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06-24-2011, 11:35 AM
What did Della Wear?

I dunno, Alaska? :eek:

From KY to CA I have seen the prices from 3.43 to about 4 bucks - 4 bucks being asked for in AZ

Nope - she wore a brand New Jersey. Haven't you ever heard that old song? You're certainly young :eek: enough to remember Perry Como. :eek:
For those that don't know who Perry Como is, then you must be babies. :p:D

06-24-2011, 11:35 AM
In Vicenza, Italy it is $5.67 a gallon when the stations are closed but when they are open it is $6.01 a gallon.

06-24-2011, 11:43 AM
I think the lowest I've seen is $3.81 but there may also be some stations in the $3.70's range. It's always so much more expensive for everything in CA.:(

06-24-2011, 12:25 PM
:) I paid $3.50 gallon last saturday.. We shall see what it is this saturday..

06-24-2011, 12:37 PM
Down to $3.93 for SS unleaded in the San Francisco Bay Area

06-24-2011, 12:44 PM
I just paid $3.29!

06-24-2011, 12:53 PM
I saw it for 3.92 but it's a good 15 cents less outside Cook County. We have a county gas tax.

06-25-2011, 12:58 AM
I think the lowest I've seen is $3.81 but there may also be some stations in the $3.70's range. It's always so much more expensive for everything in CA.:(

On my way to work this morning the gas station that was $3.81 is now down to $3.77.:) I hope that by the time I need to fill up that the prices will have gone down even lower.:)

06-27-2011, 12:44 PM
:) This past Saturday the gas was at $3.45 a gallon.. Remember it was $3.50 Saturday before last..

06-27-2011, 03:45 PM
The lowest I've seen recently is $3.78/gal. I wonder if the gas prices will go up for the holiday next weekend??

06-27-2011, 05:29 PM
Here in my hometown, it is $3.14.

06-27-2011, 06:47 PM

06-27-2011, 08:56 PM

I found a great app/website:

You type in you zip and they show you gas prices in your area. They are quite complete at least in my area. Included small independents and Costco,Safeway, Arco and others. Couldn't find one NOT listed. Love it!:love:

06-28-2011, 07:53 AM
One of my FB friends just got gas for $2.84 in Canton, OH but, of course, my tank was full. Ack!

06-28-2011, 10:37 AM
:) Yup is that not the pits.. Now by the time you need more gas it will be back up.. :D

One of my FB friends just got gas for $2.84 in Canton, OH but, of course, my tank was full. Ack!

08-16-2011, 07:12 AM
I went grocery shopping in a town 20 minutes from mine on Friday night. I filled up for $3.18! There were several stations where it was $3.21, including at Kroger where I purchased it; but because I used my Kroger plus card I got the extra discount. I also used my Discover card to get another 2.5% back. Of course in my town gas prices are $3.47. *sigh*

08-16-2011, 08:05 AM
In Butler where Concordia is located, the average price of gas right now is $3.59 a gallon. It's been a long time since I had to buy gas!

08-16-2011, 12:46 PM
It was $3.32 yesterday, but glad I waited because it was $3.31 today. I got a whole 6 gallons of gas for $20 versus almost 6 for $20 last week when I put gas in my car.

08-26-2011, 03:29 PM
A gentle rant... The station nearest to me went from $3.83 on Thursday to $3.97 on Friday -- up 14 cents overnight. I thought it might be because the hurricane that's now in the Atlantic Ocean could affect supply and deliveries next week.

08-26-2011, 05:11 PM
It's funny, because you REALLY have to pay attention. Yesterday I saw gas was $3.59 at two station near each other on Main Street in Watertown, a little further west on the same road it was $3.65, and then $3.79! All on the same street! And I know there are still places around that it is $3.87 or 3.89!

08-27-2011, 09:54 PM
Isn't some oil refinery shutting down/shut down because of the hurricane? That's what my mom said, and it would explain why I paid $3.35 for gas today.

