View Full Version : Oh great, second day back and I think I got the flu.

03-25-2008, 03:33 AM
So, I am back in Columbus, to Ohio State, and yesterday, I had a great day, feeling great and everything until after my internship. My boss has the flu, and she did not inform me of this and she said she was going to be fine, and she was not going to be around me much, but I think I may have gotten it. I can't explain what I went through since 11pm. I can't sleep a wink and it's 4:30am - I keep going through hot/cold flashes, I thought I was having an allergy reaction because of a cat that kept coming up to me at the internship (it is at a house).. it's been so long since I had the flu, and I cannot remember or recognize the symptoms. I'm kind of paranoid, because haha, I want my mom here and she'd be taking care of me. I cannot afford to get sick right now, because if I do, it is not good. I JUST started back to OSU!! This is ridiculous.

03-25-2008, 11:52 AM
It sounds like the flu hun. Drink lots of fluids, take vitamin C, plenty of rest, and stock up on asprin.

03-25-2008, 06:29 PM
Oh no. =\ I was hoping it wasn't, but I am starting to be achy all over, so I chose to stay home from the internship tonight & I found out my boss has the FLU! I am hoping I did not catch it. I've been drinking a lot of hot tea, even though I'm not hungry, I've been trying to eat toast. I took a Vitamin C this morning and I will take another one in a bit.

This sucks. I was doing good & it has been so long since I've been sick; and I can't "recognize" the symptoms, hah.

03-26-2008, 03:32 PM
The asprin will help with the aches hun. Also heating pads are nice too. I would also steer clear of dairy products until you're better because they tend to cause mucus to build up.