View Full Version : Please pray for Pattycake's kitten and her and the entire litter!

05-05-2008, 10:14 AM
Pattycake is the mom who was underneath someone's house with her babies. She is rather "rough" looking herself ... dirty and hair loss down her back and tail but she has seemed to be doing pretty well. All of her babies have been growing steadily except for one little guy. I have watched him closely and supplemented his mommy milk with some KMR by syringe. He even has tried eating some dry food at times. I had wanted to take the whole litter in for testing but thanks to my two bum ankles, I wasn't able to.:(

Anyway, the little one just has not grown at all and is now having terrible diarrhea that just leaks out of his little bottom! Last night we were sure that he was passing away. I bawled and bawled over him, just knowing he was dying before our eyes. He was limp and lifeless. I prayed that God would just let him hurry and pass and not have to suffer. Then he looked up at me and blinked his little eyes and tried to meow. I then knew that I had to keep trying, that he wasn't ready to give up.

I began forcing KMR in him and did so repeatedly through the night. I also initially gave him some L-lysine to jump start him in hopes of getting a bit of something "sugary" in his system. He seemed to perk up a bit and has even attempted to try and stand but he is waaaaaaaaay too weak. :(

I have an appointment at 10:45 ... they are having to work me in so I don't know how long I will be gone. It is nearly 10:15 now so I will be leaving soon. I am taking Mom and the whole litter. I am having PattyCake (mom) combo tested to see if we are fighting a losing battle. If PattyCake is negative, then we will immediately give fluids and medication to this little struggling baby boy.

PLEASE PRAY!!!!! (oh, and I am attempting to drive for the first time in my boot and brace ... please pray we make it!)

05-05-2008, 10:23 AM
Big Pray coming your way for Pattycake and the entire litter.

Oh I hope everything goes well. Prays and HUGS.


05-05-2008, 10:31 AM
I just said my prayer. Kim, you are such an awesome person! Thank you for all you do for the cats there in TN. Keep us posted.

05-05-2008, 11:12 AM
I can only imagine what you are going through with all the worry. I got all teary eyed just reading about that little sweetheart's struggle. I hope and pray beyond all means that he will be ok and that everything turns out well at the vets. No 'POSITIVE' please!!!! Let us know Kim. My heart is with you as well as all the good thoughts and vibes and prayers you could need.


05-05-2008, 11:39 AM
I hope that everything goes well. They'll all be in my thoughts and prayers. Please drive safely.

05-05-2008, 12:02 PM
We're ALL home!!! Momma PattyCake was NEGATIVE!!!!!!!!!!:D I was really prepared for the worst, what a relief!

Baby had fluids, oral glucose and I have both to continue giving at home. Doc said that it might be something congenital just with this one baby, so time will tell. I sooooooo want this little guy to survive because he's already proven to be a little fighter! So, please keep the prayers coming for him and also how about sending up a prayer of PRAISE for mom's test results!!!;)

05-05-2008, 12:28 PM
http://www.rockmehard.com/images/smilies/medium-smiley-dancing.gif Doing a happy dance!!!!

I am so relieved mamma is NEGATIVE!!!! I remember how I felt when I took Bella to get tested. I would not want to relive those 10 minutes of waiting for anything.

Here's hoping everything turns out A-OK for the little fighter.

HUGS to you all.

P.S. Keep us updated ok Kim. We will all continue praying for the little one.

05-05-2008, 12:45 PM
:( Oh my How So Sad.. Sending Lots Of Prayers & Huggss for Pattycake's Babies..

05-05-2008, 12:58 PM
Many prayers, especially for this littlle boy.

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-05-2008, 01:02 PM
Awwwwwwwww Kim, you are the best catmom!!! I will pray for that little fighter and siblings!!

05-05-2008, 03:01 PM
The Crew is here for you and the little one.

05-05-2008, 03:17 PM
More prayers went out and a big thanks for the negative result for mom. I have never worked with rescue cats or kittens; have adopted both my cats from humane societies so I'm not 100% positive what she was tested for but I assume Feline Leukemia? Just curious and I figure if I'm going to be hanging around here for the next few years, I best know what people are talking about :)

05-05-2008, 03:27 PM
I'm not 100% positive what she was tested for but I assume Feline Leukemia?

She was combo tested which means she was tested for both FeLv (feline leukemia) and FIV (feline aids).

You will quite often see with the rescue folks that the kits will be COMBO TESTED and that is what it means. :)

05-05-2008, 03:35 PM

05-05-2008, 03:58 PM
Lots of prayers going up for the lil guy. What an awful night for you between worrying, crying, and trying to keep him going.

