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View Full Version : Heads UP, Findlay ~ the Creek's rising!!

Cinder & Smoke
02-05-2008, 11:44 PM
Attention: Findlay, Ohio!

Grab you Boots and get ready to Float da Boat!!

The ole Blanchard River is going to rise well above :eek: Flood Stage tomorrow (Wednesday night)
through Thursday. Predicted "crest" is 15 Feet - which is about 13 feet above
the River's normal height.

At 15 feet - the following happens:
<TABLE cellSpacing=8 width=600><TBODY><TR><TD class=e19 scope=col>Flooding can be expected in many areas in the Findlay area.
Several businesses will be impacted downtown...
with many roads near the river closed. Water will also impact along
County Road to State Route 568. The following streets are likely
to be flooded... Main Cross Street from Western to Township Rd 180...
Broad St... Streets along Eagle Creek from Central to Rockside and
streets along Lye Creek from Wedgewood to Strong Avenue.
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=e19 vAlign=top scope=col noWrap>At 13.0 feet, the following happens:

Floodwater impacts East Sandusky Street...Main Cross Street...
Blanchard Road...Clinton Court... and many other streets near
the Blanchard River. Backwater will affect residents living along
Eagle and Lye Creeks.
</TD><TD class=e19 scope=col></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
See the Current Blanchard River Level (Stage) at Findlay, Ohio HERE >>>



02-06-2008, 12:24 AM
Oh my, I think poor Findlay has had enough flooding! Hopefully people won't lose their homes like last time. My friends just finished re-building from the last flood.

Cinder & Smoke
02-06-2008, 12:38 AM
Oh my, I think poor Findlay has had enough flooding!


The Wednesday - Thursday "crest" is forecast to be 15 feet ...

That's 3.46 feet LOWER than the almost record-setting flood on August 22, 2007;
when the Blanchard River crest was 18.46 feet. :eek:

The Dog Park will turn into a lake just from the Monsoon Rains ...
I'm not sure if the River will get up high enough to flood the Park with dirty river water.

Hopefully Carrie's Kitchen Shop will stay DRY this time, as well as your River-side dwelling friends.

02-06-2008, 09:23 AM
The Grand River in Lake county is expected to crest twice over flood stage this afternoon at 14.5 feet. My basement is already taking on water. :(
I made sure not to leave the dogs in their crates in the basement today, the hubby will be going home to check on the water at lunch time.

Ugh... I'm having flash backs from the flood of July 2006 that we had.

I saw a reporter this morning that was reporting from downtown Finday and thought about Diana and the dog park.

4 Dog Mother
02-06-2008, 09:51 AM
Some of the streets are closed now - and the officials are warning people not to go around the barricades because if they do get stuck - it is not like this summer when the water was warm - this water is COLD and wading through it would not be a good thing and calling the fire department to come get you is not a smart thing because they will have a police officer with them. They are also warning people not to wait to the last minute to leave their houses because this summer the fire fighters were able to wade and pull the boats to houses and now they will have to row them which means it is going to take longer to rescue everyone.

I am not sure why some people think they have to push the rules - often it is the young men in big trucks who think they can make it through. Some people just are not too smart!

Where I live is way above the level of the river - however the ground is so saturated and there is a plugged storm drain so the water is backed way up in the back yards - fortunately Carl added some dirt to our back so it is not quite as bad as the neighbors - the dogs are getting slightly muddy going out and coming in. Lucky us!

02-06-2008, 11:34 AM
T My basement is already taking on water. :( Oh no! Angie, we'll keep paws crossed for you too. How's Buddy taking all this?

02-06-2008, 12:10 PM
Oh no! Angie, we'll keep paws crossed for you too. How's Buddy taking all this?

We've had thunder the past two nights.. so neither of us have gotten much sleep. :( I do all I can to calm him, but nothing ever works.
(all the while Sierra and my hubby are SOUND asleep! :mad: )

I've been giving him 10mg of Valium everyday during all this and don't really see that it's doing anything for him. (maybe I should be taking it instead! ;) )

Thanks Pat!

02-06-2008, 12:40 PM
I've been giving him 10mg of Valium everyday during all this and don't really see that it's doing anything for him. (maybe I should be taking it instead! ;) )

Thanks Pat! :D LOL! I about spurted coffee all over the keyboard on that one!

4 Dog Mother
02-07-2008, 09:21 AM
Well, the creek (or Blanchard River as the case may be) rose a little higher than they expected but not by much. 16.2 feet and is predicted to go to about 16.6 feet which is about 5 feet over flood stage. Water is covering downtown again - although not quite so high as August which was 18.5 ft. Businesses are again flooded - I am thinking that Carrie's dad's store probably has some water in it.

There is a level 3 emergency in Findlay which means you are only supposed to be out if you have to. Which means I am at home today. Nice to have a day off but would rather be paid for it esp. since I took half a day yesterday to go to the dr. in Toledo and pick up Snoopy's meds in Toledo too. My boss is going down later to begin pumping out the church basement - I am not sure how much water it got - hopefully not much.

People who houses were destroyed in the last flood and had just finished fixing them up had water again and had to leave their homes. How sad!!!!

02-07-2008, 09:55 AM
I heard this on the morning news (Findlay, Ohio was mentioned by name) and thought of my PT friends. Have you all in my thoughts and prayers today.

02-07-2008, 10:27 AM
I saw this on the news last night and exclaimed to my hubby "that's where all of the PTers meet!" It looked pretty bad.

Angie, I am with Pat - your comment about taking the Valium instead of Buddy would have had me spitting out my beverage if I was drinking any at the time. Poor Buddy, we don't mean to make fun of you honestly. :)

At least there wasn't a tornado. Fingers are crossed for your basement.

