View Full Version : close call...

03-08-2008, 07:59 AM
When I brought Ginger in to her first vet visit I started chatting with one of the techs there and discovered that her nephew had just picked up one of Ginger's litter mates the day before. When I brought her in again this week this same tech told me that she had been trying to call me but must have written my number down wrong and that she was so happy to see that Ginger was OK. ??? She went on to explain that just 3 days after getting the other puppy he came down with Parvo! Thankfully he survived after a weeek in the animal hospital but holy cow! Doesn't the incubation period make it so that he must have contracted it while Ginger was there with him?? He picked up his puppy just 2 days after I got my Ginger :( I'm so happy that he is ok but so sad to even think that I might have lost my Ginger:(

She said that there seems to be a strain of Parvo going around that is affecting vaccinated puppies and adult dogs :(

03-08-2008, 12:22 PM
That is very scary I am glad she didn't get it.

03-08-2008, 03:51 PM
OMG how scary!! :eek: I'm so glad that Ginger's littermate is doing okay, and that Ginger didn't get it!

03-08-2008, 04:54 PM
Yikes! Glad Ginger and her littermate are okay.

03-08-2008, 06:08 PM
My vet has been warning for about 4 months now that there is a huge Parvo outbreak which is vaccine resistant. But that they can pull the pups through, if we get them in early enough.

Thank goodness Ginger and litter mate are well!