View Full Version : Gabe's latest friend ?

08-18-2002, 05:47 PM
He sits by this by the hour. He also drinks from it and that is good. The other two cats do get a chance to drink from the fountain, although they don't sit there for hours.

Guess he thinks he's near a river! Maybe he's trying to keep cool too!


08-18-2002, 07:37 PM
Hey,I`ve seen those! You got it from Petsmart didn`t you?

08-19-2002, 12:54 AM
I'm glad that your cats all like this. I'd be afraid to buy one because Sunny loves to play in the water dish and splash water everywhere. If he had a cat fountain, he'd really make a mess. I have to put their water dish in a clean litterbox. Here's a pic. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid28/pd2a7d264b3d85593642cb7f24ea3a52e/fd651d1e.jpg

BTW Gabe looks so cute in the picture. :)

08-19-2002, 03:07 AM
just too cute sas - gabe is a complete winner isn't he - who'd a thunk it a couple of months ago?
maybe he loves the sound of running water? must admit i do!!


Miss Meow
08-19-2002, 04:04 AM
Gabe is so beautiful - he has the most stunning colour and fur :)

08-19-2002, 06:11 AM
I bought it at a local pet supply store called Pet Food Warehouse....and I bet it is sold just about everywhere. I think I paid $35 for it. I didn't want to spend much, not knowing if it would be used. Little did I know.

Yes, Gabe has worked out just fine here in Vermont. The change was good for him and for his first family. Who really knows why he finally "saw the light" and began to socialize. I haven't had him that long - maybe after awhile, he will revert to his old habits, but I surely hope not.

I thought my cats would play in it too, but they don't. The water flows all the time, and it has a filter, to filter out all the things that drop in it and fly into it.... My cats often drop dry food into the water. Go figure!

Thanks for the compliments about Gabe. He has turned his life around and is a real doll - for the time being, anyway! He went to the Vet last week for an eye problem, and there was not a peep out of him the entire time. The Vet said he was the best behaved patient all day.....and this was at 4:45!

:cool: :cool: :cool:

08-19-2002, 09:00 AM
Maya would love this too !!! I wonder if this is available here in Belgium .... ?? And , another question : is that connected to the electric circuit ? Isn't that dangerous then to get electrocuted ???

looks like heaven to me !!! ( I love the sound of running water !!!)

Former User
08-19-2002, 09:50 AM
Oh, what a nice pic! If we had that, Kitty and Casper would just hang around the water dish all day and stick their paws in it. :rolleyes:

08-19-2002, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by lut
Maya would love this too !!! I wonder if this is available here in Belgium .... ?? And , another question : is that connected to the electric circuit ? Isn't that dangerous then to get electrocuted ???

looks like heaven to me !!! ( I love the sound of running water !!!)

Hi Lut, I am pretty sure you can buy them online at Petsmart.com and/or Petco.com. We have one and all three cats love it!

08-19-2002, 07:32 PM
I have a different brand of cat fountain and was worried because Cassy, in particular, likes to attack electrical cords. It looks tacky, but I've protected the cords so that playful cats can't get to it, but can still get at the water. (It's ugly: empty tubes from toilet paper and paper towels. :( :eek: ) For some reason, the kids only attack certain cords, but I thought that one in particular should be protected.

The filtered water is a treat for the cats and it also humidifies our home -- added benefit!

Except for the rare occasions when Cassy decides to go swimming, I've been thrilled with ours.
:eek: :rolleyes:

:D :cool:

08-19-2002, 07:36 PM
SAS, I guess it means "more water in - more water out." You are probably going through extra litter these days! :) I know my Andy would just love one of those but it wouldn't be for drinking particularly. He loves to wash his feet! :rolleyes:

08-20-2002, 04:08 AM
he he pam - a kitty paw bath!!:D :D

i've priced water fountains over here and there soooo expensive. so i'm waiting til we visit daughter diane in october and buying one over there - (by the way she has one for her furgirl tabitha)
don says we can fix the different current with a transformer - so no problem!
i'll be looking for a pet food warehouse in the chicago area!!


08-20-2002, 07:36 AM
So , they have this at Petsmart ! But do you think they will send that overseas ????????? will be high in postage costs !!!

I asked about it at our local petshop (Tom & Co) , and they had NEVER heard about a catfountain ................

08-20-2002, 08:24 AM
Lut, my guess is that the postage would be around 25 US. The fountain cost me around $35. I would be willing to ship it to you and then you can pay me. Let me know. It is no problem for me, really.

I wonder about the electrical conversion though. Do you suppose it would convert? It has a power box with it, rather than a regular cord, much like HP printers.....etc.... Do you know what I mean?

Let me know, I would be happy to have you get more H2O into your kitten!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-20-2002, 12:35 PM
Tubby & Peanut have a similar water fountain. They keep the water fresher by circulating it, and it also has a filter for all those little kibbles that somehow :rolleyes: end up in the water. I've also heard that it encourages cats to drink because they like the sound of running water - which I can attest to. If Tubby is in the bathroom with me, as soon as I flush the toilet he has to put his front feet up to see what's going on in there. :rolleyes: The electrical cord with the water is no problem. The manufacturers know there is water involved and take the necessary safety precautions to make sure the electricity doesn't come in contact with the water. You should, however, plug it into a GGCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) outlet if at all possible (like the ones in bathrooms these days with the "reset" button). That way if something did happen the circuit would be interrupted before it could do major harm (similar to if you drop your hair dryer in water, it will immediately trip the circuit so the power is cut off).

When I first bought mine I could never tell if my two were actually using it or if the water was just evaporating. Every two or three days I had to add a little water, but not much. Then one day, about 3 years after I got it, I finally saw Tubby drink out of it. I was surprised - and thrilled that they were actually using it. Since then I've seen Peanut do her paw dipping trick in it too, so I know she's using it too. Now Tubby drinks more because of his kidneys and Peanut drinks more because of her allergy medication, so I have to add water everyday. Been thinking about getting the one that has the addtional water storage container so I don't have to haul water every day.

Lynne, there are many, many Petsmarts and Petcos in the Chicago area - mostly in the suburbs though. The city of Chicago is slow to get the big warehouse style chain stores. But I'm sure the city has many, many individually owned pet shops that would be able to help. We're in the Southwest suburbs, where is your daughter?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-20-2002, 12:37 PM
Oh, and by the way, maybe Gabe thinks the water fountain is one of those gadgets that has the different soothing sounds (crickets, waves crashing, bubbling brook, etc). Maybe he's relaxing and letting his stress wash away. ;) :D

He sure is a cutey!

08-20-2002, 06:03 PM
My girlfriend has one of those fountains for her cat Snotty Susie. We always laugh at it and say that the cat drinks better water then we do.

08-20-2002, 07:09 PM
Hi Lut, I Like that fountain too! But I don't know it will work for me as the electrical voltage in the USA is 110V and we have a 220V. in Spain.What's the voltage in Belgium?.
For the plug there's no problem you can easily find a conveter in a shop supplies for traveller's or in a hardware warehouse.

Sometime before buying for my furkids I check at Petco. or Petsmart. and the goods are the same and the price are similar thought in the USA there's more choice,I'm pretty sure it will arrive here too!

Anyway there's a link
http://www.petsmart.com/products/product_27291.shtml and you can check what it cost to send it overseas.


08-21-2002, 04:10 AM
debbie - diane is living in mundelein. the reason for the visit is that it's her birthday in october and on the 13th she's running the chicago marathon - i hope to get quite a bit of shopping done while i'm over there.

koxka - i'm sure the voltage in belgium is the european standard - 220v, it's that here in england too.


Former User
08-21-2002, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by lynnestankard

koxka - i'm sure the voltage in belgium is the european standard - 220v, it's that here in england too.

Lynne, you are correct. :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-21-2002, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by lynnestankard

debbie - diane is living in mundelein. the reason for the visit is that it's her birthday in october and on the 13th she's running the chicago marathon - i hope to get quite a bit of shopping done while i'm over there.

I can't believe it! Another overseas Pet Talker is coming to Chicago and I'm not going to be here! :mad: We're going to be on vacation again at that time. I can't believe the bad timing we have with our vacations. <pout>:(

08-21-2002, 09:29 PM
Well I just broke down and decided to buy one of these pet fountain filters. I was going to buy the same kind that Sas has but then I saw another kind and it was the last one. The name of it is Drinkwell Pet Fountain. I also bought the refill accessory for it so it can hold up to 12 cups of water. I bought it at Petco and they said that they tend to sell more of these than the other kind. I'm also going to buy a cord conduit which is a hard plastic protector so this will help protect the power cord. The cats seem to really like it and seem more curious than scared of it. I'll still keep their old water dish out for a while until they get more used to it. They are very spoiled cats but they should be because they are my children. :)

08-22-2002, 05:48 AM
My three love the fountain and yet still drink from their old watering holes too!

You may want to check into swimming lessons for your crew.

I may end up buying a larger fountain, since having to take it apart (?) to refill it each day is a bit of a drag. I think any more than one cat requires a larger (extra water tank) system.

Gabe isn't sitting by it as often these days. It is also cooler out right now and the cats are more active - sitting on all the window sills and running around....spending less time just plastered to the cool floors.

Let me know how you like the larger fountain!


08-22-2002, 05:58 AM
Those fountains are really nice!!
I checked out the Petsmart and Petco websites, there is so much cool kitty stuff there!! Lots of things I have never even seen in Dutch petstores (like the laser dot play thing and the Garfield feeding bowls).
Seems like American cats are better off than European ones when it comes to luxury items (I haven't told Piglet, she might get jealous and would want to immigrate asap ;) )

08-22-2002, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont
My three love the fountain and yet still drink from their old watering holes too!

You may want to check into swimming lessons for your crew.

I may end up buying a larger fountain, since having to take it apart (?) to refill it each day is a bit of a drag. I think any more than one cat requires a larger (extra water tank) system.

Gabe isn't sitting by it as often these days. It is also cooler out right now and the cats are more active - sitting on all the window sills and running around....spending less time just plastered to the cool floors.

Let me know how you like the larger fountain!

:D Thats one reason why I decided to buy this brand because I do have 3 cats and they drink a lot of water. They seemed to ignore the new fountain today and wanted to drink from their old one. The good news is that Sunny hasn't played in either of the two water dishes. :D

08-25-2002, 03:05 AM
Here's a picture of the new fountain. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid29/pfe475b9faa85e3c0ac398071ee2e5a54/fd5c12f2.jpg

Here's a pic of Sunny drinking from it. BTW it's one of his birthday presents. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid29/pe6a4b659425065ac6f26e42bb612451b/fd5c12f1.jpg

Now Sunny and Storm just love the new fountain. Pepper still prefers to drink out of the old water dish.

08-25-2002, 03:15 AM
Its so cool! I saw it at Petco a few days ago! Is that where you got it from? I wish they had mini ones for birds! I have a water fountain "decoration one" in the living room and my birds love to drink from it! Of course I only let them when I wash it and put new clean water.

08-25-2002, 03:29 AM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Its so cool! I saw it at Petco a few days ago! Is that where you got it from? I wish they had mini ones for birds! I have a water fountain "decoration one" in the living room and my birds love to drink from it! Of course I only let them when I wash it and put new clean water. Yes I bought it at Petco. It was the last one they had.

08-25-2002, 06:40 AM
Better watch your pennies. The cats may start making wishes and tossing your pennies in their new major league fountain....

I think I will stick with the smaller one until I run out of filters, then I will spring for the larger fountain!

Thanks for the great pictures and I am glad your cats are enjoying the new toy!

08-25-2002, 06:54 AM
sasvermont! I think Fister would love one of those fountains, since he's sitting in the bathroom for hours, waiting for us to pour water across the floor. I'll go and check if we can get them here!

Thanks for posting the pics! :)

08-27-2002, 02:23 PM
cute picture, that is so funny.

09-06-2002, 04:07 AM
Well, I ran out and bought this at Petsmart. Always looking for ways to get my boys to drink lots of water! Not sure they really love it yet, but Buddy was hysterical to watch when he first found it. After one full day, I haven't had to add any water. My question is, for those of you who are using the FreshFlow fountain: do you leave it on all the time? When I finally got down to reading all the directions, it said not to leave it on unless "under direct supervision". That's not practical for me because where I have it plugged in is behind the refrigerator and not easy to get to. One real plus is that the cord is well hidden from Mike who loves to eat cords (coaxial is his best favorite!). I'm thinking of just leaving it on and keep a good eye on the water level. Any suggestions or warnings?