Prayers for the baby, and (((hugs))) for you!

05-05-2008, 04:02 PM
C'mon little baby! You wanna live and Momma Kim is gonna help you!

so GREAT that Pattycake is NEGATIVE!

I think we should name him - BraveHeart Jr? Because he is hanging in there....Jen, if you read this, what do you think?


05-05-2008, 04:04 PM
We are not only thankful for Momma's god test results, but that you all made it safely to the vet and back, even with "the boot" on your ankle. Keep us updated, does he have a name yet, or are you waiting to see if he survives?

05-05-2008, 04:58 PM
Karen, I decided last night that his name will be Trooper since he has fought hard and long! He is really trying so very hard to get his strength back. He just lifts his wobbly head and tries so hard to get up on his feet but he just can't muster the strength.

After I got home I discovered that at least one of his littermates now has some diarrhea as well so I called my vet back. :( He never really addressed the diarrhea during our visit, I guess because at the time we thought that only little Trooper was having it. Then, to make matters worse, I discovered that someone (s) in Shadow's (oldest kittens) litter has diarrhea as well. All of the litters have been kept completely separated in their own kennels. I have been extremely careful not to intermingle / share litterboxes, dirty bedding, food or water bowls and wash my hands in between handling any of them! So, I don't know if it's coincidence or not. :confused: I do know that I've battled diarrhea MANY times with kittens through the years.

So anyway, my vet gave me a full bottle of Albon so I can treat everyone with symptoms. Please pray that no one else gets as down as little Trooper does!


05-05-2008, 06:16 PM
Prayers of gratitude for Mom's negative test results, and prayers of healing and comfort for the baby and for all the others (including you, Kim)!

Love, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and ~~~~~PURRS~~~~~,
Pat and the cats

05-05-2008, 06:23 PM
"Failure to Thrive" is a very difficult thing to treat. I pray for Pattycake's kitten. You're doing all the right things, so it's up to the man upstairs.

Hugs and prayers to Pattycake AND her precious baby.

05-05-2008, 06:45 PM
Thank goodness for Pattycakes test report. Hooray, and thank you, goD!
(Hope She is listening)

Prayers for Trooper. Keep on handsome, Momma Kim and Momma Pattycake are all helping you.

05-05-2008, 06:55 PM
I hope Trooper will pull through, but the sad truth is that I know first hand how fragile kittens are. :( And some will simply not make it. Been there all too often. :(

Albon will be great to use on all the babies. And Nemex liquid too. They can start Nemex (for round worms) at 2 weeks of age.

My vet prefers goat milk to KMR. She swears KMR gives diarrhea. So if you are supplimenting any of the kittnes with diarrhea, try a little goat's milk.

Are they on any antibiotics? Te combination that saved Rain and later, Dr. Bellows wa Clindamycin AND clavamox. My vet told me I could use that for any kitten who seems to be failing.

Also, keep Karo syrup on hand to give that sugar boost, as needed.

You have much experience with cats/kittens. You WILL do the best you can.....the rest is in God's hand.

05-05-2008, 07:04 PM
I hope Trooper will pull through, but the sad truth is that I know first hand how fragile kittens are. :( And some will simply not make it. Been there all too often. :(

Albon will be great to use on all the babies. And Nemex liquid too. They can start Nemex (for round worms) at 2 weeks of age.

My vet prefers goat milk to KMR. She swears KMR gives diarrhea. So if you are supplimenting any of the kittnes with diarrhea, try a little goat's milk.

Are they on any antibiotics? Te combination that saved Rain and later, Dr. Bellows wa Clindamycin AND clavamox. My vet told me I could use that for any kitten who seems to be failing.

Also, keep Karo syrup on hand to give that sugar boost, as needed.

You have much experience with cats/kittens. You WILL do the best you can.....the rest is in God's hand.

Jen, I do have some Antirobe ... I think that IS Clindamycin ... will go check my bottle in a minute! I also have some Clavamox pills ... that might be hard for this baby but maybe I could grind it down with some water. Doc gave me some oral glucose but it is already getting low ... I will pick up some Karo ... I forgot about that! I usually keep Nutri-cal on hand but cannot seem to find mine anywhere, that's why I desperately tried the L-lysine since it has a maple syrup type ingredient in it. Goat milk? That's interesting ... and where in the world would I get that? LOL! I'm assuming our local Tractor Supply Company might carry that? Does it come in cans? Oh... and I did dose the kittens with Strongid today as well. Thanks for helping me cover all the bases! It's been so long since I had the teeny weeny ones! Unfortunately I am remembering the fading kitten syndrome and how quickly they can turn for the worse.:(

05-05-2008, 07:14 PM
Petsmart has goats milk, in the DOG section.


