View Full Version : Two bomb threats in two weeks

04-23-2008, 07:39 PM
Wow, my school has had two bomb threats in two weeks. One last week, I forgot which day and we weren't evacuated because I think it was found after school. A bomb squad came and everything, bomb sniffing dog and all. Today, we were evacuated 10th period to the football field and we sat their for about an hour while the bomb squad again searched the entire school. Me teacher said we may have to stay till 5:30. Um, no. I'm not staying an extra 2 hours thanks. :p Me and my friends were about to leave I swear. I was sweating so bad..and we were on the track which is black. Didn't help much. :rolleyes: We left at 3:30 and I get out of school at 3:00. I didn't have any books I needed for homework, which wasn't a bad thing lol. When I got home we were on the local news, New Jersey news only. Some New Jerseyans might have seen it.

I am getting so sick of this crap. I don't get why people have to cause so much problems for the school, students, teachers, and not to mention themselves. The person who did it last week got caught and has to pay heavy fines. It's ridiculious. They know they're gonna get caught, why do ti anyway??? Supposedly, all he wrote was "BOMB" and it was found on the wall in the boys bathroom. :rolleyes: In 7th grade and 8th grader put a bomb threat on the wall in the girl's bathroom and we sat on the field for 3 hours! You guessed it, she was caught. But seriously now, this is getting a little annoying. :rolleyes: :mad:

04-23-2008, 07:45 PM
I am glad you are okay, maybe it was a student that was hoping school would be evacuated :D

04-23-2008, 07:47 PM
Backin my "high-school" days (which really weren't *that* long ago hehe) our first week of school not only were we vandalized twice from alumni but we had THREE bomb threats in the first week of school... twice we were sent home early and the third time we had a late start (basically we had to stand and wait on the football field for the cops or bomb squad to check the building).

I think they found it was some kid's father who was calling in the threats. Never found out why though, it was the first week of school it wasn't like we had finals or anything lol

Suki Wingy
04-24-2008, 05:16 PM
We've had "threatening" messages written in the girls' bathrooms too, and one in a boys'. The rumors are they give a date (which has passed), then something along the lines of "Do you think this is a joke?" then 22 people will die, first the principal, then this morning people on school teams received creepy death threat calls from a pay phone.
All they did was loosely check people's backpacks in the way in today, so lots of people have been skipping school because they're scared.
There have been 5 homicides this week at a school downtown too.