View Full Version : Trip to the vet = household chaos *URINE TEST RESULTS POST 15*

01-14-2008, 09:25 PM
I've decided my home does not have nearly enough rooms with doors!!

Let me start at the beginning (I appologize ahead of time for the length, it's been a LONG, complicated day)....

Yesterday I noticed Bear had what felt like a small hernia on his abdomen, so I figured that it would be a good idea to take him to work with me today to get it checked out. Seems simple enough right?

For a few weeks on and off I've been finding cat pee in my bathroom sink, on my kitchen counter right by the sink (ewwwww :( ) and couldn't narrow down the culprit. I was guessing either Cami or Bear. Well guess what, I actually caught Cami in the act of peeing in the bathtub yesterday!! :eek: Ok so she's off to work with me also.

Back in the old days this was a simple task: set carrier out the night before, don't feed anyone that morning, dump out wrong cat sleeping in carrier, load up right cat in carrier, then off to work. Do you think it could be that easy anymore??? NOPE!

So last night I get the carrier out and put it in the livingroom. So Jack wanders in to check it out, Pooky jumps on top of it, Cami & Bear sniff the sides of it. The remaining trio just kinda set back staring like it's going to eat them up. So finally Josh walks up to it, takes one sniff then starts hissing and spitting at poor Jack!! Jack finally gets out of the carrier and Bear gets in it. Josh again goes up and takes one sniff and hisses and spits at Bear.

By this point I'm realizing that Josh has a MAJOR aversion to the carrier, even though it's been in the basement for 6 months and was totally cleaned out before storage, no pee smells or anything. Josh and his sibs were raised in a carrier for a couple months just like Pooky & Bear who don't mind a carrier at all so this baffles me. So I lock up the carrier in a spare bedroom.

This morning comes and I get Bear snabbed up and in the carrier, off to work I go. Bear does have a small hernia but isn't all the way through so it doesn't allow any intestines or fat to poke through. I am just to keep close watch on it for any changes. He's probably had it since birth and I just never felt it before. Actually he loves his tummy rubbed but he's always upside down when I do it and I can't hardly feel it that way, but I had been feeling for bladder problems with him upright and that's how I found it.

Anyways so we were fairly slow today so I got an extended lunch long enough to take Bear home and bring Cami back.

I rush Bear through the house to the spare room to let him out so Josh doesn't have to see the carrier any longer than necessary. Josh still got bent out of shape and hissed at poor Bear. I fed them lunch and even Josh's sisters were afraid to eat with the little spitfire!! Josh seemed to kinda stay off by himself so I could leave him loose in the house when I went back to work.

So Cami gets her anal glands expressed, some antibiotics in case of bladder infection and I'm supposed to get a urine sample tonight.

I bring her back, put her still in carrier in the cpu room, fix up the bathroom with a clean sandbox, water dish and bed. I hurry her through the house to the bathroom. Josh had seen the carrier anyways and started hissing and spitting at everyone, from his own sister Sassy to me!! So I grab up the little furball and put him in the spare bedroom upstairs which already has litterboxes and the smaller auto waterer. I did a quick scan of the room and didn't see any other cats in there, so I left Josh to cool his heels while I go do my workout.

I get back and Josh is meowing at the door, and pawing at it, Cami is yowling at the bathroom door and the rest want their supper. I figure Josh should be cooled down some so I figure he can eat with the rest of the cats. I go to let him out and here comes Sabrina out with him!! Uh oh I accidentally shut them in together, which isn't good because when one gets bent out of shape the other does too and it just escelates from there!!!! OOPS!

Well supper went about as well as a bar fight, hissing, spitting, fur pulling, back arching, the whole 9 yards. I had to put Josh back up in the bedroom, I took Sabrina (hissing at ME the whole way) to the cpu room, and Cami was still in the bathroom.

So the rest of the kitties got to eat while listening to 2 cats pounding and yowling on their doors! Sabrina was cowering under the cpu desk.

So I'm typing now while Sabrina is still in the cpu room, although almost calm enough to let out. Josh is jumping at the doorknob of his room meowing, Cami is meowing and pawing underneath her door and I'm OUT of rooms with doors on them!! Thank the Lord that Sassy is ok with everyone else once I got her siblings shut in.