Some supermarkets (food stores) will have it with canned milk.

Looks like tractor supply would have it also


05-05-2008, 07:50 PM
That's wonderful news about Pattycake!!!! The news must have been great to hear. Poor little Trooper. Many prayers are already being prayed that this precious little baby will gain strength and pull through. Please keep us up on his progress?

05-05-2008, 07:57 PM
oh kim...prayers indeed are on the way.poor trooper.I know your doing the best that anyone could possibly do.and thank goodness they are all at your house and NOT outside!:(

05-05-2008, 08:33 PM
Thank you God for the great report on Pattycake. Prayers are continuing for Trooper. Kim what you are doing for these moms and babies..........there are not words to thank you for what you are doing. God Bless You.

05-05-2008, 08:36 PM
Did the vet say anything about the other litter mates? Hoping for the very best for all the kitties! No matter how many you have that are doing well, it is always heart renching to have even one sick guy.

05-05-2008, 08:44 PM
I'm just now seeing this. The Fur Posse and I will be sure to say plenty of prayers for Momma and her litter. Bless you for taking such good care of everybody especially when you've got some issues of your own w/the boot and all. Looking forward to an even better update.....

05-05-2008, 08:57 PM
Great news about mama Pattycake!
I will pray for mini Troops! I can only imagine how it must have pulled on your heart strings when he looked up at you and blinked his little eyes when you thought he was too far gone. It does seem like he was letting you know that he's not giving up. He sounds like a very special guy. Thank you for taking such good care of him. :)

Laura's Babies
05-05-2008, 09:43 PM
Have I not been on since you posted this? Gee, I thought I had...

Prayers for all those babies, especially little Trooper!

05-06-2008, 08:12 AM
Moesha: The vet looked at Mom and all the babies ... I took the whole "family". ;) He didn't seem concerned with anyone except this little guy since mom was negative and the others spent the whole time romping and being "nawtee"!:p

I haven't noticed any more diarrhea from the other kittens, sometimes a little pasty but mom's is that way too. I'm giving them all the Albon though just for safe keeping!

Little Trooper was meowing this morning, wanting out of his box. He can even walk around a bit but still VERY weak! He spends most of his time sleeping ... I have him in a soft bed on a heating pad inside of a big box .... since he has started trying to escape!:eek:

He's still far from out of the woods but each day he is here and shows even a tad bit of improvement, I am thankful and hopeful!

05-06-2008, 09:11 AM
Wow! I would think that improvement vs. deterioration at this point is a Great sign! Good work, Kim! :)

05-06-2008, 11:55 AM
Wow! I would think that improvement vs. deterioration at this point is a Great sign! Good work, Kim! :)

I sure hope so!!! I'm still giving him his Albon and pray that whatever has caused him to be so sick will be killed by this medication. He still just is not interested in eating. I'm going to pick up some chicken baby food today and see is that sparks any interest.

05-06-2008, 12:00 PM
Kim - good luck with the baby food. How about jsut a couple of flakes of something stinky, like canned salmon? That might catch his attention, too! Is he still nursing, at least?

PT Prayers for Trooper! (Our mayor's name is Truper, and he is moving forward, and this little furry guy will too!)

05-06-2008, 12:16 PM
Kim - good luck with the baby food. How about jsut a couple of flakes of something stinky, like canned salmon? That might catch his attention, too! Is he still nursing, at least?

PT Prayers for Trooper! (Our mayor's name is Truper, and he is moving forward, and this little furry guy will too!)

He seems to really be having a difficult time chewing so I thought I would try the baby food first but the tuna is always an option ... sometimes just the juice from the water-packed kind is useful!

He tries to nurse but it takes him forever to get his little wobbly head lined up that I'm not too sure he isn't just falling asleep to cuddle mommy. :( I let him get with her by himself a while last night but it didn't seem to be very productive. I'll keep trying as he strengthens a bit more each day. That would be ideal if he could get back onto mom but the others are so much bigger and stronger that he would have to have mom all to himself!

05-06-2008, 06:09 PM
Trooper looks bad again:

05-07-2008, 04:10 PM
Come on, Trooper, please little boy start eating. We all love you and want you strong & healthy............:(

05-08-2008, 04:00 PM
Come on, Trooper, please little boy start eating. We all love you and want you strong & healthy............:(

Trooper didn't make it. :(


Don Juan's mom
05-10-2008, 05:09 PM
Oh, no.

You did all that you could for him. [HUGS]
