View Full Version : barking question

08-18-2002, 10:20 AM
i've heard that sheltie's are "notorious barkers" and it's not like i don't expect or want a dog to bark, but how much does one actually bark? everywhere i read, the writers keep going on and on on how much this specific breed barks. just wondering:p thanks:):)

Dixieland Dancer
08-19-2002, 09:14 AM
I personally don't know that much about the breed but believe each dog has it's own personality and environmental influences can influence their behavior. Your best source for this information is from the breed enthusiasts. You can check out the American Shetland Sheepdog Association at this link. (http://www.assa.org/)

Happy researching! :)

08-19-2002, 11:51 AM

08-19-2002, 06:37 PM
The few shelties that I know or have known do indeed bark quite a bit of course that all depends on the situation. From what I understand most shelties will bark at moving objects which of course is only the natural thing for them to do because they are a herding breed. I know that some breeders of the dogs have some of them debarked for that very reason.