View Full Version : Be Careful!!!

08-13-2002, 01:14 PM
Hey everyone..if yall have those toys that hang down from the door and there is a string with a mouse on the end of it..please be careful with them!!
Last night, Duchess started screaming and caring on and we weren't sure what was going on..it looked like she was playing with the mouse but it ended up tangled around her feet.. we were so scared..my husband finally had to get the scissors and cut it off from her. :(

08-13-2002, 02:11 PM
Poor Dutchess, she must have been terrified! :( Recently, we noticed that Fister nearly got caught in the string, pulling the blinds, so we've secured it now! I don't dare think what could have happened while we were out!

08-13-2002, 05:27 PM
That reminds me of the time when my very first cat, Mollie Rose, was howling in my bedroom. I went in to see what was wrong and there she was swinging from the mini-blind chord. She was very lucky in that it could've gotten wrapped around her neck and she could've hung herself. So now whenever I get new blinds, I automatically cut them short.

Same thing with shopping bags with handles. Something so minute can cause so much damage. You never think about it till it happens to you.

Be safe!

08-13-2002, 05:46 PM
I remember posting the same warning, after that happend to Emma, and we had to CATCH her before we could cut her free!!!

08-13-2002, 06:12 PM
We don't have any of those, not for this reason. It just seemed our cats didn't like how the door moved too. We just have a scratching post, and some little plastic balls that jingle.