View Full Version : My houseguests -pics-

11-06-2007, 02:17 PM
So hubby was driving home from working 11 hours last night and it was dark out. Running in the middle of the road were two lovely dogs, a golden and a lab. He stopped, and opened the door to the van and they happily jumped right in. The dogs have collars but no ID tags. They do, however, have city license tags but it was too late last night to call the city, as they were closed. So this morning I called and they will continue trying to call the owners. If they can't get a hold of the owners (the phone keeps ringing and they have no voicemail I guess) then they will give us the address of the owners and we'll walk the dogs to their home.

They're just adorable. Wish us luck that the owners can be found today, as it's not easy having 4 large dogs and a baby hehe. They're crate trained, mellow, loving and they even like Quinn (the labbie girl gave Quinn a kiss). I have to keep them seperated from my two because the labby and golden are scared of mine and they have growled at my dogs and I don't want to take any chances of them trying to fight with my two pups.

Here's labby girl and golden boy. Aren't they just so cute? The labbie girl is my favorite. She's such a doll. Golden boy is too thin, when we get in touch with the owners I'll casually ask why he's so thin while the lab's a bit on the chunky side. You can count the ribs on the golden boy.

11-06-2007, 03:19 PM
Perhaps the Golden is still a growing pup, and that's why he's so skinny?

They both look like great, well-loved dogs, thanks for saving them from that dangerous road!

11-06-2007, 03:20 PM
Wow, the Golden IS skinny!! :eek:
Maybe he's still a pup.
I try not not to be too quick to judge anymore since adopting Sierra and having her be sickly skinny looking for the first 4 years I had her. I had every test run on her, changed food.. you name it and I tried getting her to gain wait and she just wouldn't. I had people always asking my why my dog was so skinny.
It took her till the age of about 6 to start putting weight on.

They look like they are well taken care of beside the golden being skinny.
I hope the owners are found soon!!
Bless your hubby for stopping and picking them up and saving their lives!!

11-06-2007, 03:24 PM
Oh i am so happy you picked them up. I hope they find their way home, they look really good taken care of and they look like they really want to go home. Tho the Golden does look a bit shinny, you cant judge owners yet. I had a Chow mix who only wanted to eat once a day and was that shinny, took him to the vet and he said as long as there is food 24/7 and he eats when he wants to is ok.

I found a female Pom once around 2 years old, it was when the whole pet food recall thing was going on and many where dying. She was outside for a day untill i took her in on a Saturday, that next Sunday was easter morning. I called the shelter at around 12:00 at night because i was really worried, she did not want to eat or drink at all, and she has soft stool and peed a lot. So they took her in. Driving out of my condo complex on Sunday morning i found a LOST POMERANIAN sign up and called them. Sunday the shelter was closed so they spent Easter without her :( But thanksfully on Monday morning she was brought back home, she had an upset tummy from being outside for a whole day and possibly eating garbage. I got $50 for finding her and donated it to the shelter :)

11-06-2007, 04:49 PM
I'm glad your hubby stopped & picked them up. They look so cute resting
together in the crate. :)

Ginger's Mom
11-06-2007, 06:00 PM
Aw, they were very lucky your husband came by and helped them. My guess is they just recently rescued the golden boy and haven't had a chance to fatten him up yet. And in return for their kindness he showed their well loved labby girl how to escape. ;)

11-06-2007, 07:09 PM
I'm so glad your husband was able to rescue them. I do wonder why the golden is so skinny, too. Hopefully you can find the owners and find out the story.

11-06-2007, 10:18 PM
They are both beautiful! I do think the Golden is just a pup, but he definitely is a bit too thin! So glad your hubby got them out of the road before they were hit by a car!!!


Daisy and Delilah
11-06-2007, 10:42 PM
They look like a couple of sweethearts :) Thanks to you and your husband for helping them.

11-06-2007, 11:15 PM
Aw, c'mon...you can handle 4 dogs and a baby with ease! :p

Seriously, hugs to your compassionate hubby for picking them up. They look like a sweet couple. Hope their owners are home tomorrow. Thanks for helping out..I know you have your hands full!!

11-06-2007, 11:21 PM
they are beautiful!! Altho yea the golden is SKINNY but I'm used to looking at my wide girl! :eek:

I hope you can find the people they belong to!

11-07-2007, 10:21 AM
adoremydogs, how are your house guests today? :)

11-07-2007, 11:09 AM
I was wondering about them too! :D