I'm gonna ask my boss tomorrow if I can get some tranquilizers for Josh and Sabrina, so when anyone else in the house gets a bath or has to go to the vet (even if it's not those two) that I can give them a chill pill so my house isn't full of hissing and spitting for two days afterwards!!!!

Sheesh. And our clients think that bringing in only 1 or 2 cats is a big deal when that's all they have in the house??!!! LOL I think I've got them all beat!! Do you agree?? LOL

01-14-2008, 09:40 PM
Wow! I think you need to sit back put your feet up and relax after this hectic day!! My goodness. Honestly it sounded almost like you were talking about children. I was just watching the program Jon & Kate Plus 8 on TLC. A couple that has twin girls and sextuplets. Your description sounded just like most of those shows. LOL
Well, I hope everyone calms down and you can have a peaceful night. :)

01-14-2008, 09:42 PM
You should write a book!!

When I'm going to take anyone to the Vet, I hide the carrier in the laundry room the night before, or they will all run and hide from me.

smokey the elder
01-15-2008, 07:11 AM
Fortunately I only have one difficult cat (TicTac). The others think carriers make fine beds.

01-15-2008, 07:33 AM
A good way to have a cat free atmosphere in my house: bring out the cat carrier. Except for my problem child, Coco Puff. He likes to sleep in it. But then he likes to sleep in the fireplace grate, so what do I know. Hey, maybe the one who should take a happy pill is you! At least that would be my excuse! LOL :p

01-15-2008, 08:26 AM
Oh goodness someone else with a home similar to mine -- too many pets and not enough doors!! I can also clear the house so you'd never know any cats live here at ALL just by bringing a carrier out. So you are ahead of the game on that one.

Josh and the carrier, lol, so funny. What's HIS beef?? That former little squirt has grown into . . . a mighty warrior ready to take on any and all carriers?! Lol, silly boy.

I hear doorknobs arattling if I leave someone "trapped" too long, too.

Isn't it amazing the things we do for a few head bumpies now and then?

01-15-2008, 10:04 AM
My goodness! What a story !! WOW :)

My kitties used to be the same about the carrier. It was a foreign thing to them and when it came out they immediately associated it with going to the vet. So I now leave mine out at all times in the living room with the door open, I have a very comfy blanket in it and it gets used as a cat house all the time. So now all my kitties are very comfortable with it and they don't think twice about going in there to "relax" when I call them over to it when I have to take them to the vet in it. :)

Laura's Babies
01-15-2008, 12:14 PM
This sound like a stressful day in the life of a cat Mom to the extreem! WOW! Have you pulled all your hair out yet?

Thanks, this reminded me tomorrow is Samantha's annual and I needed to pull the kennel out! (did that before posting this) Samanth and Chester go tomorrow so I will stop by and pick Chester and Rie up on the way.

01-15-2008, 03:04 PM

01-15-2008, 06:29 PM
Sounds how my 11 fur babies act at times. No one panics when I bring out the carriers, they love to get in and out of them, but as soon as they figure momma is after one of them, away they go and man we all know they have those impossible to find hiding places. Then if you do find them, they are just out of your reach grinning at you like a chesire cat :D

Last Friday, I had planned on taking two of my guys, Carly and Zoyia for their annual shots. But as things happen, I caught Bear Bear peeing around the house, and figured he needed to be checked for a urinary infection. Then Persie, who has been on antibiotics for a problem with her nose, started looking bad again, so I knew she needed to go. Got up that morning and low and behold, my huge lab, Buckley, left ear looked like hamburger meat. He gets ear infections so quickly. So he has to go. Needless to say, Mom had lots of fun toting three cats and a huge lab into her vet's office. Three cats howling in three carriers and Buckley being an errant child not minding cause being at the vet over stimulates him. There were numerous chuckles and looks of sympathy coming my way.

Insane as it was, I am a glutten for punishment and will take Zoyia, Ray Ray, Slick, and Tanzie this Saturday. Wonder what fun that will be. :rolleyes:

01-15-2008, 08:13 PM
Ok here's the scoop....

