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View Full Version : What do you guys think?

08-14-2002, 08:34 PM
So here's the deal, I've had Winter for just over 10 mnths now and as you all know I'm an agility addict and I've pretty much been training or at least attempting to train her since I got her (we started classes like four days after I got her) only there's a problem she refuses to take jumps well that's not true she'll take the 8" inch ones but even then if there's a way for her to go around she will, thing is she's supposed to be able to jump over 24 inches due to her height (21" at the whithers) Then the other night she was refusing to lie down on the table we think that it might just be because she was being a work to rule dog that night. Which reminds me when she lies down even just to relax she has this tendency to lift her back leg in the air...can anyone explain that one?

My friend who just happens to be the one who helped us get her and also coaches my agility group suggested that I get her hips x-rayed. She doesn't think that there is anything wrong with them but there has to be a reason for her to consistantly refuse to take the jumps even the little ones like she has. The only other reason we can think of is that something happened to her that involved a jump before I got her and she has an aversion to them now.

I am planning on getting her hips xrayed most likely next friday when I get paid and have my two days off. But I was just wondering if any of you can think of a reason why she might be refusing like she does.

Dixie Belle
08-14-2002, 08:41 PM
Have no clue. But getting a vet check does sound like a good idea.