View Full Version : Samson

08-10-2002, 09:11 AM
Good morning Samson, I love that photo of you upside down looking at the world from your point of view. LOL You are such a handsome bird and your coloring is wonderful. I love the things that you say too, like 'Morning', 'Whatcha Doin' and 'Nite, Nite'
and I would dearly love to hear you whistling at the dog., that is so funny. Congratulations dear, sweet Samson Our Very Best Pet of the Day. I'm sure your family will have some very special treats for you on your very special day.
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

08-10-2002, 11:17 AM
BOTTOMS UP!!! I love the picture of you upside down. A bird with attitude! Just my favorite type. You have such beatiful color too. Congratulations on being our special Pet of the Day today, sweet one.:)

08-10-2002, 12:13 PM
Well Samson you are a very funny bird. You must be very smart to know how to say things and whistle to the dog. Your family probably loves you soooo much!! Congratulations on being Pet of the Day!!!

08-10-2002, 02:13 PM
You are a very pretty bird Samson and you seem to be quite a character. I'm sure you make a great pet and you family must love you dearly. I have two pet cockatiels and I know what great pets birds are. They are my best friends and I'm sure you are your family's best friend too. Congrats on being chosen as our special POTD! I hope you get some very special treats on your very special day!

08-10-2002, 04:45 PM
Hi there handsome Samson! Well, so often we have read how your Parrot kids love to "hang" ten:D FINALLY, I get to see one perform this death defying feat!:D What a character!! And like Jackie, I too am tempted to take a peek at the world from your point of view!! Besides being quite the athlete and an amazing conversationalist, you are also stunningly gorgeous! What a bird. And what a blast your family must have sharing in all of your games and antics! It was a pleasure meeting you Samson! Have a great day celebrating the title of Pet of the Day!! You are truly deserving!:)