08-28-2011, 07:58 AM
Lowest I've seen this week is $3.77. That's when I fill up.

08-28-2011, 08:09 AM
Up here in the Concordia area, the lowest price is $3.49 a gallon. I'm sure with the labor day weekend coming up, the prices will climb again.

08-28-2011, 08:25 AM
#3.24 per gallon among the lowest

08-30-2011, 05:48 AM
Here in Armidale today.........
$1.48 per litre.

1litre = 0.2642 US gal.
1 US Gallon = 3.785 litres
3.785 litres X $1.48 = $5.60

Convert $5.60 AUS into $US = $5.95 US

Sheesh.....and you are all whinging about the price being between $3 and $4 ?
We are paying nearly double here downunder.

09-02-2011, 12:27 PM
:eek: WoW I am impressed Wom that you knew how to do all of those table figures..

Here in Armidale today.........
$1.48 per litre.

1litre = 0.2642 US gal.
1 US Gallon = 3.785 litres
3.785 litres X $1.48 = $5.60

Convert $5.60 AUS into $US = $5.95 US

Sheesh.....and you are all whinging about the price being between $3 and $4 ?
We are paying nearly double here downunder.

09-02-2011, 09:55 PM
Are your high prices due to taxes or higher profits for the companies?

Here in Armidale today.........
$1.48 per litre.

1litre = 0.2642 US gal.
1 US Gallon = 3.785 litres
3.785 litres X $1.48 = $5.60

Convert $5.60 AUS into $US = $5.95 US

Sheesh.....and you are all whinging about the price being between $3 and $4 ?
We are paying nearly double here downunder.

09-02-2011, 10:10 PM
:eek: WoW I am impressed Wom that you knew how to do all of those table figures..

Thanks Helene. I needed that.
A compliment from a Texan is what we Aussies regard as a windfall.
We here downunder believe that one day we will have something bigger and better than you all have there in Texas.
Ohhh....time to go feed the pet mice.........;)
http://img1.imagehousing.com/92/8d80745f051d9780abadffeff432c408.jpg (http://www.imagehousing.com/image/840456)

09-02-2011, 10:13 PM
Are your high prices due to taxes or higher profits for the companies?

What ??? You think the honest oil companies and the great goverment we have here has something to do with the cost ????
That's utterly ridiculous !!!! :D:D;)

09-02-2011, 10:58 PM
Nooooooooooooooooooo. :D :D :D

When my friends point out how high are gas is, I point out that people in other countries pay way more than we do. A lot of that higher cost has to do with taxes. I was really asking how much is economics, such as availability, versus taxes. :p

FYI, my home state has higher gas taxes and taxes in general than the state where I work and reside. As a result, the roads are in better condition, and the state can offer more services. :)

My state of residence, SC, tried to secede from the Union once before and there are several "old families" in this state that would do it again in a heartbeat. :eek: Our taxes are lower, but the services are lacking. And the infrastructure is failing.

I don't want to part with any more of my money than I have to, but it would be nice to drive down the state and local roads and not hit potholes. :mad:

What ??? You think the honest oil companies and the great goverment we have here has something to do with the cost ????
That's utterly ridiculous !!!! :D:D;)

09-03-2011, 11:00 PM
Nooooooooooooooooooo. :D :D :D

When my friends point out how high are gas is, I point out that people in other countries pay way more than we do. A lot of that higher cost has to do with taxes. I was really asking how much is economics, such as availability, versus taxes. :p

FYI, my home state has higher gas taxes and taxes in general than the state where I work and reside. As a result, the roads are in better condition, and the state can offer more services. :)

My state of residence, SC, tried to secede from the Union once before and there are several "old families" in this state that would do it again in a heartbeat. :eek: Our taxes are lower, but the services are lacking. And the infrastructure is failing.

I don't want to part with any more of my money than I have to, but it would be nice to drive down the state and local roads and not hit potholes. :mad:

Hmmmm, I suppose it's the same here.
I think tho that it all comes down to simple political economics.
"The more we can scrape out of them, the more potholes we can fix" :D

09-04-2011, 09:28 AM
So, it's $3.35 this weekend.

