View Full Version : Reilly was ATTACKED

02-09-2008, 07:58 AM
Last night at about 10p.m. Reilly our poor baby was attacked by another dog in his own home. Physically he is fine, I was able to get to him in time, emotionally though he is still kinda shaky.

My mom was going out onto our patio last night to have a smoke, we live in an apt complex, we had seen this dog around before, the girls that walked him had no control over him at all, and every time he saw Reilly at the glass doors he would break free from them and lunge at the doors. I have told them before they needed to keep better control over him or they did not need to be walking him.
Well my fears came true last night when mom went out onto the patio, before she could do anything this damn dog came out of nowhere, lunged at the patio door, she was trying to close it and he got his head inside, I heard the commotion and came running, he forced the door open with his body, sliced her leg with his nails and got inside my apt. He immediately went for Reilly, first thing he went for was Reilly's neck. Reilly tried to get away from him but the dog lunged again and this time Reilly fought back, I dont know what he did to him but the dog yelped big time, in the mean time I am trying to get the two of them apart, I lifted Reilly over my coffee table with one hand and got ahold of the other dog with the other. I was absolutely terrified!!!! The girl that walks him appeared from somewhere and grabbed him by the collar and got him out, I yelled some not so nice things to get her blankety blankety crazy dog out of my house. lol

Poor Reilly was just shaking from head to toe, he was so scared, he just clung to me, for a good couple of hours afterwards he would not let me out of his site and layed either snuggled up by me or on top of me. I called my husband at work and was just crying and screaming about what had happened, he finally got me to calm down and had me call animal control.

The officer was very nice who came out, he said because mom was hurt, even though it was not by the dog's mouth it was still considered a bite, and the attack on Reilly was considered a vicious dog attack, we knew what apt the dog lived at so that he could go and talk to them.
Long story short, the dog is now in quarantine at animal control, HE HAD NO SHOTS!!!!, my mom has to go the dr about her leg and the mother of the girl is livid at the girl, she was not supposed to have him out and he was not supposed to be around other animals.
I learned that he is an American Bull Dog, very big!!!!
Needless to say this has shaken my husband and I up very badly, and are eternally grateful to God nothing happened to our precious boy physically.
The officer said that if he is not deemed a vicious dog they will have to pay over $200 to get him back.
I still can not believe this happened, right in my own home where he is supposed to be safe, it just breaks my heart, I am so mad at these people, another case where someone is not doing what they should do with there animal. :mad:

02-09-2008, 08:09 AM
How scary! Poor Reilly, poor you. Thank heavens you were right there and able to separate them! As I read that you 'lifted Reilly over the coffee table," I thought of the rush of adrenaline which made this possible. Thank goodness!

I am sorry for the dog, as it sounds like he is just being a dog with no training, no manners, and no discipline.

Maybe in a week or so, when you have calmed down a bit, you can suggest to the management that they required documentation of shots for all pets living on the premises, annually? Just one thought.

I will say some prayers for Reilly to help him get over the shock; as you said, our pets need to feel safe in their own homes

02-09-2008, 09:08 AM
I wouldn't think big dogs were even allowed there. Usually in apartments. they're not. I would have been livid. If the girl knew she couldn't control the dog. she shouldn't have been walking him in the first place. I'd check with management of having that big a dog there. I'm glad Reilly is alright and sorry your mom got hurt. Hopefully. they won't even be able to get back the dog. I feel bad for the dog. too, because it's not his fault.

02-09-2008, 01:42 PM
OH my goodness Marti!!! I am in tears as I read this. :( I am so sorry this happened to Reilly and you and your mom! I hope you are all okay and that the attacker will not be able to hurt Reilly again. I shudder to think of what might have happened had you not been home. Your poor mother.
I'm glad to hear Reilly appears to be fine, just a bit shaken. And I hope your moms leg is okay too.
HUGS to all of you!!!

Pawsitive Thinking
02-09-2008, 02:06 PM
Poor Reilly! I hope they are not allowed to have their dog back - they clearly how no idea how to look after it

Hope this horrible event doesn't stay with you for too long

02-09-2008, 03:31 PM
Poor Reilly. I'm glad he's okay though. *HUGS* to you both.

I wouldn't think big dogs were even allowed there. Usually in apartments. they're not.
Well, Kia is considered a big dog and because of it, it was very hard to find an apartment. So yes, some apartments do allow "big" dogs. But once again bad owners ruin it for the rest.

