View Full Version : Beavis and Bailey

K & L
08-15-2002, 12:52 PM
Thanks to Noahsmom I got this figured out. Here's 2 of our ferals we rescued, kept, and tamed:



08-15-2002, 02:34 PM
K & L , this are really precious cats !!! So beautiful !!!
In one word : AW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-15-2002, 02:36 PM
They are so cute!!! Do you have any idea how old they are? Do they get along?

08-15-2002, 02:56 PM
Wow! :eek: Those are 2 gorgeous cats!! They sure look pampered and happy now!! :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-15-2002, 03:11 PM
Wow, they're beautiful! I can see why you kept them. :) They both look like they have some Ragdoll in them. And the first one looks like I picture Logan's Butter - but hairier. ;) :D

Thanks for sharing and thanks Noahsmommy for helping out! :)

Miss Meow
08-15-2002, 07:37 PM
What stunning cats. Thank you for posting their pictures :)

08-16-2002, 07:48 AM
Oh, they are both soooo pretty! Glad you finally got to post their pics :)

08-16-2002, 10:05 AM
wow what kind are they?? the 2nd one looks a bit like my little yum yum

K & L
08-16-2002, 10:30 AM
We're not sure what kind they are or exactly how old. We're guessing they're around 5 years now (vets guess). All 16 cats get along, but do have their moments. Thank you all!

08-16-2002, 03:02 PM
What very gorgeous cats!http://www.plauder-smilies.de/love/hhheart.gif

08-16-2002, 03:07 PM
My Yum Yum is a ragdoll but isn't that old yet..take a look at their website and you can see that Yum Yum and you rkitty looks a bit alike. :)

K & L
08-16-2002, 04:16 PM
I checked your website out, beautiful cats!!!

08-16-2002, 05:21 PM
They are both very beautiful. Thanks for sharing. :) I think that the first one looks like Kedi's twin. If Yorkster saw this I think she'd agree. Logan's cat Butter also looks like him or her. Here's a picture of Butter. I hope you don't mind me posting this Logan. http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b2d922b3127cce9ef9a76fac670000003410

K & L
08-17-2002, 06:21 AM
Butter does resemble him, but even more so on one of the cats we TNR'd at the park. I will post his picture when I can find where I stashed it!

His orange doesn't show-up so well in this picture, but he has a lot of it, especially around his tail. This is Cat Balue:


08-17-2002, 12:38 PM
Cat Balue is gorgeous! I particularly love his brilliant eyes.

08-17-2002, 01:03 PM
Their beautiful cats thank you for sharing the pictures!! I can see why you have kept them. ;)