View Full Version : The tragedy in Myanmar

smokey the elder
05-08-2008, 07:19 AM
I am so ticked off at the government of Myanmar. They are being too stiff-necked to accept help that is just waiting in warehouses around the world. How many more survivors have to become victims of the cyclone before they'll get off their dead *sses?:mad:

Lady's Human
05-08-2008, 07:56 AM
The tragedy could have been avoided, at least in part. India gave them a 2 day warning about what was going to happen.

05-08-2008, 09:24 AM
you are both making the assumption that the "government" in this country actually gives a damn whether or not their citizens live. It is apparent to me they do not care and most likely would just as soon they all washed out to sea. The government is the military which took over in what we would most likely see as an illegal action against what the citizens wanted. So their paranoia is part of what is keeping them from allowing international aid. Besides, what better way to keep control of their citizens than by allowing most of them to die. :mad::rolleyes:

05-08-2008, 12:36 PM
you are both making the assumption that the "government" in this country actually gives a damn whether or not their citizens live. It is apparent to me they do not care and most likely would just as soon they all washed out to sea. The government is the military which took over in what we would most likely see as an illegal action against what the citizens wanted. So their paranoia is part of what is keeping them from allowing international aid. Besides, what better way to keep control of their citizens than by allowing most of them to die. :mad::rolleyes:

I heard that on the news this morning too. They said that government had also done some "ethnic cleansing" at one time. They probably think the cyclone just did them a favor. :mad::(

I can't imagine the horror those poor innocent people are going through there.

05-08-2008, 12:54 PM
It is so sad. We will keep them all in our prayers.

05-09-2008, 01:21 AM
I saw and editorial cartoon today that compared the Katrina storm to what happened in Myanmar.

In it the cartoonist showed a military type guy standing in the storm debris saying something like, "Don't need nothin'!" and the other half of the strip showed GWB saying to that FEMA guy, "good job, Brownie".

We can't win for losing.:(

05-09-2008, 01:38 PM
Fox News just reported that the Government of Myanmar has just ok'd for ONE U.S. plane to land with supplies. Well, it's a start if that gov don't just keep everything for themselves. :(

05-09-2008, 02:22 PM
Thinking about this further...

There are probably a handful of reasons they do not want our help.

It shows what an effed up system THEY have in place to deal with disasters.
They don't want workers in to see and possibly expose their previous crimes against their own people.
Those pesky Americans and their democracy!
These supplies come from the West-look what we have-and look at the way your sorry arsed leaders take care of you!

IT really sucks to see these people get jobbed twice. Once my nature and the other by chance.

I am really lucky to live in this imperfect country, run by big oil, money and dopes.;)

05-13-2008, 10:11 PM
American supplies that landed in the area were taken by truck from the airfield where they landed. Aid workers were not allowed to go with the supplies and now there is word that the supplies were taken by the military forces in the region.