02-09-2008, 04:33 PM
Thank you all so much, he is still pretty shaken up, but I think with alot of lovin from mommy and daddy he will be just fine, we are probably spoiling him more but instead of him being in his own bed today, we let him sleep up on the bed with us, he snuggled up to us for most of the day. We both work nights so that is why we sleep during the day..lol
We are defintely going to speak with the manager on monday morning, I know that some breeds they do not allow here, and I think they just take the person's word for what kind of dog they have, etc. that is not acceptable at all, especially after what happened.
I feel terrible for this poor dog, he was being a dog and doing what he had no idea was a bad thing to do, I even told the officer last night I truly hope something can be worked out for him so he is not put down, that is the last thing that I want. It is just a horrible situation all the way around.

02-09-2008, 06:44 PM
What a weird thing to happen. I'm glad Reilly and your mom are okay. It's sad that the owner of that dog wasn't being more responsible.

02-09-2008, 06:48 PM
How sad, that that dog has had no training, and no vet care, either! And how scary fo all of you. I hope he can get a better home, if need be. American Bulldogs are big 'ol' stubborn lugs, but they ARE trainable. Like any breed of dog, they need the right owner, and this one obviously hasn't got one!

02-09-2008, 07:24 PM
Very scary story...I hope all of you are doing better and getting back to normal after this scare. If the people have to pay $200. to get him back, plus probably a series of shots I have a feeling they won't want to take him back. They don't sound like the kind of owners who would care to spend that much on a dog.

02-09-2008, 07:25 PM
That girl's mother needs a reality check too - it's fine that she was angry at her daughter about having the dog out - but NO SHOTS???

I hope that dog gets a great home with people who will take him to a training course. Not the pup's fault!

I'm glad to hear Reilly is settling a bit, and hope he is back to himself very soon. :)

02-09-2008, 08:24 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that this happened and in your own home too.:( I'm glad that Reilly will be okay. I also agree that this other dog needs proper vet care, training, and a new loving family that knows how to care for him.

02-09-2008, 11:17 PM
Take it from me..seriously...CALL A LAWYER! It was an unprovocked attack IN YOUR PROPERTY plus PERSONAL INJURY. You can PM me if you want. Been there and have a permanent, severe injury.

02-09-2008, 11:35 PM
That is horrible for that to have happened to you, your family, and your poor Reilly. I'm hope your mom will be ok and Reilly will not have any lingering anxiety because of this attack.

Please don't blame the dog breed on the problem. The problem is due to the owners neglect in training, controling their dog, and not having proper vaccinations done. This could happen with any breed of dog. Please don't let some very bad owners sour your opinon of an entire breed of dog though.

02-09-2008, 11:53 PM
I'm sorry this happened, but I hope you don't emphasize breed and size when you see the landlord or manager. Any breed can attack. It would be unfair to owners of good dogs if they couldn't get a place to live because of one bad apple. Proof of vaccinations is a great idea though.

02-09-2008, 11:54 PM
:eek: This happened right in your own home?!? That's really shocking. thanks goodness you are all alright. I would be livid too. :mad:
If people can't afford vet care, and don't want the time & expense of training them, they shouldn't have dogs, period. They're getting off easy with a $200. fine, if you ask me. I hope you mom doesn't have any complications. The other dog's owners should be liable for her doctor's visits, too.

02-10-2008, 01:20 AM
I promise we will not be specific about the breed, I love all dogs and I know all of them are wonderful when they are taken care of properly, I really feel just awful for this poor dog, I am going to talk to the investigator and see if there is any way with training if they do not give him back to the owner's that he could be adopted out, he is a beautiful dog. I do not blame him in the least bit, the reason we are talking to the manager is we do not want him back with that family and need her to wake up and make sure the people she is renting to and letting have animals are up to date on everything, that is ridiculus.
It was hard last night not to be mad initially at the dog, he just attacked my baby..lol but if he is able to be a family dog or one person dog I would never want him put down or anything like that.

02-10-2008, 08:07 AM
How scary. :( I'm so sorry this happened to you guys. I hope all works out in the end for all involved.

02-10-2008, 10:29 AM
I'm sorry to hear this happened to Riley. I'm glad he's ok!

Tora Oni
02-10-2008, 12:04 PM
Oi, You think somebody else would complain at the apt. complex talk to the landlord/manager. I mean its one thing for a dog to be defensive but another to go out looking for a fight. That dogs not safe plain as sight. Its mostly the owner to blame for not taking some responsibility and train it. I'd just like to know if that girl would put up with it if you let your dog attack hers like she lets him. Yeah I know she seriously didn't just sent that dog to attack but not taking responsibility and training it is just as bad in my eyes.

