteness in your house after Shelly arrives? It would be like a cuteness overload each time you walk into another room. =D

At school it already is with all the baby kitties we have!!! We have the "crusty kittens" (we call them); these are the abandoned orphaned kitties. There are nine of them, two separate litters (but we count them as one since we obtained them together). Shelly is the smallest of this bunch.

Then we have the other litter that was born on March 1 or so, one of our kitties gave birth. Mama is spayed now YAAY but she had five kittens and these are at least a month older than the other bunch.

So we have... what... fourteen kittens keeping our hands full at school!

05-27-2008, 08:39 PM

05-27-2008, 09:15 PM
Ahhh!!! Puppy AND kitten breath! eeeee!! :love: :D

Congrats to all!

05-27-2008, 09:22 PM
What a cutie :love:
He looks older than Coco (who is 7 weeks).

05-27-2008, 09:26 PM
What a cute puppy and kitten. Gonna be crazy at your house, but fun!:D

05-27-2008, 09:50 PM
I hate it that so many people think that wal-mart is an acceptable place to give puppies away.grrr....

He is a cutie though!:D

05-28-2008, 10:52 AM
Wow, what a darling kitten and puppy!!

05-28-2008, 11:29 AM
Things should be interesting around here for awhile!

Oh how true!
Indiana is TOO Cute! OMG!
And the picture of Shelly with the food full of face make me LOL!

Daisy and Delilah
05-28-2008, 01:16 PM
They are both as cute as can be. Please give both tons of kisses from Florida please!!:)

05-28-2008, 04:26 PM
what cuties!!!.. love the name Indiana.... LOL...

he reminds me of baby Buck.... awwww.....

and Shelly... what a cutie lil dirty face.... awwwww..

05-28-2008, 04:38 PM
what cuties!!!.. love the name Indiana.... LOL...

he reminds me of baby Buck.... awwww.....

and Shelly... what a cutie lil dirty face.... awwwww..

That's who I thought of actually when they brought him home -- baby Buck!!

Thanks, guys! I visit Shelly on my lunch at school every day and I just CAN'T WAIT until she is spayed and I can bring her homeeeee!!!!

Indy is learning fast, too -- he does good in his crate overnight and is doing really good with house training, albeit chewing on EVERYTHING in sight, lol.