View Full Version : When do you think I'll learn?

12-17-2007, 08:44 AM
How many times do you think this tragedy has to befall me before I learn NOT to use anything called "burgundy" or "deep golden brown" or "dark mahogany brown" or "raisin"?

This was last night's catastrophe. At least I'm now quite festive for the holiday season :rolleyes:

In person its RED. If only it was as soft as the photo is showing it. :o At least its not Pink like it was last January... that took me months to wash out the pinkness.

So please, PLEASE, the next time I even consider buying anything golden or reddish, just pull up this thread and shoot me? I need to stick with the ash colors.

Pawsitive Thinking
12-17-2007, 09:29 AM
Will do! thanks for the giggles though - have been a pinkie myself

Lilith Cherry
12-17-2007, 09:46 AM
Oh I am so glad Im not the only carrot in the bunch! I dyed my hair with a home kit which I bought here in China but was made by a company in France. It was a disaster and turned out a nearly black purple colour although it was supposed to be a copper brown. I then went to the campus hairdresser to see if they could right the mistake.... this is how I came home! It is a good job we pet talkers have a sense of humour! Tomorrow I have to face my students looking like a tangerine dream! Merry Christmas to all redheads!!

12-17-2007, 12:49 PM
The last time I used a box color was one of the Loreal True Brunette colors. I figured, I'm brunette, it shouldn't wash up really quickly or anything, so i should be safe. I can't use anything "golden", "warm" or anything that gives the impression that it's going to come out light.

Turns out the True Brunette box color is for women of color, who has thick, coarse hair. My hair just kept coming out lighter and lighter and lighter, and here it was because it just kept lifting off my natural color. Ugh.

I now only go to the salon, and I'll get them to color and highlight my hair maybe 2-3xs a year. They don't even let the highlight color on me for longer than 3-5 minutes, and they don't ever use heat. The first time they did that, I came out sooooo blonde, I was in tears. It took the entire night, and 3 color jobs later, I was finally able to look in the mirror and say "yes, I can live with this color."

12-17-2007, 01:14 PM
you know...... that pic actually looks good....... we have to see you in person to tell how red it is indeed.......

I went red one time and it was soooo cool.... it was like deep purple red..... and i loved it but it washed out in a week....:( so I redid it and it turned out orange red, which was fine but I liked best the other red which also faded some sort of pink but i liked it... after the orange one it took me over 6 months to get rid of the orange and go back to my palest extra blonde hair.... haha.....

now Iīm considering getting it red again.....but will have to consider getting it touched up every week or so..... perhaps some manic panic..... but I also donīt want to get everything painted red with my hair....LOL

12-17-2007, 04:35 PM
That's why I stick with "Natural Blond" by L'Oreal, cuz I'm worth it :p :p

12-17-2007, 04:58 PM
Lordy, I've been there so many times I can't even count them! My hairdresser should have a merit badge for putting up w/all my hair color changes through the years. For a while, I was changing it every 4 weeks, no kiddin', from platinum blonde to motorcycle mama black, didn't matter, I wanted a change. I finally settled on platinum blonde and I'm sticking w/that cuz no one can tell where my gray hairs are. And for the record, I think your hair color looks good! :)

12-17-2007, 06:07 PM
In the photo it doesn't look as bad as you describe it.
I've been Tony the Tiger, a reverse skunk and strawberry blonde in my life. Now I only let my hairdresser color my hair. Which in fact I just did today. I'm trying to go back to the darker color and get rid of the brassiness that is caused from perms (yes, I'm old!! I still do perms) and the sun.
Can you do a darker color over it to tone down the redness, maybe?

12-17-2007, 06:18 PM
I like the red ;)

I've been quite a few colors myself. I only let my hairdresser dye my hair.

My hair was completely red, but it's so hard to keep that color. My newest experiment is black, with red highlights on the top and a few on the side:



12-17-2007, 08:30 PM
Merry Christmas to all redheads!! Why thank you! :D The good news for y'all is that red is the fastest fading color - a week or two of washing (try a gentle clarifying shampoo like Kenra) and the brightness will fade very quickly.

12-17-2007, 08:56 PM
Well I guess its not as bad as I thought. My coworkers like it.... or at least they told me they did to spare my feelings :p

I will simply repeat my new mantra over and over again "I must not go red, I must not go red, I must not go red" ;)

Glad to see I'm not the only one though!

12-17-2007, 09:00 PM
I like the color Kim. I don't know if anyone is born with burdundy or raisin colored hair...but it is still pretty! :D

12-17-2007, 09:27 PM
Kim ~ I have a similar problem. I buy a color called Toasted Almond. It turns my hair red! The hair dresser said it was because I have an underlying red tone to my hair. From now on, I go to the hairdresser. It's more expensive, but I've been happier with the results.

I'm trying to get up my nerve to let it just go. But, I'm not there yet.

Lilith Cherry
12-17-2007, 11:50 PM
Well , my students thought it was a great fun joke and that I had done it specially for Christmas... Maybe i should buy some ink and dye it bright green instead LOL... at least I am getting a lot of laughs out of it! I am glad to hear your colleagues liked your new colour Kim! I have reddish brown hair naturally but not this shade !

12-18-2007, 03:23 PM
Kim, I can totally empathize! Any color I put on my hair unless it is truly dark brown or black, turns red! I don't dare try to go blonde or anything lighter than my natural color! I had it successfully blonded one time, my stylist had to BLEACH all of the color out of my hair ... I looked like BLONDIE ... and then put darker blonde shades back in it. Unfortunately, I was so freaked to see a blonde in the mirror everytime I looked, that I quickly colored back over it in brown! LOL!