View Full Version : Racist dog?

03-03-2008, 09:10 PM
Eli has started a new thing.. he no longer likes other Boxers.. :rolleyes: J took him to the dog park saturday, and later said that he snapped/growled at all 5 of the other boxers that were there. And then yesterday, a guy and his boxer (fem) came by and he snapped at her too. He got to sniff her, and she was all wiggly and submissive and then growl.. snap.

Im not really sure why he has developed this prejudice.. He's fine with all other dogs.. There were tons yesterday, as it was 78F and very unusual for March here... Ice and snow today :rolleyes: Weather..

He did have a male boxer act aggressive towards him at Petsmart a few weeks ago... but it was maybe 30 sec, 1 minute max of interaction and I didnt think much of it. Could those seconds have scarred him? Im not giving up.. he'll be back at the dog park next time its warm... Just found this REALLY odd. As usually all of the boxers tend to play with their own kind.. lol.. like a lil boxer gang running around the park.

03-03-2008, 11:52 PM
Hmm, maybe if you have a friend with a Boxer, you could reintroduce him to his own kind again?