View Full Version : Great Dog...But wont play with toys

03-16-2008, 04:36 PM
I have a black lab german shepard mix shes 5yrs old and wont play with toys?! she was training to be a bird dog but she would find it but not bring it back she does the same thing with toys she finds it but wont pick it up or bring it back? Other than that shes a great dog doenst bark bite run away jump up lick you ewxcessivly just wants attention and to be petted all the time? This is my first dog and I dotn know what to do! lol HELP!!?? :)

03-17-2008, 11:33 AM
I'm sorry you haven't gotten any replies to your post yet. Sometimes I think people don't check in on dog behavior threads enough.

I've had dogs who were not interested in toys either, but they had other attributes that made them enjoyable to interact with. Perhaps she would be interested in obedience training or agility. Having you tried throwing a ball carefully to see if she would catch it? Some dogs you have to almost play with them with the toys. Tucker loves it when I make the toys *come alive*. Hannah enjoys *find the kong*. I will hide it in one room while she is on a sit/stay in another room and then when I say okay, she comes running in and starts looking for it.

When your dog doesn't adapt to what you want to do, see if you can find out what they enjoy and go from there. If nothing else, a nice walk is always enjoyable.

03-17-2008, 11:50 AM
My dogs weren't into toys either, not every dog is.
I guess it's like saying my little girl doesn't play with barbies what can I do?
Have you tried different types of toys?

03-17-2008, 02:47 PM
I have a black lab german shepard mix shes 5yrs old and wont play with toys?! she was training to be a bird dog but she would find it but not bring it back she does the same thing with toys she finds it but wont pick it up or bring it back? Other than that shes a great dog doenst bark bite run away jump up lick you ewxcessivly just wants attention and to be petted all the time? This is my first dog and I dotn know what to do! lol HELP!!?? :)

Some dogs just don't "get" toys, it's funny that way. Our Great Dane never understood catching anything, even food! So we finally gave up throwing balls for her, lest someone report us for doggie abuse! She lived to be 14 1/2, and just never "got" fetch!

It may be that she would like a toy that squeaks that she can just chew ... or a tug-of-war type toy ... just experiment, and enjoy your sweet girl! Taking her for walks may help you two bond more, especially nice now that the weather is improving a little ...

03-17-2008, 02:53 PM
What about tossing a treat she likes to eat, then gradually make a game of it (which hand?) What is her name by the way? Karen is right about the squeeky toys or chew toys. She might find her own toy but wants to play with it by herself first, then maybe let you play with her :rolleyes: Have fun with her. You don't always need a toy to play a game either!

03-17-2008, 08:14 PM
It's true; some dogs just don't quite "get" toys. Giselle only sometimes cares for toys.

If you absolutely must, you can build a toy drive if your dog likes food enough. You can use something like a Tug-N-Treat (http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&product_id=596&ParentCat=74&string=tug%20and%20treat&CFID=1041984&CFTOKEN=49341854) to help teach a toy drive.

03-17-2008, 08:44 PM
My Charlie does not like playing with toys but instead prefers to play with us or other dogs. He's relatively easy to get wound up :) He just isn't much of a toy dog. There's nothing wrong with that :)

06-01-2008, 04:41 PM
Does this dog HAVE to retrieve?

Is it that you would like it to play fetch, you want a competition dog or that you just think the dog should be doing something that it isn't?

06-01-2008, 05:20 PM
^ They did say it's their first dog so maybe they just thought all dogs fetch and retrieve? :)

06-13-2008, 01:50 PM
Some have a 'play drive', some have a 'food drive' and some have both.

My RR/Lab has never had a play drive. No matter what kind of toy I bought him, he just ignored it. However I was able to teach him to retrieve.

I would put a soft toy in his mouth, then take it away, then give him a little treat. It didn't take long for him to learn if he gave me the toy he would get something he wanted.

For the past 10 years now I can toss most any toy and he will retrieve... in hopes of getting a treat.

06-17-2008, 12:22 PM
My Jake played with toys until he was about 2, then pretty much lost interest (though he would pick one up when excited, going to the car). He never retrieved on land (no balls, sticks, kong, etc), but would retrieve (obsessively) from water (river, lake, ocean, whatever) till the end of his life. Once he got to be an adult, he pretty much lost the "play" drive, but he still LOVED to ride, hike, swim, etc.

I think they all enjoy different things, you just have to find what she enjoys doing that you can do together.

jake's mom