View Full Version : Rows and rows of Pitties in cages....

02-03-2008, 01:23 PM
and now there's one less in death row.

Meet my new dog... her Humane Society name was/is Nala. It doesn't "fit" her. I am considering names; so far I like Mia and Annabelle. She is prooving that pitties get awful raps because she is 100% pure love. All she wants is to play, to play, and to play. And give face kisses. I have given her and Nicki very limited access to each other because of how hyper she is at the moment. I know she'll calm down once she feels comfortable. For the moment she is as if she was on speed.

No sooner did we bring her home, she ran to the sofa, where hubby was sitting and made herself right at home. She made her own introductions by kissing him while sitting on his lap.

And the cats..... they are big balls of hiss, arched backs, and raised hackles. She's scared of them. They run and she doesn't chase them. Thank God! Lets pray it stays like that because she never was with cats before.

but I DO think they'll all get along well after the initial introductions and the first week or so of stressed out cats (and a jealous Nicki) She just needs to settle in and feel comfortable in her new home. Little does she know what a great home she landed in! ;)

Because her body posture couldn't read any better

I am gonna be spending all my dog training money on toys for her. She's already destroyed one stuffie, two balls, and one rope. I'd forgotten what its like to have an energetic young pup in the house! :eek: Oh, I forgot, she's about a year old. Maybe 2 at the oldest.

We went to Petsmart and she was the picture of perfect friendliness. She has a LOT to learn manners and training wise. She doesn't even know sit. She jumps (I think she has springs for thigh muscles). She pulls on the leash, but not terribly. She'll be up and perfect soon enough. I plan on getting her Canine Good Citizen certificate as soon as possible too.

02-03-2008, 01:49 PM
Congratulations on a new addition, especially a Pittie! =) I am excited for you. I actually think her name, Annabelle fits her the most, from what you've said about her.

Good luck!

Ginger's Mom
02-03-2008, 02:33 PM
She is a very pretty girl. The pictures of her and the kitties are adorable.

02-03-2008, 02:35 PM
She is ADORABLE!! =)

PS. Kongs are great for the heavy chewers...

02-03-2008, 02:42 PM
Congrats! She is a beauty..pitties are tough chewers (as you know by now! lol). There is hardly a toy out there that can stand up to a bored pittie! lol..Jolly balls are great (yes the toy they sell for horses), you can find them at stock shops and maybe petsmart. Boomer balls are great as well (http://www.boomerball.com/). Good luck with her! She looks like a sweetheart!

*Edit* you have a PM ;)

02-03-2008, 02:52 PM
She's BEAUTIFUL!! and so sweet looking. Actually, Nala and Nicki sound good together. ;)

02-03-2008, 03:04 PM
Thank you everyone. She is a sweet little girl. She calmed down enough to Nicki to spend a while in the same room without her jumping on her the whole time ;)

The cats have gotten brave enough to watch from the same room on high perches (except the two girls, whom I might not see for a week or so while they hide under the bed :rolleyes: )

It seems someone isn't potty trained. Sigh. I guess I'll just have to teach her that too. She doesn't even know what the words "potty" "walk" or "outside" mean. No idea what "sit" is either. She knows nothing command-wise. Who on earth had this girl? We DO have a lot of dog fighting rings around here and I was told she was taken from a bad situation... no idea what that was. But I have a pretty good idea. I can imagine her chained outside like so many are in this area. It breaks my heart because she is SUCH a lover. and an obsessive little girl. She ADORES squeak toys and balls. Good thing I had a squeaky ball! :D

I have the feeling there's gonna be a lot of adjustments in the coming weeks for everyone, human and furry, in this house.

Oh, and my daughter decided to officially name her Mia. Since she picked her out, she gets to name her. :)

02-03-2008, 05:43 PM
Thank you SO much for adopting a pittie!! She is GORGEOUS!! Look at that red nose. Congratulations! =)

02-03-2008, 06:01 PM
Bless you for rescuing a pittie! Mia is beautiful!! She looks to be about the same size as my Ebony. Pit bulls have so much energy. I spend at least 2 hours a day exercising Ebony. We walk a lot. They are so, so much fun. Your going to love being a pit bull owner. If you ever have any questions or need any help feel free to pm me. One more thing, is your yard fenced? Pit bulls usually need a 6 ft fence, they can jump like you wouldn’t believe.

Have fun with her and give Mia a big *hug* from me. :D

02-03-2008, 06:44 PM
I like Mia as a name! :D

She is a GORGEOUS girl! Congratulations! :D She looks so lovey, happy, and fun! :D

02-03-2008, 06:51 PM
CONGRATS!!!!! She is adorable! What a sweetie!

02-03-2008, 07:11 PM
Welcome, Mia!

02-03-2008, 07:42 PM
OMG --- my worst nightmare. I'm here in tears. She has to go back tomorrow. Nicki was sitting on the floor eating a treat. Mia was in bed happily chewing a bone. Out of nowhere, Mia sprung onto Nicki and attacked her. I luckily grabbed Mia fast enough and called for help. She showed NO food aggression prior to that.

I separated the girls. I took her downstairs and left her with the family while I went up to check on Nicki. I spent a good 10 minutes calming her down and she was fine. Then Mia pushed the door open herself and jumped on Nicki. Attacked her with me right there on the floor with Nicki. I had a HARD TIME getting her off Nicki that time.

Where am I going to put her tonight? I tried to isolate her in a room herself. That wasn't gonna fly. The basement?

God, I am SO SORRY. I was sure this was a wonderful dog.

