View Full Version : Jealousy??

12-14-2007, 01:06 PM
Spencer does great with house training, but latley ive had the babies stuff ready to go and he will jump on the bed, like today and pee all over it. Hes never done that before, the only thing he would pee on in the house in his blankets if hes too late to go outside. Is this him being jelous? what can i do to stop it?

12-14-2007, 02:33 PM
I'm not sure how he could be jealous - baby hasn't arrived yet! Jealous of a blanket? Mmm, hope someone else has some thoughts to help you!

Ginger's Mom
12-14-2007, 03:39 PM
If Spencer has been allowed to pee on "his blanket" when he couldn't make it outside, I am not sure that he sees that much of a difference between "his blanket" and your blanket (bed). There is a possibility that he is picking up on your tension and nervousness, and the fact that he may not have been completely housetrained to begin with has just added to his confusion. My advise would be to start with housetraining all over again. When he is not confined in a crate you should have him on a leash with you so that you are aware of what he is doing. When he squats rush him outside stay with him until he goes potty and reward with tons of praise. In addition to that make sure you take him outside (not just let him go outside alone, but you take him outside) so that he can go potty every three or four hours, and praise praise praise. Be consistant that is the only way he will understand.