View Full Version : puppy keeps eating poop

02-25-2008, 12:05 AM
my puppy will not stop eating poop from horses dogs cats he will eat any poop he can get his paws on what do i do?

02-25-2008, 02:29 AM
This behavior is called copraphagia and there have been many threads on this here, so you are not alone!

Here (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=43341) is one informative one.

02-25-2008, 02:26 PM
It sounds trite, but the best thing you can do is pick up the poop as soon as possible. That's what I have to do. Seems like mine only does it when he's a little stressed. Also, my mother bought good product at a natural health food place for pets and found that it works for her doxie. One more thing to try, add some pineapple pieces to your dog's food. Some people find that works, as well. But above all, the most reliable is picking the poop up ASAP. Good luck!

02-26-2008, 12:21 PM
At the dog park a couple weeks ago there was a little dog that pooed and immediately, while still pooing, turned around and ate it. The owner just wasn't quick enough. He said she can't go outside alone or this happens. So his plan of action is to just pick it up as quickly as possible. Also, while he was picking up one "log" she went away and started to go again and eat it again. The owner said her name and stop and she did stop.
I have also heard of something you can put in the food to make the poo unappealing. My sister had suggested that I put it in my cats food because my dog was eating his poo. But I just trained Zoee to not go near the cat box and all is well. :)
Good Luck!!

02-26-2008, 12:24 PM
Aside from the fact this has already been answered in other posts by this person (do a search).

I will add for those other people reading that eating horse poop is VERY bad for dogs. A couple years ago we had a very sick dog that was heck to try and find out what was wrong with it. A few cultures and blood tests later and turns out it had Ecoli!! Upon discussing it with the owners turns out the dog had been eating horse poo but they didn't think it was important enough to mention it during the visits.

03-01-2008, 01:31 PM
my puppy will not stop eating poop from horses dogs cats he will eat any poop he can get his paws on what do i do?
I've read feeding the dog small amounts of pineapple might work. Apparently the pineapple causes the poo to have an adverse taste and the dog is supposed to stop eating the poo. :)

03-02-2008, 03:29 PM
I've read feeding the dog small amounts of pineapple might work. Apparently the pineapple causes the poo to have an adverse taste and the dog is supposed to stop eating the poo. :)

That could help if the poo eating is caused by a bad habit.

Always best to rule out medical problems first with the vet. This OP was talking about the dog eating other animal's poo also so I'm inclined to think it's not just a bad habit IMHO.