02-03-2008, 07:50 PM
{{{{{{{HUGS KIM}}}}}}}

Your heart was in the right place. :( But as you said, her prior life was considered a "bad situation, you could not have known what would happen.

I am so sorry. :(

02-03-2008, 07:50 PM
I have a soft spot for pitties but some dogs just have dog aggression, pit or not. Do you have a crate to keep her in? I am sorry it didn't work out, the shelter I volunteer at requires dog to dog introductions, although it doesn't sound like that would have helped since she showed no sign before, some dogs only get aggessive over food.

I hope she is not euthanized because of this, I sure hope they require her to go to a home with no other dogs. Is Nikki okay, I hope she isn't hurt.

02-03-2008, 07:54 PM
Kim I'm so sorry. :( It's sad when they are great people dogs and not very good dog dogs. :(


02-03-2008, 08:30 PM
Yikes, it sounds like she has some bad resource guarding issues. :( I can understand if you want to return her for the sake of Nikki, but do you feel it is a behavioral issue that can be managed with good training?

*extra hugs to Nikki (Lucky can sympathize)*

02-03-2008, 08:48 PM
I'm so sorry. I pm'd you. Some pit bulls need to be in an only dog home. I'm sure you feel terrible about this. Please dont let this change your mind about the breed. They honestly are amazing dogs. Some just dont do well with other dogs. As I told you in my pm, who knows what her background might have been. (((HUGS)))

02-03-2008, 08:53 PM
Well, Yes, Pitties sometimes are not good with other dogs. :( And Same with other breeds. But, I NEVER Would have gave a dog a bone around a new dog. You were not sure what could happen. I have had Celeste over a month, and I STILL Don't leave bones out. :( I am pretty sure nothing would happen.. But I still don't do it. I hope things work out. Can you put her in a bathroom? How is Nikki doing? Well I hope. Can you talk to a behaviorist? I Know here, the Humane Society I Got celeste at has someone you can talk to the whole time U have the dog. To help you out for free! I hate to hear these sad things.. Specially for pittie! I Hope it works out ok.

Keep us informed

02-03-2008, 09:40 PM
What happened to Millie or Brooke? I would think a 6 year old would be better suited to making friends with Nicki than a 1 - 2 year old bundle of energy like Mia.

02-03-2008, 09:44 PM
Awe... poor girls! You never know what environment she came from, and maybe it was out and out survival for her there, and she just acted on instinct. I hope Nicki is ok. She hasn't been aggressive with any of the kitties, has she??

I hope you will find another friend for Nicki, and if not now since she might be shaken and scared of another new dog, in a little while.

Big hugs to you guys!

02-04-2008, 01:03 AM
Kim, I'm so sorry to hear this.:( I was just about ready to congratulate you. I had read your other thread about Millie and Brooke and was also wondering what happened to them as far as adopting goes. I also think that an older dog would be a better fit for Nicki. I sure hope that Nicki will be okay. Please update us when you can. (((HUGS)))

02-04-2008, 07:19 AM
Let me just clarify, Nicki didn't have a bone. She doesn't chew them much anymore. Mia had the bone and was happily chewing while Nicki was salavating over cat food on the dresser. Mia noticed the cat food, jumped off the bed, knocked the food off the dresser, and all heck broke loose from there.

Mia breaks out of every room we enclose her in. She broke out of the crate I put her in too.

Millie and Brooke still might be options. I wanted to go to the Humane Society yesterday morning just to look, since it was just a few blocks from the cat show I was going to help out at. My daughter wanted to come along. She fell completely in love with Mia and there's the whole story. I wouldn't have come home with any dogs if I went alone.

And no, this experience won't sour me on pitties. I have had several in my classes and know they are true sweethearts. I think she was just from a bad situation. Truthfully, I think she was a breeder in a bad place. She doesn't ever tell us she has to potty, she just goes. On our walks, its just right in the middle of the street. No indication whatsoever. She IS the sweetest dog. If I didn't have cats or Nicki I would have no problem with her. The potty training would simply take time and she'd be 100% perfect.

02-04-2008, 07:40 AM
How is Nicki?

02-04-2008, 08:05 AM
How is Nicki?
Perfectly fine. Not anything wrong. I intervened in good time. If I had been across the room instead of sitting on the floor with her, we'd have spent the night at the emergency vet, I'm sure of it.

Ginger's Mom
02-04-2008, 08:30 AM
I am very sorry this happened to you and Nicki. Please give her a big hug for me. Are you going to takd yer back to the shelter, or are you going to try to find a Pittie rescue that isn't full? I know that it is difficult to find one that isn't full in this area (I tried about two years ago and was unable to, but one of my co-workers ended up adopting her :) ). If you have to take her back to the shelter, I hope they really will try to find her a home with an experienced pittie owner that has no other animals at this time.

02-04-2008, 09:22 AM
I bawled the entire ride to the HS and while surrendering her back. They will find her another home without any other pets this time. They all love her and will do what they need to find her a home.

I feel SO GUILTY. But at the same time I know t his is what I have to do to protect the pets I currently have. :(

02-04-2008, 10:41 AM
Well, I am glad you at least Tried with her, and tried with a Pittie. You will find the perfect dog for ure situation! And you will know right away! But, I agree.. with Nicki in the shape she is.. I probably wouldn't pick a Young Active pup! I would pick a bit older one, that is More calm then a puppy. Might be a bit easier on her.. And you! :-) Good luck! I hope all works out well for u

02-04-2008, 01:24 PM
Shes a gorgeous girl, You cannot have that risk to your Nicki and I would of made the same decsion as you did. At least with her new home they will know more about her.