09-04-2011, 10:17 AM
Glad I'm not an Aussie :eek:.

$3.45 here. Though I saw it somewhere on the other side of town for like $3.36. Oh well, I'll be paying $3.45 when I go fill up Buttercup shortly :p.

01-05-2012, 08:34 PM
A couple of blocks away from where I work, there's a Mobil station. It went from $3.45 Tuesday evening to $3.65 this morning. 20 cents in two days?!

01-05-2012, 08:36 PM
Yikes! I noticed the Shell station's price went up 10 cents in 2 days, and I thought that was bad! Right now, you can pay anywhere from $3.25 (which we filled Turtle up on) to $3.65 a gallon for the cheapest grade of gas, depending on the station, all within a couple miles of each other. They will charge what the market will bear, no question of that!

Suki Wingy
01-08-2012, 02:12 PM
It's down around $3.30 here as of last night. But when I was in Arizona this week I saw it for as low as $3.11.

01-08-2012, 05:06 PM
The cheapest that I've seen it here is $3.51 but I'm sure that soon this won't last either.:( At least my car gets good gas mileage and I don't have to drive very far to work.:)

01-09-2012, 03:46 PM
:) Well here it was $3.06 one minute && jumped to $3.30.. UUmmppss

01-09-2012, 04:06 PM
$3.25 yesterday, fell to $3.23 today. I'm sure it is cheaper on the other side of town though, it's usually at least a couple of cents cheaper.

01-10-2012, 01:25 AM
The cheapest that I've seen it here is $3.51 but I'm sure that soon this won't last either.:( At least my car gets good gas mileage and I don't have to drive very far to work.:)

The above was on Saturday. On Sunday the same gas station was now up to $3.53 so I decided to fill up my tank on my way to my parents house. On my way back home the price had gone up again to $3.55. So far it's still at $3.55 today but things may change when I pass by it on my way to work tomorrow.

02-23-2012, 06:00 PM
Rant: The Shell station I pass on my route to work went from $3.49 to $3.67 overnight! Holy cow!

02-23-2012, 07:40 PM
Went from $3.44 to $3.48 last night... Luckily I got to a station where it was $3.44 before it changed.

02-23-2012, 08:23 PM
So tonight, on the way TO rehearsal, gas was $3.59 at the "cheap" stations. But on the back, a little over an hour later, it had gone up by 6 cents, to $3.65. It was already $3.69 at the regular stations, so I still saved a few cents, but that was surprising!

02-23-2012, 09:04 PM
$3.69 here in jax, fl. I've been driving less and getting so discouraged.

02-24-2012, 12:02 AM
Well you guys still have much cheaper gas than we do in CA. At most gas stations it's already at $4.00 or higher.:eek: When I passed by an Arco gas station it was still at $3.97 which is the cheapest that I've seen. I bet it'll be more tomorrow though. My mom heard that by summer our gas prices will be at $5.00 per gallon.:eek: I'm so lucky that my commute to work isn't very far and that my car gets good gas mileage.

Desert Arabian
02-25-2012, 03:03 PM
I filled up my Escape for $3.55 a gallon last night in SE Wisconsin. The total came out to $50.01 to fill my tank completely. :( I am glad I do not have a pick-up truck like my boyfriend, way too expensive....

02-25-2012, 03:08 PM
$3.59 when I went out yesterday - and that was one of the normally cheaper stations. Didn't really pay much attention to other places.

02-25-2012, 03:11 PM
I saw $4.01 at chevron last week, when I got gas at costco it was $3.77...ugh

02-25-2012, 04:33 PM
Was $3.99 in Westerly, R.I.-saw it jump 10cents this a.m. and that was one of the "Cheap" stations, so imagine the rest are higher!

