View Full Version : Insane weather!

02-18-2008, 09:30 AM
I am off today and doing some cleaning. I just had to open the windows because I am sweating! It is supposed to go up to 65 degrees here today and it is humid. I am just outside of Philly. I just can't believe this is happening on February 18th! It's only going up to 42 tomorrow so I guess I'd better enjoy it now! How's your weather?

02-18-2008, 09:54 AM
We are getting one last (well i hope last) attempt at summer. It got up to 34C/ 93F yesterday, and today is going to be about the same. Then it is dropping back to showers and 20C/ 68F for the rest of the week... bring on Autumn ;).

02-18-2008, 10:08 AM
We're outside Philly in the opposite direction and its warm and humid here too. Only we're being poured upon at the moment. I'm wearing a short sleeved sweater to work today -- just a few days ago I was so cold at work that I wrapped up in a throw blanket from one of the livingroom set-ups

02-18-2008, 11:38 AM
It is about 9:40am here and it is still a little ugly out, but I'm sure it will burn off later. At least that's how it's gone the past two days. It's supposed to get in the 60's today and then starting tomorrow and through the week we are to have more rain. :( I'm glad I've taken Zoee to the park each day (and will today too) this long weekend. :)

02-18-2008, 12:33 PM
It's 65ish here too!! I love it! Wish it was this weather all year round!! Any state have 65 degree weather all year!??! LOL! I'm moving there if they do!!

I have opened some windows to air out the house, there is nothing like fresh air blowing inside after having the windows closed all winter long!!

02-18-2008, 12:34 PM
It's warm here - 62 degrees - and remember, I'm just West of Boston, so well north of you Philly folks - so the snow that was on the ground from last week is dissolving into fog. I do not expect it to last long.

02-18-2008, 12:50 PM
I guess you guys are getting the weather we had here yesterday. It felt
like Spring. :) Today we are back to normal weather in the 30s & had light
snow this morning. Enjoy it while you can.

02-18-2008, 01:57 PM
I guess you guys are getting the weather we had here yesterday. It felt
like Spring. :) Today we are back to normal weather in the 30s & had light
snow this morning. Enjoy it while you can.

Well, Liz, I guess we have you to thank for it. :p

I just opened the window and a FLY few in. Shouldn't they be hybernating or something? :rolleyes: This gets crazier by the minute! :eek: :D

02-18-2008, 02:55 PM
;) MMmm Need you ask about Texas :rolleyes: .. Crazy as ever.. 30 & 40s one day & 70 & 80s the next day.. I want some Snow please..

02-18-2008, 06:37 PM
It was 57 yesterday. Today we had freezing rain and tonight it's going down to 17. And I wonder why my sinuses are confused.

02-18-2008, 07:27 PM
50's yesterday, snow today! I love Ohio! (NOT!) can't wait to get on that airplane and head to the west coast in Saturday!!

02-19-2008, 03:44 PM
Well, it's 14 degrees here and I'm getting a bit tired of this cold so

I'm sending it on EAST. :p

02-19-2008, 06:28 PM
I am getting real tired of this winter in Ohio. I cannot wait until Spring so it will warm up again. I dislike getting up in the morning, feeling like I just want to stay in bed because I have been warm all night then I HAVE to get out just to start my day. Blah.

02-19-2008, 06:40 PM
Well, it's 14 degrees here and I'm getting a bit tired of this cold so

I'm sending it on EAST. :p

Oh yeah? Well, girl, I'm dragging you along with it!! :p

First time in decades..AAACCHOOOOOO! AAAACCCHHOOOOO! AAACCHHOOO! Off to buy more tissues for my faucet nose

02-19-2008, 09:00 PM
Yesterday (when this thread was started) we hit 61.
Today's high was mid 40's.
Tomorrow we are getting a snow storm. :rolleyes: The predicted high is 21 and the predicted low is 19.

Walked around the house today; my daffodils have popped through the ground!!
The leaves are up about 2 inches.

I am as confused as Ozzy, and THAT is MIGHTY confused!!!

02-20-2008, 12:38 PM
We had a beautiful day here yesterday with highs in the 50s. It's still a beautiful day today but the highs are only in the 20s. Tonight and tomorrow we are in for freezing rain and sleet: 2 - 4 inches possible. We are under a winter storm watch! :(


02-20-2008, 01:55 PM
This weekend - beautiful weather. Yesterday - RAIN, RAIN, RAIN. Today - beautiful again.
I'm so confused!! :confused:

02-20-2008, 02:59 PM
Snow is falling now, two days after the start of this thread when we were having a *heat wave.* It isn't expected to be much - maybe an inch but it's just crazy. I wonder where the flies have gone now (aside from the one that most likely has died somewhere inside my house! :p )

02-20-2008, 05:02 PM
Snow is falling now, two days after the start of this thread when we were having a *heat wave.* It isn't expected to be much - maybe an inch but it's just crazy. I wonder where the flies have gone now (aside from the one that most likely has died somewhere inside my house! :p )

I warned ya. :p very cold here now with wild, crazy winds. We did get
about 2 inch snow fall last night.

02-20-2008, 11:33 PM
Today was FREEEEEZING here!!! It hasn't been super warm or anything but we have been having pleasant weather considering it's still February and then today... BAM. Like hitting an ice wall- literally! lol

02-21-2008, 11:07 AM
Weird weather here today: thunder, lightening, freezing rain, and sleet. We are to get the snow later today. Everything but sunshine.

It's slicker than goober snot out there!!! :eek:

02-21-2008, 11:19 AM
You think you guys got it bad? It was -22*F this morning.


*pouts for a while*

Alright. I'm over it. =]

02-21-2008, 11:26 AM
It's warm here in FL, come on down.

Current: 75°F
Wind Speed: VRB6 MPH
Humidity: 68%


02-21-2008, 12:03 PM
Posted 2/20/08:

This weekend - beautiful weather. Yesterday - RAIN, RAIN, RAIN. Today - beautiful again.
I'm so confused!! :confused:
Today it is raining again. This is crazy on the emotions, lol. I don't mind rain and I love sunshine, but to go back and forth each day.....GRRRR!! :mad:
I guess I should just be glad I do not have to deal with snow or ice. I wouldn't do well with that kind of weather. I don't mind visiting it, but I wouldn't want to live in it.
That's it! I'm packing my bags and going to Florida. Marti I'm coming to visit you!! LOL (geez, I wish!!!)

02-21-2008, 12:27 PM
Weird weather here today: thunder, lightening, freezing rain, and sleet. We are to get the snow later today. Everything but sunshine.

It's slicker than goober snot out there!!! :eek:

MOFF, All I can say is W :eek: W!! I know you will take all of that mess over a tornado any day! :) We are supposed to be getting an ice/snow/sleet storm/rain early tomorrow morning. I guess Liz and Rachel are sending that one! :p

02-21-2008, 12:28 PM
Here in NE Ohio it's back to winter (for how long... who knows!)
Today's high is 25F and oh lookie.. it's 24F right now!
With the wind chill it feels like 8F.

If you want to believe the weather people, it's not supposed to go above 40F for the next week! Wow.. maybe the 3" of snow that's on the ground now will stay around for a little while. We're expecting another 3" of snow by tomorrow night. PAWS CROSSED!!