Tora Oni
02-10-2008, 12:08 PM
I promise we will not be specific about the breed, I love all dogs and I know all of them are wonderful when they are taken care of properly, I really feel just awful for this poor dog, I am going to talk to the investigator and see if there is any way with training if they do not give him back to the owner's that he could be adopted out, he is a beautiful dog. I do not blame him in the least bit, the reason we are talking to the manager is we do not want him back with that family and need her to wake up and make sure the people she is renting to and letting have animals are up to date on everything, that is ridiculus.
It was hard last night not to be mad initially at the dog, he just attacked my baby..lol but if he is able to be a family dog or one person dog I would never want him put down or anything like that. Well I hope Riley gets better, and the dog who attacked him I hope he gets some help too.

02-10-2008, 08:20 PM
Hugs going out to Reilly and your family.

Although I'd like a happy ending, too, I'd be scared of what the attacking dog is capable of doing in the future. I'd love to see him rehabilitated, but he sounds like he has some bad dog-dog aggression. Here's hoping everything works out well in the end, though!

02-10-2008, 08:23 PM
Giselle I agree ref his aggression, it worries me for him, but at the same time, if he had been socialized since a pup with other dogs this might not have happened either, I know sometimes there is just no hope but I would feel so bad if he was not given a chance at all. :(

02-18-2008, 12:43 PM
I am so upset right now I can not hardly see straight, I just got off the phone with the investigator at animal control in ref to Reilly's attack. The dog is being released back to the owners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because Reilly was not injured as a result of the attack the dog can not be considered vicious.
I never wanted the dog put to sleep but I sure did not want that dog allowed back to these people who obviously do not know how to take care of him. So basically the fact that he came into my home and attacked Reilly in his own home means nothing. The investigator assured me they had been given citations and punished, big whooped to do!!!!!!!!!!! This just makes me so mad, now I am really worried for Reilly and have to watch constantly for this other dog when I have him outside.
Jeff reported it to the office and they told him that there attorney would give them a 7 day notice as to if the dog came back, if it did then they had 7 days to find another home for the dog or to move. But the way the office is around here, I won't hold my breath. :mad: :(

02-18-2008, 03:21 PM
What about the fact that your mother was injured by this dog when it tore into your house? That doesn't mean anything? That's ridiculous!!
Marti, I am so sorry this is happening. I agree, I don't think the dog should be destroyed or anything, but he obviously has a problem with Reilly. I guess the owners would not be approachable to discuss anything with, right? Sigh.
Well, please be super careful (as I know you will/are) when Mr Reilly is out. For everyone's safety.
Hugs to all of you!

02-18-2008, 06:56 PM
Most states have laws regarding an unprovoked attack against human or animal as grounds for being declared dangerous or vicious depending on your state or county laws.

Since your mother was injured and your dog the target of the attack, you should review your state/county's law concerning dangerous or vicious dogs. Depending on the wording you may have a case for civil court for medical bills for your mother's injury and could have the dog declared dangerous or vicious.

You really need to research the animal control laws for where you live. Some states have a 'one bite' law other states have a 'two bite' law and various other requirements for a dog to be declared dangerous or vicious.

02-18-2008, 11:10 PM
Here I go again.

Regardless if animal control wrote a report and cited the people, you should have called a litigation lawyer.

The other dog came into your house and attacked your dog. And your mom was injured. In hindsight...pictures! Even though rabies shots aren't as bad as they used to be, they're about $3000 a pop and that includes the ER visit and all hospital fees. I've had them, trust me. I'm glad your mom didn't need them.

My neighbors were cited 2-3x for noise etc. even before my attack. There is also a "one bite" dog law in Pa., so since there's been no proof of past bites, they got their dogs back. But no more doggie door and they must be out with the dogs all the time..uhh..not. Think how I feel!

I don't blame the dogs, I blame the owners. And it's obvious citations, guilt in criminal court and a major civil lawsuit by me, mean nothing. They don't get it.

Sorry to rant..I'm so angry for you. I know exactly how you feel. It's not fair. We are victims of other people's stupidity.I live in fear everyday and still have bad dreams every night. I guess all I can say is, just be careful.I'm really sorry.

Pawsitive Thinking
02-19-2008, 09:48 AM
just got off the phone with the investigator at animal control in ref to Reilly's attack. The dog is being released back to the owners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
