View Full Version : Martha's one of us.

11-28-2007, 06:18 AM
The Martha Stewart TV show is on during the time I do my exercises, so yesterday when I saw her come out with her two French Bull Dogs, I didn't turn the channel. She related about spending three days during Thanksgiving away from home and how she felt the dogs must have not liked that she was gone that long.

The evening she came home she let the dogs out for the night and the two French Bull Dogs had on tee shirts because of the cold. They all went to bed with the dogs sleeping on the Big Bed with her as usual. She pointed out that she has a special sheet for them on the bed. I guess it wasn't long before she had the realization that there was poop somewhere and upon investigation discovered that the one dog had some caught within the tee shirt it wore. That dog (I think it was Francesca) was whisked off for a bath and the dog sheet was changed.

After everybody was back in bed and settled down, the other dog gurked up a mass of foul stuff on Martha's side of the bed. Now, the bed linen had to be removed and changed.

I think we need to make Martha an honorary member of Pet Talk.

11-28-2007, 07:00 AM
LOL!! :D
That's great!

Wow!! She really IS one of us!!
I think we need to e-mail her and ask her to join the board!!

Ginger's Mom
11-28-2007, 08:31 AM
:) Dogs don't care if you have your own television show. They treat everyone the same. If they need to get sick they get sick, they don't care whose bed it is. It is nice to hear that Martha understands that.

11-28-2007, 08:56 AM
I've always loved Martha.

Cinder & Smoke
11-28-2007, 09:31 AM
how she felt the dogs must have not liked that she was gone that long.

They all went to bed with the dogs sleeping on the Big Bed with her as usual.

... there was poop somewhere ... dog had some caught within the tee shirt it wore.
That dog was whisked off for a bath and the dog sheet was changed.

the other dog gurked up a mass of foul stuff on Martha's side of the bed.
Now, the bed linen had to be removed and changed.

It's difficult for me to grasp the concept of Mis Martha actually BATHING a DAWG
at Oh:dark:thirty in the morning and then changing the Dawg Sheet ...
and later doing a bed linen change ... :rolleyes:

A more likely scenario of Life with Martha >>>

I'd think it went more like:

* :eek: I smell Dawg Pooh!
* Hellow, Houskeeping??? Send someone right NOW - I smell Dawg Pooh in my BED! :mad:
* WELL! Get the darn Dawg cleaned up! CALL someone!
* Jeeves? This is Houskeeping ... the Old Hag wants a dog bathed - right NOW!
* Yess M'am ... I'll fix ya some hot chawklit while we wait for the doggie to come back.
Later ...
* :eek:
* <sigh> "Houskeeping here ... No M'ma ... we weren't back to sleep yet ..."
* There's Dawg *BARF* all over my sheets! :mad:
* Another hot chawklit while I re-make the bed, M'am?
* How about a Greenie to kill that barf-breath, lil Muttlie?

11-28-2007, 09:54 AM
;) Now I on the other hand CAN see her doing it.
Maybe with some help.
I mean after all Phred, she was in prison!!! :o :eek:

11-29-2007, 11:02 AM
Oh my, I always thought Martha dealt with some of the same things we do, in real life, with so many pets. Now we know it is true!!!! :p

12-01-2007, 10:28 PM
i'll consider her a true PT-er 1-when i find out what happened to the chows (does anyone know?)and 2-see untouched photos of her with a grocery store plastic bag, half filled, and another plastic bag on her hand picking up semifrozen poo. just like so many of us doo...or is that doody? ;)