View Full Version : he keeps peeing on the toilet!!!!! i need help!!

08-18-2002, 07:24 AM
we used to think that our toilet was broken but we now know that my dog is going to the bathroom at the bottom of our toilet. since we have a cat now we had to take out the doggie door, we let my dog out alot but he keeps going in our bathroom! my mom gets so mad at him and she cant stand my dog any more. do you think he just wants attention from my mom? or that he has a bladder problem? what else could it be?
pleaseeeeeeeeee give me suggestions on how to make him stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dixieland Dancer
08-19-2002, 09:09 AM
How old is the dog? What kind? When did you notice this starting? Did anything out of the ordinary occur about the time this started such as someone moving, dying, new pup, etc.... ?

08-19-2002, 08:39 PM
my dog is 10 he is half a shi tzu and half somethin else. we did get a new cat at the beginnin of this year, but they get along really well. i cant remember when it started , i think it was mabe in the middle of this year.

08-20-2002, 01:36 PM
I know that there is a spray that can be purchased that is supposed to keep pets from peeing in certain areas. I know that it works on carpet and furiniture I am not sure about toilets though. Good luck!