View Full Version : LaceeJane !!!

08-10-2002, 06:31 AM
what a beauty you are LaceeJane !!! How could anybody ever abandone you ........ ! So glad you were brought to a shelter , where your mommy fell in love with your gorgeous eyes !!!
My Maya is also a calico ; and she is as adorable as you are !
Demanding too !! But who cares ; it is just so heartwarming when a tiny little kitten shows so much affection to her humans ..!

Have a great cat-day dear LaceeJane ; and you may "demand" an extra treat in my name !!! ;) ;) ;)

08-10-2002, 09:05 AM
Good Morning Lacee Jane. My what a pretty little girl you are.
I'm so glad your family rescued you from the shelter and now you have a wonderful forever home. It sounds like you are quite playful and a wonderful companion. Congratulations dear, sweet Lacee Jane Our Very Best Cat of the Day.
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

08-10-2002, 09:31 AM
Hi there pretty LaceeJane! I too am so happy that you were rescued from that parking lot and are now living the good life in your happy forever home. My Trevor loves to be brushed, just as you do, and will follow me anywhere if I have his brush in my hand. :D LaceeJane I hope that today will be extra special for you because you are our reigning Cat of the Day! ;)

Dan Holder
08-10-2002, 11:03 AM
Cute little Lacee sounds like a great kitty to have. How fortunate she found a great home to be in. Good luck.

08-10-2002, 11:14 AM
Lacee Jane
What a beautiful girl you are. You got caught right in the middle of play time in your picture, didn't you? Congratulations on finding a wonderful forever home and loving family and for being our special Cat of the Day today, sweetie.:)

08-10-2002, 12:18 PM
Hello LaceeJane! You are such a pretty kitty!! You are so playful your family must love to play with you. Congratulations, Cat of the Day!!

08-10-2002, 01:02 PM
LaceeJane, what a pretty name to go with such a sweet baby! You look so lovable, but with a hint of mischief in those playful eyes! I wish I could help brush you the way you "demand" and then pick you up and give you a big hug! No wonder your fur is so soft and shiny! I'm so glad you were rescued--you're too beautiful not to have such wonderful care! You keep watching out the window for your humans--that makes their day when they come home from a hard day's work! Hugs to you--enjoy your special day in the spotlight! -- V. Jalen :D :cool: :)

Sara luvs her Tinky
08-10-2002, 02:33 PM
Lacee Jane...
You just radiate with pure beauty!! I don't see how anyone could abandone you. But the good Lord put you with a mommy to meet your demands.. ;) . Like your daily brushing. You sure are a special kitty and I am glad you are living in a happy forever home. CONGRATUALAIONS sweet Lacee Jane for being our most charming and pretty COTD!!!:)

08-10-2002, 03:33 PM
What a lovely, playful girl we get to celebrate as our honored CAT OF THE DAY today!

You are beautiful and delightful and really know how to pick a good forever home. Well done, sweetheart. Excellent trainer for your human, too, so you are patient... So many traits to enjoy in addition to your beauty. May your day be filled with delights. :cool: :D

Miss Meow
08-10-2002, 05:22 PM
Hello LaceeJane! What a wonderful calico lady you are! You deserve all the love and attention you get - I'm so glad your humans rescued you and gave you a happy life. Happy COTD!