View Full Version : Getting dog not to spray whole neighborhood

11-28-2007, 11:56 AM
Hi, I adopted a 2 y.o. male pug from a shelter about 6 weeks ago. Overall, he's been great, but the only time he'll go to the bathroom is when we go for walks (and basically he sprays the whole neighborhood with droplets here and there). I'm trying to train him to go in the backyard for those times when I just can't walk him (due to weather, etc).

Here's what I've been trying to date: I encourage him to "go potty" and the one or two times he HAS gone out back, I give him lavish praise. Then he gets "rewarded" by us going for a walk.

We stood out there for 40 minutes yesterday morning. He just would not go, no matter what I did (I know he had to go as he hadn't gone for 12 hours). This morning we went through the same drill for 30 minutes. Nothing. :rolleyes: When he doesn't go, we go back inside and I ignore him for a while. Then, try again. Eventually, I have to go to work!

He's really stubborn! Any thoughts on any other ways to try to train him?

Thanks so much!


11-28-2007, 02:43 PM
I have 2 suggestions:

1. Here is a GREAT site with TONS of information. Please don't be turned off that it is a site for bichons; most of the essays apply for ALL dogs!


Scroll down watching the middle column. You will see "Puppy Information." Under that, there are some essays on house training which may help you.

2. Until you get things under control, please consider a belly band (for males) or a bikini (for females). These will help save your carpets, sofa, and sanity! You put in a Poise pad and dispose of when used. I will give you a link for one place which sells belly bands and bikinis, just so you can see what they look like and get an idea of price. This link, as you scroll down there are different prices for different ones.


You can also find them at Pet Edge (www.petedge.com) Less money; no photo to see how it will look ON.

And the link in #1 above also has a market place where they sell belly bands.

Good luck!

11-28-2007, 04:36 PM
I dislike male dogs marking on a walk as well. So my procedure is this:

I choose two good places that are ok to mark on my walk. I take treats with me. I start out walking and I keep my dogs attention by showing a treat and occasionally give him one. If he starts to pull toward a pee spot, I call him and change my pace or direction, say the word, "Manners!" and then treat when he shows you attention. As soon as I get to my predetermined spot, I say, "Better go now." and I stop and let him pee. Then we move on the same way until we reach the second pee spot.

As far as getting him to pee in the yard, I'll let someone else answer that. But my guess is that if he's not allowed to empty completely on the walk, he will have to go in the yard.

Hope this helps,