02-07-2008, 10:32 AM
Fingers crossed that the water recededs quickly and that the damage is minimal.

Poor Findlay. :(

02-07-2008, 10:40 AM
Poor Findlay - I hope the damage isn't too severe and that everyone is alright.

02-07-2008, 10:47 AM
I hope you're all safe in the Findlay area! It sounds like quite a flood! :eek:

Phred, we need an update from you too. Hope all is safe!

4 Dog Mother
02-07-2008, 03:58 PM
I just talked to my boss and she said we had 4 ft. of yes, you guessed it - sewer water again - although it is not as bad this time - I guess she means that it doesn't stink as bad. The furnace is gone again - brand new just put in before Christmas. Nothing else had been replaced - well - 2 refrigerators but they had moved them before the flooding began. The compressor for the organ is down there too but they put it up on a shelf like 5 feet off the floor so it should be okay too. So many places had gone ahead and remodeled and now they will have to do it again. How heartbreaking! I am not just talking churches and businesses but homes too. Most people can't afford to just abandon their homes and start new and who would buy their homes if they would try to sell.

Please pray for Findlay and the people in other hard hit areas in Ohio and of course, for all those who suffered from the tornadoes the other day!

Cinder & Smoke
02-07-2008, 04:28 PM
Phred, we need an update from you too. Hope all is safe!

We'z just *phine* - all High & Damp here at the Ranch! ;)

We'd prolly stay dry even if the Berlin Dam :eek: broke ...
we might be surrounded with a big moat - but the house sits high enough
that we ought to stay reasonably dry.

It sure IS "damp" outside, though ... Bip & Bop need the Paw Towel whenever
they return from an outie.

Pittsburgh looks like their Rivers are going to crest at about 24 feet -
"only" 7 feet above normal levels. Shouldn't be many structures damaged.

Findlay has been hit pretty hard :( - the Blanchard River has crested at about
16.5 feet - 2 feet short of last summer's record of 18.5 feet -
but still high enough to cause a LOT of damage.

Click on the local Newspaper for excellent flood coverage >>>
http://www.thecourier.com/ (http://www.thecourier.com/)

Their Lead Stories:
Blanchard River on its way down
At 4 p.m. Thursday, the Blanchard River was measured at 15.74 feet by the National Weather Service, after reaching a crest of 16.5 feet around 3:15 a.m. Thursday. This measurement is still above a major flood stage (13 feet) and is predicted to drop below flood stage (11 feet) by 1 p.m. Friday.
<DT></DT><DT>NEW: Boil advisory issued</DT><DD>A boil advisory has officially been issued for the city of Findlay by Service Director Bruce Hardy until further notice. The advisory was initiated at 1:45 p.m. Thursday.</DD><DD>Residents of Findlay are advised not to drink the water, without boiling it first. To make the water safe for drinking, bring it to a boil and let it boil for one minute, and then let it cool before using. Bottled water is also a good alternative.</DD><DD>Only safe, potable water should be used for drinking, making ice, washing dishes and brushing teeth.</DD><DD>Findlay's water is showing a high "turbidity" level, or cloudiness. Turbidity levels are used to monitor how effectively water is being filtered. The more cloudy the drinking water, the more likely that it may contain disease-causing organism.</DD><DD>These organisms can include bacteria, viruses and parasites, which can cause symptoms such as nausea, cramps, diarrhea and associated headaches. People with severely compromised immune systems, infants and some elderly people may be at increased risk. People who develop any of these symptoms may consider contacting a doctor.</DD>

Hope Carrie's Kitchen Shop is OK!

02-07-2008, 09:25 PM
i finally heard back from my friends who lost their house in the last flood - she said they have flooding, but thankfully were able to contain it to the crawl space so it didn't flood inside the house. Their garage, of course, got flooded again. She said it's solid water from their porch to the house across the street, and joked about it being ocean-front property. Guess a good sense of humor will help them get through this! (Last time they had to have the house striped down to the 2x4's and rebuild all over from the floors up, including new drywall. They only got moved back in about 7-8 weeks ago. :( )
As Diana pointed out, this has been a disaster for some homeowners. The housing market is bad enough all ready, but the floods brought everything to a stop in Findlay. You can't live in a ruined house, but you can't sell flooded property so you can move, either.

02-08-2008, 08:25 PM
I just talked with a guy who lost everything in August.
Got everything back.
And lost everything AGAIN this week.
so sad.

02-09-2008, 05:53 AM
Even my son who has been to his own hell and back called to ask about what's happening in Findlay. Prayers have been going up for everyone, praying that they'll be safe and that the loss won't be too great. I'm so sorry for those who are suffering losses and hope that they can soon be back on their feet.

02-09-2008, 06:50 AM
It's just heartbreaking to see this happening again:(
Diana I'm glad your all alright.

02-09-2008, 04:38 PM
Eastern Ohio, how are you?

Cinder & Smoke
02-10-2008, 04:52 PM
Sunday (2/10/2008) Uppie-Date >>>

FINALLY heard from Carrie & Gabbie at the Kitchen Shop this afternoon ~

Carrie had been in Michigan in a cell phone DEAD Spot whilst Daddy was receiving
an award from one of their suppliers.

The Kitchen Shop on Findlay's Main Street stayed HIGH & DRY this time! :) :)
Carrie said the water came close - half way across the street ... but stopped short
of causing any damage to the Kitchen Shop.

She sez "Howdie!" to all the PTers and thanks us for the Good Thoughts.