SABRINA - Last night I was finally able to let Sabrina out of the cpu room for late night feeding time. Things went fairly well, only one hiss, but she ate nicely with her sister. I played with them a bit and they seemed to all be getting along.

JOSH - ALL NIGHT poor little Josh the spitfire, leaped at the doorknob, rattled the door and meowed! I didn't get much sleep since that room borders the wall of my bedroom (which of course doesn't have a door on it because of the stairway design) and it's right by my bed! I didn't get too much good sleep last night. I was able to let him out for breakfast this morning. We had about 3 hisses and a swat but basically he ate nicely then just kinda ignored everyone else so he got to stay out, which he's much happier about.


Last night, no urine sample. This morning, no urine sample. This afternoon, no urine sample. Sheesh. Any other time she pees up the side of the sandbox and I could have used a syringe to suck up a sample from the edge of the sandbox. Do you think she could be counted on for that when I need a urine sample?? NO. The bugger butt decided now was the time to put your rump down on the litter. :rolleyes:

Came home tonight with a new tactic. Change the hooded litterbox I had in there with the open top one from upstairs, normally she can't keep her butt down in that one. Well I put her in it and she starts to squat, however I was prepared for such an event. I had a 3oz paper cup in my hand and just stuck it under her. That made her raise her butt so I could catch some pee. Of course I got my hand peed on in the process but I did get a bit of pee. Not enough though.

Call mom for advice. Try mom's suggestion of putting Cami in cpu room with me with NO sandbox and wait till she has to go potty. So I bring her in here, and let the other cats go in the sandbox in the bathroom. After a couple hours Cami wakes up and starts meowing and heading for the door to let me know 'hey mom I gotta go potty'. So I quick check the bathroom for other cats, coast is clear, and go back, get Cami, and take her to the bathroom sandbox. I put her down, she smells the other cat's have been in her sandbox and starts to squat. Again I'm prepared with a paper cup and get another bit of a sample, and peed on again.

Between the two samples I have enough to run the urinalysis at work tomorrow! YAY!!! So I let Cami out and NO HISSING as of yet and it's been 1/2 hour!! DOUBLE YAY!!! :D :D :D

Apparently my house is back to normal.....Unless Cami tests out fine then I need a urine sample from Bear just in case. Whoo boy! LOL

01-16-2008, 01:59 AM
"Apparently my house is back to normal"

This made me giggle...ONLY in a PT house would getting your hand pee'd on be considered normal :p
The expression "It's like herding cats" exsists just for us multi cat households! Good job with the pee sample. I always find that the most challenging of all tasks...well and the occassional pilling! :rolleyes:

01-16-2008, 07:57 AM
Thank you for the smile thsi morning. And it is good to know I am not the only looney multi cat household! :D

I never thought about catching a urine sample that way; yet I do that for the dogs. Taught me something thanks!

01-16-2008, 12:26 PM
"Apparently my house is back to normal"

This made me giggle...ONLY in a PT house would getting your hand pee'd on be considered normal :p
How True... how true!!

Glad things are normal again!

01-16-2008, 10:34 PM
I took Cami's urine in to be tested today.

Apparently it shows a high amount of protein and leukosites (sp?) and a few of both struvite and oxilate crystals.

Apparently the results show she DOES have an infection which the AmoxiTabs should clear up, and the number of crystals isn't completely abnormal for a cat so we may not have to worry about those.

I have to give her the pills for 10 days and we'll probably recheck the urine again then, oh joy. lol

I'm still wondering if I should get some urine from Bear then also because sometimes he pees 'funny', like a faucet that can't quite get the pressure to be even, if that makes any sense.

Just wanted to update you guys.

01-17-2008, 07:14 AM
I'm still wondering if I should get some urine from Bear then also because sometimes he pees 'funny', like a faucet that can't quite get the pressure to be even, if that makes any sense.

When in doubt, check it out.

01-17-2008, 03:52 PM
I'm still wondering if I should get some urine from Bear then also because sometimes he pees 'funny', like a faucet that can't quite get the pressure to be even, if that makes any sense.

When in doubt, check it out.

Yep, planning on trying to get a sample from him. I'm just so looking forward to getting peed on again. LOL