View Full Version : How to get help with tangles in your mane

11-22-2007, 09:42 PM
I'm making great progress with my human! I'm the only feline here, and sometimes I get a mat in my mane that I just can't reach with my tongue, so I need a bit of help getting it out. So today I rolled on my side in the middle of the floor, and besides purring and floofing my tail around, I made a sound like a human makes (it came out like a very quiet "oongamoo whroo?") and when my human started petting me, I squirmed around until the mat was right under her hand. Sure enough, she saw it and started pulling it out! She seemed surprised that I didn't try to stop her pulling my fur, but that mat would have gotten really uncomfortable and hard to brush out if I'd just left it, so I just let her feel around and work out the whole tuft of loose fur that could have caused a tangle.

I got her to do it once before - she was in her bed, and I was sitting on top of her - but making a human "talk" sound seemed to really get her attention so I could get the help I needed even when she was up and walking around. Try it with your human! They're actually pack animals in the wild, and they enjoy grooming and find it calming.

Love, Smudge

P.S. How can I get her to give me roast turkey more often? It's quite good!

Cinder & Smoke
11-22-2007, 10:09 PM
P.S. How can I get her to give me roast turkey more often?
It's quite good!

Learn how to *hook* your front klawz in the fridge door seal ...
lean back and **pull** ...

Whenna door *pops* open --- klimb up onna Turkey Shelf and push a tub down onna floor.
*HOP OUT* affore the door slamz shut; grabbin the fallen tub onna way.

Tubs are hard to opin ... ask a Dawg fur help - you'll have to *split* the contents.


Laura's Babies
11-23-2007, 03:18 AM
If you enjoy groomimg, try to get your hooman to buy a shedding tool to use. My hooman has one and when I see her with it, I RUN to my most favorite place and lay down and start purring... OooooOOOoooOOOoooOOooOOoo! It feels SO GOOD! I will lay there and let her use it until I have no fur left! It also keeps all that loose fur off of me so that when I bathe, I don't swollow all that and get fur balls but I still get it in my nose and sneeze.. Amy

(Giz, Amy's sister here) Hay, I like to grab that shedding tool from the hoomans and do it myself! I love to brush my face with it, it feels so good! I can't lay down when I see it, I prefer the walking method of being groomed, just walk back and forth in front of my hooman to make sure she gets BOTH sides equally. Brushing your own face feels soooooo good! Giz

WAIT! WAIT! DON'T LISTEN TO THEM! THAT THING IS AWFUL! You'll hate it like I do. When you see your hooman pick it up... RUN! It will pull all your fur out, Grooming SUCKS! Boo

11-23-2007, 09:17 AM
Amy - I have a Furminator, but I'm just too luxurious for a straight-edged groomer. It just sort of sinks into my fur, and doesn't dislodge any more than my Shed'N Blade. My human gives me a good vigorous combing with the Shed'N Blade, following behind with a slicker brush to catch up all the clouds of fluff.

Giz - I definitely want to rub my itchy face lesions on the Furminator, but that makes them bleed, and my human hates it when I bleed. She doesn't even like to get the Blade too close to my face, which is probably why my mane gets tangles sometimes. She'll gladly scratch my itchies with her flat, root-digger, fruit-picker fingernails, which I'll admit feels just fine, and doesn't end up making as much of a mess as my precision hunting tools - and, really, what cat likes a mess?

Boo - do you ever get that sort of stuffy, twitchy feeling in your skin, like it's not getting enough air? Too much loose old fur can really be uncomfortable! And having it pile up in your belly when you wash can feel nasty too. See if you can get your humans to buy a "grooming arch," where you can rub any part of yourself against it at your own pleasure, kind of like a bear does.

Love, Smudge

11-23-2007, 09:37 AM
The Only Cat I Really Had To Groom Was Mr Fluffy, Who Was An Older Long Haired Persian , And Especially Neede Grooming At The Back Of His Tail, If You Know What I Mean. Things Would Get Stuck There, Pu!!!!!!!
He Was A Big Older Cat , And So Much Missed. He And Dear Mr Scrappy Helped So Many Of My Current Cats Become Adjusted To The Hotel.

11-23-2007, 09:47 AM
Hello, Vita here. I am the only long hair kitty in this group. I love being brushed with the "fur rake," as long as it doesn't get stuck in a mat. I get a brush up daily; I DEMAND it! A couple of weeks back, it caught on a mat and I lashed out and swatted, nails out. Got mom right down the nose; and she had a family reunion to attend 3 days later, HA HAA. Really tested her cosmectics abilities, and serves her right, too. I've been here 10 years and she knows the ONLY way I permit mat removal is to cut them out with scissors. Guess she needed a reminder. Well, she GOT ONE!

11-23-2007, 10:49 AM
Dear Smudge,

You a clever kitty! Well done.

Cassy-Wassy, the explorer boy*

* Meowmy didn't lock the under sink cabinet. Wow, it was interestin in dere!!!

Don Juan's mom
11-23-2007, 01:14 PM
Dear Smudge,

You a clever kitty! Well done.

Cassy-Wassy, the explorer boy*

* Meowmy didn't lock the under sink cabinet. Wow, it was interestin in dere!!!

Oh, Cassy-Wassy, don't go in there! Mom keeps things in there that can hurt you or make you very sick.

Aunt Liz

11-23-2007, 10:55 PM
Oh, Cassy-Wassy, don't go in there! Mom keeps things in there that can hurt you or make you very sick.

Aunt Liz

Dear Aunt Liz,

Meowmy usuawwy keps the lockie thing locked. It was fun exporing but I dont fink I goin to get to go spory gin anytim soon. :( :eek: So I be good wike you axed. :D :cool:

Cassy the good boy