View Full Version : Stray kitty

01-11-2008, 07:24 AM
My son is back home in LA now and he had to meet someone at a club there, which he doesn't frequent that often but this is where the guy wanted to meet to give my son some important papers because this is where the guy works. Anyhow....as he was waiting in the parking lot, a cat ran up to his car. He thought "Oh no, now what? I can't have pets in my apt. bldg." He got out of the car and the cat didn't run away but didn't come any closer. He said "Mom, I hate to see things like that. And it isn't very common here in CA. People take their pet ownership very seriously here." So, the guy showed up, they went inside, had their meeting and when he came out, the cat was still there in the parking lot but didn't come up to my son, so he drove off. But his conscience started to nag him and he thought that he'd go back, if the cat was still there, he was going to buy some cat food. He did go back and the cat was gone. He said "Now it's haunting me, Mom." I told him that he's probably being fed by people at the club, which is why he didn't hesitate to go up to my son. He isn't afraid of people. My son said that he didn't look scraggly or malnourished at all, so I think I'm probably right. Do you agree? We both lost sleep over this one.

01-11-2008, 07:31 AM
You brought him up right, Medusa!! He sounds like a great kid. What I'd do is go into the club and ask around. They may like having him around as sort of a mouser, in exchange for room and board, if you know what I mean. At least check it out to make sure. At least that's what I'D do.

Laura's Babies
01-11-2008, 08:28 AM
I would have asked inside. I hate going to businesses and seeing strays too, it makes you feel so sorry for them and bad that you can't do anything.

Pawsitive Thinking
01-11-2008, 08:32 AM
He's his mother's son alright!!

01-11-2008, 08:53 AM
I would have asked inside.
I guess I should have mentioned that this guy is the owner of this club. When my son got there at the appointed time, the club wasn't open yet, so my son had to wait in the parking lot. This place is approx. an hour away, which, in LA drive time, can take 2 hours or more and he and this guy are not on the best of terms. He doubts that the owner would even know about the cat or care if he did know. He did say that if he's back that way again, he's going to check on the cat.

01-11-2008, 03:26 PM
;) Yes I am sure someone is feeding the kitty.. I have one outside of my house now that I have been keeping food & water out for.. This baby is wild too & prob will never be able to catch.. But at least will have food & water..

01-11-2008, 04:15 PM
What Your Son Could Do Is To Buy An Inepensive Double Bowl And Then Get Free Samples From The Pet Food Stores And Leave Them In A Quiet Corner. Even If This Cat Doesnt Eat There , Someone Will. I Am Feeding Cats, Birds , Squirrels And A Few Mice Here With The Dry Cat Food.
:D :D :D