View Full Version : My cats

11-28-2007, 08:41 PM
Here is Roxy and Shogun!
(sorry, I had posted this in the wrong section!)

Roxy is Long hair and Shogun is semi- Short hair with VERY fine fur. Here is their story.

I used to foster many many kittens, and along came a bunch of five and their mom had died. So we took them in and nurtured them til' they could walk and open their eyes. We had to sell them for the lady, so we sold Josiah first. Oh and two of them had extra toes on their front feet- Sasquatch and Shogun. Sasquatch had eight toes on each, and Shogun had seven. Sadly, Sasquatch died due to the severe deformity he had. He took a chunk out of my heart that will never be patched up right.

(and there was a foster baby that got adopted into the family, which made it 5 kittens instead of four, and he was Oliver) Next, Ollie was sold to my best friend. We loved Roxy and Shogun so much we kept them. And we we still have them- at 3 years old! Roxy is a FAT girl. Shogun is abnormally skinny. Not a normal bunch of kittens! Heres some pictures of them both. (Roxy is mostly black and Shogun is mostly white. there is also one with Roxy as a baby, and Sasquatch in the corner when he was alive.)

Laura's Babies
11-28-2007, 10:00 PM
OH MY GOSH :eek: ! What BEAUTIES they are! Those 2 sleeping in that last one is just priceless! Ooooo! When I see such beauties as those, I just want to bury my nose in that fur and love them to pieces!!

11-29-2007, 07:03 AM
How cute!

11-29-2007, 11:47 AM
Thanks! Shoey's fur is SO soft, i cant explain it!! :)

11-29-2007, 12:54 PM
;) First of all = Welcome to Pet Talk & enjoy all the talks & pics..

Second of all = Your babies are so so adorable..