View Full Version : A big THANK YOU goes out to:

12-13-2007, 02:19 PM
CATMANDU :D - :cool: - :p - ;) - :D

Thank you SO VERY much Gary for the wonderful catnip toys you sent to my kitties!!!!

The very moment I brought the package in the house, Lucky was right there looking up at me and saying "HEY!! Hurry up and open my package!!!" :rolleyes: Like how did he know this was for him?!

At that point Yoshi and Taz made their way in to find out what all the fuss was. I opened the package and gave a catnip toy to each of them - ok well actually Lucky grabbed my arm and pulled it down as I was reaching for the toy!

WHAT is in your catnip??!!! :eek: Even I could smell it!! I was always told that us humans cannot smell catnip, but boy I smelled some potent stuff!!

Lucky & Yoshi each grabbed their toy and took off in different directions :eek: poor little Taz, she didn't know what was going on and was trying to play with both Yoshi & Lucky, but no.......that was THEIR toy and they were NOT going to share!!

It was so funny to see Lucky & Yoshi slobber over their new toys - and I truly mean slobber!! They were both so high they didn't even notice when I took the sloppy wet new toy away!! :rolleyes: :p - Yuck!!

So thank you uncle Gary!!! You made my boys day!!

Thank you too for the movable kitty - he is now hanging in my kitchen!!

You are a sweetheart!!!


12-13-2007, 03:49 PM
You Are More Than Welcome , And We Are Glad That The Animal Welfare Toys Are So Well Liked.
Thats A Win/win Situation As The Money For The Toys Goes To Cats Who Need It The Most And Payed For The Spaying Of Pouncer Roccalno, The Elusive Porchie!!
All Three Of Your Furr Companions Are More Than Welcome, As We Loved Your Gifts Too.