View Full Version : Sleep

11-18-2007, 11:49 PM
Ok, so, I'm really irritated right now because my Dad accidently woke me up when I was dozing on the couch. I'm not irritated at my Dad, I just feel irritated when I'm woken from light sleeps.

Anyway.. so now I'm wide awake (which is probably why I am so irritated because it's almost midnight, but can't sleep now) and randomly googled "sleep".

I find sleep to be one of the most fascinating things ever.

Here's something I wanted to share about what some scientists believe dreams are:

Some scientists believe dreams are the cortex's attempt to find meaning in the random signals that it receives during REM sleep. The cortex is the part of the brain that interprets and organizes information from the environment during consciousness. It may be that, given random signals from the pons during REM sleep, the cortex tries to interpret these signals as well, creating a "story" out of fragmented brain activity.

Anyway, off to feel grouchy again. "Night"!

11-19-2007, 03:11 AM
Sounds plausible to me. I oftentimes have fragments of my life from the past week. ...VERY interesting... especially when it's 100's of meaningless things thrown together. Everything from a word on a candy wrapper making up a theme to some random extra actor from a commercial being my long lost brother .

I hate when i'm woken up and become grouchy. It just doesn't stop no matter how hard you try to be happy and civil. yuck. My only cure for it is when i finally sleep again. G'luck!

11-19-2007, 12:30 PM
Dreams have always fascinated me. I've documented my dreams for over 20 years. I've tried to make sense of them, try to figure out what triggered them, to no avail. But I read them now and again and laugh.