02-28-2012, 12:44 PM
Rant: The Shell station I pass on my route to work went from $3.49 to $3.67 overnight! Holy cow!

Same station is now at $3.89. But it's up over four bucks in the city.

02-29-2012, 03:18 PM
Same station is now at $3.89. But it's up over four bucks in the city.

And... it's at $3.77 today. :confused: I hope it keeps coming down.

03-02-2012, 11:33 AM
I jinxed myself! Same station is at $3.97 today. What is going on with gasoline prices? Up and down.

07-29-2012, 12:06 AM
Regular unleaded went from $3.69 to $3.95 per gallon at the station nearest to me - overnight! Wonder what that's about.

07-31-2012, 09:32 PM
3,31 the other day at UDF.......

07-31-2012, 10:04 PM
Was $3.29 this morning on my drive to work... jumped up to $3.49 on my way home... and I need to fill up soon. I always seem to wait an afternoon too long. When will I learn and just fill up on my way to work? :mad:

03-26-2013, 04:38 PM
I got regular unleaded for $3.75 today! (at the Shell station closest to where I live it's still $4.07)

03-30-2013, 12:28 PM
I just put some gas in my car and it was $3.72/gal. When I get paid on Wednesday, I'm driving over the border to Massachusetts where it's AT LEAST 15 to 20 cents cheaper than in CT.

03-30-2013, 12:33 PM
I paid $3.59 today.

03-30-2013, 01:56 PM
The cheapest I've found in my area is $3.89. Most stations are about in the $3.93 or higher range. CA always seems to have the highest gas prices.:(

03-30-2013, 04:18 PM
Just paid $3.64 per gallon :(

04-01-2013, 03:16 AM
We are paying $2.30 a litre here so USA prices are much cheaper,we are paying over double what Americans are paying.

04-04-2013, 11:55 AM
$3.43 when I filled up this morning. I like the direction that these prices are going - for now anyway. :D

05-01-2013, 12:45 AM
Woohoo! I paid $3.97 today at the BP on York Road in Hinsdale :D It's at least $4 everywhere. Don't know why it was so low at the BP ($4.19 at the Shell station across the street) but every pump was in use when I was there.

05-01-2013, 02:00 AM
Woohoo! I paid $3.97 today at the BP on York Road in Hinsdale :D It's at least $4 everywhere. Don't know why it was so low at the BP ($4.19 at the Shell station across the street) but every pump was in use when I was there.

Wow! You have higher gas prices than we do in CA. I always thought that CA gas prices were the highest. The last time I filled up was last week and it was $3.73. Now the lowest that I've seen it was this morning on my way to work at $3.69. I hope that it continues to drop.:)

05-14-2013, 12:25 AM
$4.09 at the Shell station a couple of blocks from work! A good price for which I didn't even have to change my route home from work! Like!

I've been watching the prices along my route and my back-up route. When I go from Cook County into DuPage County, the prices drop 8-10 cents. So - I'm careful to get it on the other side of the county line.

david p
05-14-2013, 08:01 AM
When I was coming back from a trip to wal-mart, I noticed at a station here in Butler, Pa. the price was $3.49 per gal. I'm glad I don't have to buy gas again!

08-30-2013, 06:12 PM
Regular unleaded went from $3.64 to $3.89 at the closest station to where I work over the span of about 36 hours. Grrr.

08-30-2013, 06:33 PM
I found a conversion formula online and it looks like we are running at about $4.12 per U.S. gallon. :)

08-31-2013, 11:00 AM
Right now gas prices went up to $3.39, we've never hit $4, thank goodness.

08-31-2013, 08:31 PM
The cheapest place I've seen is $3.59 but most places are around $3.63 and up.

08-31-2013, 09:49 PM
$3.25 but it ranges depending on what part of town you're in, so I've seen it up to like $3.35.

09-01-2013, 06:52 AM
$3.26 where I normally gas up. We are planning to move to another state soon... I am not looking forward to higher gas prices.

