View Full Version : update...now Louise and Charlie have it too!

08-24-2002, 09:50 PM
well I'm sure most of you remember my posting about Patches' eye problems, it turned out to be a herpes virus, not actually herpes but that type of virus. the vet said it was unlikely that the other cats would get it, and I believed that, since he and Charlie had been practically inseparable for 7 weeks. well it must have a LONG incubation period, because, Thursday night we started seeing a discharge in Charlie's right eye. took him to the vet on friday, and she said to give him the same medicine as Patches was on, 4 times a day just like Patches. Then last night (friday) we noticed Louise having trouble with her right eye, she was keeeping it half closed, no discharge though. well the discharge started today. and I called the vet, they had a couple of emergencies and there was only one vet there today:mad:
so they told me to take her to the emergency clinic, instead of going all the way over there, I took her to a different vet, not permantly changing, but for today. so she is on medicine too now. Emma and Muffin are the only ones without it, and I am hoping and crossing my fingers that they won't get it!:eek: :eek:
friday when I was there I was just talking to them about how nice it was that everyone seemed to be ok now, and we could stop being regular visitors there, that we could just get on the yearly visits, even then it is 3 times a year, Dec. for Muffin, Aug. for Patches and Charlie, and March for Emma and Louise! almost
another $100.00 today! and I made an appt for Louise for Monday with her regular vet.

08-24-2002, 10:05 PM
:(:( I'm so sorry! I hope they'll all get well soon! I think it would have been better if you kept Patches away from the rest while she had the eye problem. Now that all 3 of them have it, be sure to keep the other 2 away from them! Keep us updated on all of them!

08-25-2002, 12:37 AM
:( :( So sorry that most of your little tribe is under the weather. It's such a helpless feeling when the fur-kids are miserable, and painful on the pocketbook as well. How is Charlie doing now? Does the medicine work quickly at irradicating the problem? Sure hope so! {{{hugs to you and all the fur-kids}}} Hang in there. Glad that it is treatable, at least....

08-25-2002, 01:27 AM
I'm so sorry! I hope they'll all get well soon! I think it would have been better if you kept Patches away from the rest while she had the eye problem. Now that all 3 of them have it, be sure to keep the other 2 away from them! Keep us updated on all of them!

I could not keep the kittens separate, from each other, tho I did keep them separate from the others for a while. like I siad, it has been 7 weeks, I thought the others were not going to get it, like the vet said it was unlikely, or so I thought.

Patches is a HE

08-25-2002, 02:59 AM
I'm sorry to hear about your cats eye problems. :( I know how it is to have more than one sick cat. Last year all three of my cats caught an upper respiratory infection and the only place they had been was to the vet. Of course I couldn't prove that they caught it there. I sure hope that they get better and that the other two don't get it. It can get very expensive to have so many pets. I also have to go to the vet at least 3 times a year for my three. I take Storm in Jan., Sunny in April, and Pepper in July. Last year Pepper got so sick that he was constantly at the vet. Everyone knew him by name and they could even recognize my voice over the phone. It got to be almost embarassing. Well I've rambled on long enough. Good luck and please keep us updated on their condition. :)

08-25-2002, 03:10 AM
Originally posted by toughCookie

I could not keep the kittens separate, from each other, tho I did keep them separate from the others for a while. like I siad, it has been 7 weeks, I thought the others were not going to get it, like the vet said it was unlikely, or so I thought.

Patches is a HE

So sorry! I accidently wrote "she!" Hope your adorable kittens will get better soon!

08-25-2002, 06:54 AM
Wow, you must be at wits end by now! I had two sick cats at the same time, and it was a hassle just remembering to administer the medications. Now both are off meds and I just have to keep an eye on them. Gabe had conjunctivitis and Miley had and still has hot spots. The vet mentioned that he would give me a discount for the three if I brought them in for their annual exam and shots, at the same time. I mentioned that the bottle of wine that I would need to consume afterwards might offset any discount I might receive! I think I will try it though...on a Saturday, when I can get a good morning's sleep and not be rushed to get them in containers and into the car.

By the way, I had a cat for 18 years that never had any shots beyond kitten stage, never went outside, and only visited the vet when he was in the late stages of departing from this world. He was very low maintenance. I finally had him put down when they determined he had diabetes and was not a good candiate for treatment. He hated the vet by the way. Since he had lived his entire life without treatments, he was scared to death at the vet.

My current kitties have cost me a small fortune keeping them healthy. My first expensive experience was Graemer as a kitten when he was stung by a hornet and his paw and leg swelled. It was a weekend and I had to take him to the emegency vet. It was $75 just to walk in....total bill $285..... And they thought he had broken something until they xrayed etc. and then gave him a diuretic....swelling went down and he walked just fine.... I could go on and on but will stop now.

You just never know what problems your guys are going to have, no matter what pet it is. You get what you get!

Keep us posted!

Good luck....

Miss Meow
08-25-2002, 06:01 PM
Keep us updated ToughCookie, must be very stressful for you right now. Hope your babies recover quickly.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-27-2002, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by sasvermont
By the way, I had a cat for 18 years that never had any shots beyond kitten stage, never went outside, and only visited the vet when he was in the late stages of departing from this world.

You're describing Tubby exactly. Not until he started throwing up all the time did I take him to the vet. He was completely healthy all those years. I seem to remember he had ear mites when he was a kitten, but after that he has been just fine with very few visits to the vet. He doesn't hate the vet - actually seems kind of thrilled to get out of the house and explore a new environment - so the only reason I never took him was because he was healthy and there didn't seem to be a reason to take him.

Peanut is the same way. She has always been a healthy happy kitty, so no need to take her until recently when she started licking all her hair off her legs and tummy.

It's actually time for Tubby's 6 month check-up now, so my days of no vet bills are over, but I don't mind paying them since he's given me so many years of companionship and joy.

TC, sorry to hear you've got more problems with your babies. Seems to be no end. But I think kittens are like kids, when they are young they seem to be more prone to things, and as they get older they kind of grow out of all that.....hopefully. :)

08-30-2002, 11:48 PM
Gosh . . . I hope all of your furkids are well soon!

Muskrat has been an expensive acquisition what with her abscessed leg and subsequent bone infection . . . I dare not think about the cost of amputation if that proves to be the necesssary . . . :eek: . . . I will know if that is the last resort on Sept. 6 when I take her back for a follow-up x-ray. She has been on liquid antibiotics for two months, trying to fight this. I mix it into her wet food, and have to chop up a sardine into it or else she won't partake. It must be awfully nasty tasting, poor thing . . . but she is a trooper and finishes all her medicine-laced food like a good girl. :cool:

08-31-2002, 12:41 AM

I'm sorry. I was just tired and worried about them, I didn't mean to snap at you! thanks for your well wishes, everyone:)

08-31-2002, 12:50 AM
well I'm getting better at this medicine thing, it is 4 times a day for the kittens and 2 times a day for Louise.

this weekend is hard because it is our family reunion, everyone here and alot going on... I only gave them the medicine 2 times today, and Louise just once:eek: its not good to miss them but it couldn't be helped. tomorrow I am going to the hotel for 2 days(getting away from home!:) ) and will bring the kittens with me, luckily the hotel accepts pets, then I just have to stop home twice for Louise!