View Full Version : Big scare with Bubba!

03-27-2008, 02:59 PM
My daughters boyfriend stayed over last night and so today we were all gone and he called and told me when he got up bubba was foaming at the mouth and shaking. I guess he called his mom and she said that is what their dog did when it died so he called me crying.

I rushed home and took him to the vet, he threw up in my car right before we went in to the vet. He was sort of wheezing/whining and shaking the whole way. I thought he was going to die he is the toughest little guy and has never been sick.

The vet did a physical on him and then took xrays, they couldn't find anything abnormal, I asked him to check his airway as much as he could. Bubba was already acting better by this time. So the vet sent me home to watch him and give him pepcid ac. He suspects he got into something but we can't think of anything bad he could have got.

He does eat the kitties poop out on the bark so he could have gotten a sliver in his throat or something. It was really scary of course I suspected bloat or a blockage.

03-27-2008, 03:00 PM
Oh no poor Bubba and poor you. Is he feeling better now?

03-27-2008, 03:03 PM
Oh no poor Bubba and poor you. Is he feeling better now?

Yes he is acting a lot better, it was funny because bossy casey was giving him the "where the heck have you been without me" business when I brought him in the door.

03-27-2008, 03:08 PM
Oh my goodness you have had a lot of scares recently - first with Casey and now Bubba! :eek: We are all wishing that this is just a passing thing and are glad to hear that little Bubba is feeling better.

Casey..... he went to the white coats so you can stop your sniffing now. Bet you are glad you didn't have to go on that ride. :p Mine are the same way. They have to pass the sniff test when they come home if the other was left behind. :)

03-27-2008, 03:15 PM
Oh my goodness you have had a lot of scares recently - first with Casey and now Bubba! :eek: We are all wishing that this is just a passing thing and are glad to hear that little Bubba is feeling better.

Casey..... he went to the white coats so you can stop your sniffing now. Bet you are glad you didn't have to go on that ride. :p Mine are the same way. They have to pass the sniff test when they come home if the other was left behind. :)

Thanks Pam yeah I have had a week, I was actually worried he might have gotten into caseys antibiotics but that wasn't the case. They asked me if he had acted normal after the dental and I told them he had no problem at all. He does definitely get into things and my daughters boyfriend gives him lots of treats. My daughter is very messy and there could have been a day quil or something on her floor and bubba hangs out in her room, it scares me just thinking about it.

By the way I saw a gorgeous white standard poodle at the vets but I was too worried at the time to really pay attention but he or she was really gorgeous and I thought of you.

03-27-2008, 03:49 PM
My daughter is very messy and there could have been a day quil or something on her floor and bubba hangs out in her room, it scares me just thinking about it.

Oh No! :eek: I hope that this scare makes her realize that she should be more careful.

{{HUGS}} to you and I hope Bubba got it all out of his system and will be fine!

03-27-2008, 03:50 PM
aw! poor Bubba. I am glad he is feeling better now. I hope the sickness goes away with your crew for a long time.

03-27-2008, 03:54 PM
Oh No! :eek: I hope that this scare makes her realize that she should be more careful.

{{HUGS}} to you and I hope Bubba got it all out of his system and will be fine!

Yeah I hope so the little guy threw up a tampon once! Her boyfriend said he was going to clean her room!

Ginger's Mom
03-27-2008, 04:05 PM
That really is scary. Did they do any blood tests? Poor baby boy. Rest comfortably now Bubba, and no more scares please.

Her boyfriend said he was going to clean her room!
Sigh, why couldn't I ever find a boyfriend like that. :p

03-27-2008, 04:11 PM
That really is scary. Did they do any blood tests? Poor baby boy. Rest comfortably now Bubba, and no more scares please.

Sigh, why couldn't I ever find a boyfriend like that. :p

Trust me he is no angel, he does have a soft spot for the dogs though, that is about his only redeming quality in my eyes. They didn't do blood tests, they had done them last Saturday during the dental so the vet said he would just do them if bubba did not improve, I actually came back to work but have been texting her boyfriend and he said bubba is acting fine now.

03-27-2008, 04:24 PM
How scary! What a bad week for you and your pups! :( I hope Bubba is feeling ok now and that everything is alright with him.

03-27-2008, 04:28 PM
How scary! What a bad week for you and your pups! :( I hope Bubba is feeling ok now and that everything is alright with him.

My daughter just got home and said he is being a little cutie so I am assuming/hoping he is okay. Its funny her boyfriend said "thats why I will never get a pet someday they will die" it really shook him up and he kept texting me the whole time I was at the vets office.

03-27-2008, 04:49 PM
I am glad to hear he seems better now.

One thing came to mind for me, had he been outside? We had a dog when I was growing up, she LOVED to pick up frogs and carry them around. She never ate them, just carried them. Most frogs do NOT like this, and will emit something which makes the dog foam and shake so the dog drops it. Princess never made the connection between carrying a frog and feeling ill, so we went through this a lot. :rolleyes:

If there is any chance she was outdoor and got a frog?

Anyhow, glad that Bubba is fine now.

03-27-2008, 04:59 PM
He went outside briefly this morning I believe, just for a few minutes to potty, he could have gotten a frog I just watered last night. I also bought these wierd dishwaging gel tab things that are on the counter I am thinking I need to go home and count them.

03-27-2008, 07:11 PM
oh goodness. :( I am so glad Bubba is okay now. (((HUGS)))

03-28-2008, 11:51 PM
Oh no!! That must have been terrible to witness! Thankfully, you're daughter's boyfriend was home and had the wherewithall to tell you so you could act accordingly!

How is he doing now?

03-29-2008, 12:03 AM
Poor Bubba. I'm glad to hear he seems to be doing better now!

03-29-2008, 12:19 AM
Oh no! I'm just seeing this. I'm so sorry. Poor Bubba, poor you and poor daughters boyfriend. Things like that are sooo scary. It reminds me of Zoee's seizures. You're just helpless and don't know what to do.
Well, I'm glad he is doing better now and hopefully he will be just fine. I hope the boyfriend will be okay too. :)

03-29-2008, 01:34 AM
Thanks everyone Bubba is back to normal, I guess we will never know what happened. It was very scary!

I don't really care for her boyfriend and now she is saying "see he saved bubba's life" well we didn't really do anything to save him but I am glad I got called so at least he wasn't alone while he was sick.

03-29-2008, 01:49 AM
Oooh, Bubba!! That definitely sounds like a bad reaction to something. Very glad to hear he's alright and he's long overdue for some pictures ;)