View Full Version : to be blunt... boogers

08-14-2002, 12:50 AM
I don't know what else to call it, so to be blunt, my 11 month old kitten has a problem with boogers. She is a Siamese/Grey Tabby Mix and she ges black boogers that block her nostrils. Sometimes they fall out of her nose, sometimes they hand off, other times I have to help with getting them off. Is this extra unusual? She also has the kitty acne someone has been talking about. I no longer use plastic dishes at all but she still occasionally gets the black on her chin. One of my cats had a severe allergy to the plastic and his bottom lip got all swollen and gross before I got the suggestion from the vet about the plastic. Anyway, about the boogers... Any ideas why this happens? I don't think it's caused too much of a problem but I just think it's weird to pick a cat's nose lol.


08-14-2002, 05:12 PM
My cat Casey used to have "boogers" outiside his nose. It was usually food that has dried in and around his nose. My daughter used to accuse me of picking my cats nose, but the stuff bothered me. Eventually he learned how to keep his nose out of his food.:p

08-14-2002, 05:46 PM
Gosh, I've never run into this problem before. Could it be a grooming issue? Maybe if you put a small dab of butter on her nose after she finishes eating to encourage her to lick and groom her nose and face. This might help the situation.

08-15-2002, 01:46 AM
I don't think that it's boogers. My cat Sunny used to have black specs on his nostrils and I thought it was dried blood. I asked my vet about it and he said it wasn't blood but that it was caused by allergies. I forgot what he called it. He said it was probably food allergies. I started feeding all three cats different dry food and now the black spots are gone. It took about 3-4 months before they cleared up. Maybe this is her problem. Good luck. :)

08-16-2002, 12:21 AM
I noticed that Calvin gets black "sleep" in his eyes. I've had many kitties that had it but not black in color. He's had black boogers on occasion but I thought it was interesting that his ickies are black like he is and wondered at one time if it was related to his color/breed/ancestry. Any other moms of blackies? Hobbes gets the occasional black sleep too but not so often.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-16-2002, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by kitten645
I noticed that Calvin gets black "sleep" in his eyes. I've had many kitties that had it but not black in color. He's had black boogers on occasion but I thought it was interesting that his ickies are black like he is and wondered at one time if it was related to his color/breed/ancestry. Any other moms of blackies? Hobbes gets the occasional black sleep too but not so often.

Tubby occassionally has the "sleep" in his eyes, but it's not black. And he only seems to get it when I wake him up unexpectedly, otherwise I guess he grooms himself before jumping down off the couch and it's not there.