View Full Version : A new designer cat, the Ashera

11-29-2007, 04:57 PM
Has anybody else seen a report on this new 'designer breed' cat called the Ashera, I saw it on MSN.co.uk. Naturally the cat is beautiful as any cat is.
However I have to say I'm quite offended that they have been specifically bred for rich people, obviously for a status symbol and toy rather than being genuine animal lovers. If you want a cat go to your local shelter and adopt one fools!
Lifestyle pets, I mean even the name smacks of revolting 21st century consumerism.
On this page there are a few different news reports from different stations, click on the first one and a few others will play too. You may have to move the mouse around a bit to find the feature.



11-29-2007, 05:30 PM
I Have To Agree With You On This One Culturejunky.
A Cat Is A Living Creature Of God Not A Piece Of Jewellry And Should Be Treated With Respect And Love Not As A Bauble To Show Off.

11-29-2007, 05:34 PM
Well, if you do a bit of web research, it seems this may be a scam.

The cat is a Savannah; they have been registre with TICA since 2000; and they run $2000 to $3500.

The person behind this Ashera thing has defaulted on several loans, changed the name of the Ashera company 3 times already, and fled UK. At least, I found a few news articles on each of those items. Most blogs were quoting Barnum and Bailey, "there's one born every minute." And everyone was surprised that the news media seemed to pick this story and run with it with NO background research!

Kate, the vid you linked to, that sure makes us here in the US look like idiots! Ugh.

11-29-2007, 05:48 PM
Web site http://www.lifestylepets.com/cats.html

This gives me the heebie-jeebies. A $20,000 cat? There are sooooo many cats in shelters waiting for homes. I think I'll go home and give my moggie (for whom I paid a $50 adoption fee in February of 1997 - best investment ever!) an extra hug.

11-29-2007, 08:41 PM
Every time I read something like this I get my hackles up. So many cats and kittens need loving, permanent homes and I read nonsense like this. Only in America.

11-30-2007, 05:36 AM
Thanks for searching a bit Sandra, I didn't think to do that. If it turns out to be a scam, then that's $20,000 not well spent by the new owners of this wonder cat.
Just imagine what $20,000 would do for a local shelter or local feral cat groups :o

11-30-2007, 07:40 AM
Web site http://www.lifestylepets.com/cats.html

This gives me the heebie-jeebies. A $20,000 cat? There are sooooo many cats in shelters waiting for homes. I think I'll go home and give my moggie (for whom I paid a $50 adoption fee in February of 1997 - best investment ever!) an extra hug.

Yup, that is the site. They claim to have the "market" on Ashera. The man behind Life Style Pets has been involved in many scams in the past.

11-30-2007, 09:30 AM
I saw a Savannah at a TICA cat show last month. What a stunning, BIG cat. The breeder took him out of the cage and he was all muscle!! His demeanor was like no other cat I've seen. VERY regal disposition. Didn't at all mind all the attention.

Thanks for doing the research, Sandra. I kind of figured it was a Savannah.

Give me a good 'ole shelter kitty anytime!!! $20,000 for a freaking designer cat??? THAT is despicable.

11-30-2007, 09:39 AM
These People Are The Same People Who Ahve Driven Up Prices On All Colectibles Like Old Movie Posters Not Beacuse They Are Movie Fans Or Baseball Fans , But Because They See A Profit In Artificially Making Things More Expensive.
What A Shame They Are Now Tampering With Living Creatures.

12-03-2007, 03:57 AM
I love how the news clip says that scientists created a new breed.

The funny thing is you can breed these cats yourself easily.
If you could sell them for that amount of money you would make a TON off the first litter.
From what I understand they use the Serval and Asian leopard cat mixed with domestic cats. Hmmm, lets think.
A BENGAL and a SAVANNAH bred together might make something like this no?

So pay a few thousand for a good breeding savannah and bengal. Breed them and out pops a ton of money! Couple litters a year and you are set!

12-03-2007, 07:26 AM
It's too bad the RICH could care less(some rich...not all) about all the shelter or homeless out on the streets.

My sister is the type to buy a cat like that.
She hasn't...but if she knew about it...she might. :rolleyes:

Me?I only take the ones that are in bad shape that need help.or just the lovely cats that noone really wants.Homeless/shelter cats.They end up being the best personality ones anyway because they appreciate everything you've done for them.It shows in their face and actions.Being so happy to have a home finally with love.

12-06-2007, 04:04 PM
That's all they need, a more aggressive cat. Surely that won't cause any problems!

01-25-2008, 01:48 PM
Those cats are Savannahs (Bengal or Domestic cat bred to an African serval). There is no way anyone would pay that much :rolleyes: You really have to be stupid to fall for something like that. Savannah's shouldn't cost more than 8 thousand. To me it's worth it. Savannahs are my favorite breed and I plan on getting one at the end of this year, from a well known breeder. Why? Because I want to and I can. I love servals and this is the closest I can get to owning one without actually owning one. I don't want to deal with the CITES and usda permits etc. just to own a pet. And yes, I do plan on breeding in the future. Just because someone has the money to spend on a new cat that is purebred doesn't mean it's just for a status symbol. No one should have to defend their reason for a purebred. As long as the cat is loved, healthy, played with etc. that's all that should matter. :rolleyes: My cat is going to be like my child, just like my regular DSH Meow Meow, which is more like my baby before Kai, or at least he acts like one. :) Point being, yes, it's rather inconsiderate to pray on people that way, but heck, if they are going to be dumb enough to fall for something like that they deserve it.

Savannah breeders are VERY strict on who they place their animals with. They just don't give them to anybody, which unfortunately has happened to the Bengal and hopefully won't happen to this breed.

01-25-2008, 01:55 PM
Am I the only one that found humor when the narrator was like "There's no word yet on why this family just didn't buy an actual dog" when the mother commented that they never had a dog, so it will be their dog. LOL!

Anyway that aside, this is sad, but as all trends do it will hopefully fade out... :(

01-25-2008, 04:34 PM
and how about the japanese glow in the dark cats...I think it's the Japanese making glow in the dark eyes for cats by cloning them with fish eyes.
Nuts...the whole world has gone nuts! :rolleyes:
look it up on google somewhere...i saw it and thought it crazy and felt bad for the cats.good targets for animals to see them in the dark and have them for dinner.