View Full Version : Rapper DMX arrested on animal cruelty charges

05-11-2008, 10:01 AM

Rapper DMX arrested on animal cruelty charges
Last Updated: Sunday, May 11, 2008 | 9:58 AM ET

CBC News

Rapper DMX, seen her in 2006, was first indicted on animal cruelty charges after a raid last August.Rapper DMX, seen her in 2006, was first indicted on animal cruelty charges after a raid last August. (Louis Lanzano/Associated Press)

Rap star DMX has been arrested on animal cruelty and drug possession charges after a standoff at his house near Phoenix, Ariz.

Police say the rapper barricaded himself in the early hours of Friday morning after they arrived to arrest him following two searches of his home that turned up drugs, weapons, dog carcasses and abused pit bulls.

The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office said DMX, whose real name is Earl Simmons, eventually gave himself up.

Police first raided the 37-year-old musician's home in the Cave Creek community near Phoenix last August. They discovered 12 pit bulls and three dead animals partially buried on the property.

An indictment was issued on seven counts of animal cruelty after the August raid.

This time, police say when they went to the house they also found illegal drugs and five more pit bull puppies.

"With all his money and fame, [DMX] has no excuse for not providing proper care for his animals," said Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Saturday.

The rapper, who has sold more than 20 million albums, has also acted in several movies including Romeo Must Die and Exit Wounds.

05-11-2008, 10:24 AM

Rapper DMX arrested on animal cruelty charges
Last Updated: Sunday, May 11, 2008 | 9:58 AM ET

CBC News

Rapper DMX, seen her in 2006, was first indicted on animal cruelty charges after a raid last August.Rapper DMX, seen her in 2006, was first indicted on animal cruelty charges after a raid last August. (Louis Lanzano/Associated Press)

he's just living up to the stereotype
but whose
her :confused::confused::confused::confused:

05-11-2008, 10:45 AM
"her"...CBC typo, I guess (I copied and pasted that, so who knows?) Canada's public broadcaster...

With all the stories around, it seems clear that animal abusers come in both genders, and all shapes, sizes and colours.

It just seems to be the celebrities that really attract notice. Paris Hilton, if I recall, was told be Ellen Degeneres to get all her dogs spayed.

In another story on DMX's charges, several 'partially buried' corpses had been found in his yard as well.

Why he would barricade himself in his house baffles me.:confused:

05-11-2008, 11:51 AM
Just another dirtbag doing what they do best, flipping off the law and laughing.

05-11-2008, 12:34 PM
I liked ABC's coverage of this arrest because it included a few more
details. Especially the Sheriff who led the raid on the property. I really
like the way this Sheriff thinks.:)

Excerpt from the article:

"Sheriff Joe Arpaio has made stopping animal cruelty a major issue. He converted one of the county's air-conditioned jails into an animal shelter and moved the inmates into tents.

"A guy like this DMX character with all his money and fame has no excuse for not providing proper care for his animals," the sheriff said in a statement."


05-11-2008, 01:18 PM
Why he would barricade himself in his house baffles me.:confused:

He can't party in jail?:eek:

Eff him, It only lends to his 'street cred'-which which equates to more sales of all the crap he produces and markets.

I guess that's another hallmark of a 'rap star' up to no good-a house out in the boonies.

05-11-2008, 01:25 PM
Jail is too nice...he deserves the same fate as the partially buried dogs.

And my kids at school think he's a fine upstanding member of the community...just like Michael Vick.

05-11-2008, 02:54 PM
And my kids at school think he's a fine upstanding member of the community...just like Michael Vick.

Upstandin', front of the judge....:rolleyes:

05-11-2008, 06:00 PM
I've never heard of the loser but I hope he sees jail time.

05-11-2008, 06:30 PM
You would think after Michael Vick, he'd be smarter. I've got no sympathy for him. My sympathy goes where it belongs, to the animals. I thought that as I got older, I'd get less upset about things and they wouldn't bother me as much. Not so. Not so at all.

05-13-2008, 02:15 PM
[quote=Catty1;2010420]Rap star DMX has been arrested on animal cruelty and drug possession charges after a standoff at his house near Phoenix, Ariz.

Don't you just love the way TV and newspapers spin things??!!

Um, there was NO standoff, they did go to his house at like 3 am, and yes he did lock himself in the bathroom, to get dressed.

I am in no way supporting what he has done, or is doing but it wouldn't have been such a great story if they told it the way it actually happened.

If someone pounded at your door at 3am, wouldn't you be alarmed?

Our Sherrif is doing a great job, but he does love to have his face on TV. And the reporters just love to spin things...........

****So this is a good lesson - in journalsim only - don't believe everything you see or read!

The actual reason they went to his house is because of a traffice ticket back in January where he was going 100 mph on a freeway. This raid really had nothing to do with the dog fiasco. But for some reason they all tied this together. What a great story though, huh?

05-13-2008, 04:34 PM

Are things that boring in the desert?:confused:;)

05-13-2008, 05:37 PM
Rap star DMX has been arrested on animal cruelty and drug possession charges after a standoff at his house near Phoenix, Ariz.

Don't you just love the way TV and newspapers spin things??!!

****So this is a good lesson - in journalsim only - don't believe everything you see or read!

The actual reason they went to his house is because of a traffice ticket back in January where he was going 100 mph on a freeway. This raid really had nothing to do with the dog fiasco. But for some reason they all tied this together. What a great story though, huh?

good point especially seeings that the CBC can't even spell "HERE"

05-13-2008, 06:56 PM
good point especially seeings that the CBC can't even spell "HERE" Hey, CBC is Canadian, eh??? Are you blasting my station, eh??? ;):D **chuckles**

05-13-2008, 07:57 PM
Well, at least the CBC webmaster...LOL....yes, that's our tax dollars at work! :D

05-13-2008, 11:16 PM
Hey, CBC is Canadian, eh??? Are you blasting my station, eh??? ;):D **chuckles**

I would tell you but then I'd have to seriously maim you and since I'm not sure when I'll be seeing you - I'd better just not tell you!!! :)
My faraway Canuckian Friend! :D

05-14-2008, 05:22 PM
I would tell you but then I'd have to seriously maim you and since I'm not sure when I'll be seeing you - I'd better just not tell you!!! :)
My faraway Canuckian Friend! :D

Oh, oh, oh!
From dog fighting to cat fighting!!!!:eek::p

After thinking about it for a few seconds I have no doubt the shire reeve may have slightly exaggerated the story to 'keep those hollywood types from thinking that they can come into my community, have loud parties, park expensive cars that block the street and just think they can take over the place."

The story was probably lifted from the blotter-written by Arpaio hisself!:rolleyes: