View Full Version : Chihuahuas

Sullysmum and threemore
08-18-2002, 11:19 AM
:) Hi, are there any Chihuahua lovers here? I have 4 girl chihuahuas and we live in the uk.

08-18-2002, 06:36 PM
I have a little Chihuahua girl. She is white with black. The spot on her back is in the shape of a clover. Her name is Anna. Here is a picture of her and my poodle.

Sullysmum and threemore
08-19-2002, 03:55 PM
Hi There, nice to meet you and see your pictures, Penny one of my chihuahuas ( she is a rescue) has a white love heart on her forehead.

08-19-2002, 05:46 PM
oh cool!

Anna was almost a year old and already had her name when we got her. She was named after the lady that brought her back to life when she stopped breathing at birth. If not for that, I would have named her Clover. She is quite a girl!

The people that had her were trying to sell several of their Chihuahuas because the husband did not like them. I believe he abused Anna, because she hates most men. For a while after I got her, if any men were around her and raised thier feet off the ground, she went crazy. She is still distrustful of most men.

The only man I ever saw her completely at ease with is my husband. The day she met him she jumped up in his lap and started licking him. Of course I married him! :D

08-20-2002, 01:41 PM
I recently rescued one from the side of the road. He had been hit and left there in 100 degree weather. No one ever claimed him at the vets office after they fixed him up. He acts like he was abused, poor dear. I found him a great and loving home. He is a tea cup and is a cutie.