09-06-2002, 08:26 AM
I leave my cats' fountain on all the time. I cleaned mine this past week and it seems that it is about time for a new filter. I think, since a new PETCO just opened in town, I will purchase a system with a spare tank.

My cats still drink from it. They don't look at it as Niagara Falls anymore. It has become a drinking facility now.


09-06-2002, 08:41 AM
A very good, cat loving friend actually sent a Drinkwell Fountain, with the extra reservoir to me for a wedding gift. How about that? Butter and Mimi think they have died and gone to Heaven...no more drinking out of the dog's bowl!!! :D

09-11-2002, 02:16 PM
gabe is a beauty indeed! I don't know about these fountains for Ritzy - she constantly throws those little fake mousies in her water, I think I'd have the equivalent of a clogged kitty commode spewing water all over the kitchen linoleum.

We also had to "nail down" her regular water dish because she liked to pick it up with her teeth and turn it over (It didn't seem to matter how heavy the dish was)...never does this with her food dish, and it is the same kind of dish..

Maybe she just likes to play in puddles....

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-11-2002, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by tuxluvr
gabe is a beauty indeed! I don't know about these fountains for Ritzy - she constantly throws those little fake mousies in her water, I think I'd have the equivalent of a clogged kitty commode spewing water all over the kitchen linoleum.

Glad to see some more stories about our favorite Ritzy. :) :D

She's such a character. :D

09-11-2002, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom

Glad to see some more stories about our favorite Ritzy. :) :D

She's such a character. :D

T&P's mom, Ritzeee here

My mommy cat has been offlee bizzee latlee, and sez that's why she hasn't been telling my storeez as much........she started her own consulting bizness....I don't know what dat meenz, but it's pretty kewl so far, cuz mommie is home more and I get to hang out in the upstairs office window, help mommy type on her compooter, and look at the frunt yard kritters n stuff....now I just gotta make sure she doesn't furget to keep all my adoring Pettalk fans updated!

Ritzeee Cat

Edwina's Secretary
09-11-2002, 03:42 PM
Dear Ritzy...

My mom is soooo.... jealous. She says this consulting bizness is something she would REALLY like to do but she says she is missing a critical part. I said if I remember correctly the vet has a whole lot of those parts laying around but she says it is not the same thing exactly. Sounds like something I don't understand...but I do understand she says....CONGRATULATIONS AND GOOD LUCK!!!!!


09-11-2002, 04:32 PM

Mommy has a number of customers already and she hasn't really advertised yet, so I think that's good, cuz mom seems a lot happier lately.....I just get brushed more often, so it seems pretty kool to me too :)

Official Office Kat

Mom sez thanks for the good wishes!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-11-2002, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
She says this consulting bizness is something she would REALLY like to do but she says she is missing a critical part.

Tubby here, mi mom sez shez missin' a krittikle part to, the gutz part. Iz dont no wut she needz gutz for. Iz dont lik mices gutz myself, and Iz no my frend, Cranker, he livs in uppy Wizconskin, he dont likz mices gutz needer, soz Iz dont noz whi mom sa she duznt hab gutz. But mom sez shez reel hapy fer yer mom, Ritzy. Youz sech a luky kitty to be a 'fisial office kat. Youz mite want to ask dat Boots man fer sum gud tippys on helpn' inna office. :)

And mom sez "Congratulations and good luck!" Another one here that envies you. :)

Tubby (psst, Edwina, got any spare turkey laying around?) ;) :D

09-11-2002, 06:05 PM
I downt like mouse guts eether...blech...I don'tz even likes those real mousies, cuz they wiggle when I put them in my mowth..ptoooey...give me fake no-gutz mousees aneetime.

Mom dinnut say nuffin bout gutz, but did say she had butterflies in her tummy for a few days....and she sez I put funny things in my mouth!!! Doze hoomans haZ funny eating habbits.

rITZEEE CAT, cfo (chief feline officer)

Ritzy's mom here - thanks to all! I'm at a good point in my life to make this jump, and it's something I've always wanted to do..not too much financial risk for me right now, no kids to put through college (don't give Ritzy any ideas, please):)

I'm nervous, but so far, so good! I am having a lot of fun, but am maintaining a reasonable perspective - giving it at least a year and have some "backup plans" just in case. Thanks again for the kind wishes!