09-01-2013, 08:53 AM
It varies. 15 miles from me to the north it was $3.49 last week. 15 miles to the south it was $3.39.

09-07-2013, 07:10 PM
Today was interesting - saw gas prices for "regular" (the cheapest grade the station offers) ranging from $3.55 to $3.99, all within one trip (Newton to Cambridge/Somerville) less than 20 miles round trip!

09-07-2013, 10:25 PM
1.40 per litre x 3.78 gives us $5.29 per gallon. BC now pays the highest gas prices in North America and that's thanks to taxes.

09-07-2013, 11:44 PM
1.40 per litre x 3.78 gives us $5.29 per gallon. BC now pays the highest gas prices in North America and that's thanks to taxes.

People always tell us everyone else pays more for gas than Americans - goodness, I guess you win the prize, Slick!

09-08-2013, 06:39 AM
When I was out yesterday, I noticed most stations at around $3.50 - +/- a couple of cents here and there at some stations. That's for regular unleaded in central Delaware.

09-08-2013, 07:23 AM
€1,78 a litre here x 3,78 making it €6,73 if you convert that to american dollars it would be $8.87 a gallon. We pay the highest gas prices in Europe...it is unreal. If we didn't run on GPL we would never make it. We pay €0,75 a litre for it which when converted would be about $3.74 a gallon (american dollars).

09-08-2013, 09:02 AM
€1,78 a litre here x 3,78 making it €6,73 if you convert that to american dollars it would be $8.87 a gallon. We pay the highest gas prices in Europe...it is unreal. If we didn't run on GPL we would never make it. We pay €0,75 a litre for it which when converted would be about $3.74 a gallon (american dollars).

$8.87???? Yikes - if I had to pay that I wouldn't be able to afford to drive. :eek:

09-09-2013, 04:53 AM
$8.87???? Yikes - if I had to pay that I wouldn't be able to afford to drive. :eek:

We couldn't either if it weren't for the fact we use GPL. GPL runs us a gallon about the same as regular gas in the US. Thank heavens for us deciding on getting that integrated when we purchased the car 4 years ago.

03-07-2014, 01:04 AM
It's going up again around here and I'm not sure why. $3.89 in Cook County - ugh! That was at the Shell station right near me, which always seems to be priced the highest. But I got it at the Mobil by my church (in DuPage County) after choir for $3.59, much better.

05-31-2014, 01:35 AM
Went up 20 cents per gallon overnight. I paid $3.89 yesterday, and when I passed the same filling station on my way home from work today, it was at $4.09. :confused:

05-31-2014, 11:03 AM
I paid $4.03 yesterday and that was at Costco which is supposed to be cheaper than other places.

05-31-2014, 01:23 PM
Wow, it's funny - one of the regular stations I buy at is pretty stable - when all the others kept fluctuating (it can vary by as much as 30¢ from one station to another) I was surprised the other day when it went up two cents to $3.57 a gallon, it had been at $3.55 for weeks!

10-30-2014, 11:21 PM
Hurray! $2.99 in DuPage County on my way home from work! Fill 'er up! The Shell station close to my church (also in DuPage County) was at $3.18 when I was coming home from choir. But under three bucks, that's sweet. Whatever I can save on gas goes in the Christmas fund.

10-31-2014, 10:45 AM
The lowest price station yesterday hit $2.99 near here - but you can pay 20 or 30¢ more per gallon if you aren't paying attention. The way crude oil has dropped in price, the gas prices should be MUCH lower, but they are content to rake in profits hand over fist.

10-31-2014, 11:14 AM
Today we saw $2.71 at WalMart about 11 miles from me. That's the lowest we've seen in a 20 mile radius. We filled up all my gas containers that I use for lawn mower and if necessary the generator.

03-25-2015, 02:35 PM
Seems like it has gone up over the past week or so. Up to $2.79 at the Shell station right by where I work.

03-25-2015, 08:12 PM
It went back up around here, and has been over $3.20 a gallon for weeks, and that price you only get if you look carefully.