View Full Version : More prayers needed

11-02-2007, 07:18 AM
Hey all, life sure can throw some curve balls at you.

Long story made incredibly short... I was in the ER with Ashley til 2:30 last night (or 2:30 this morning?) Anyhow, it was waaaayyyy past my bedtime and I left without her and no answers as to WHY she was there.

She was having back spasms, tight chest, FAST heart beat, and wheezing like she was having an asthma attack. They thought she might have a blood clot in the lungs... ruled that out. She does have a serious inflamation in her lungs, but they think its a symptom of something else.

They ran Cat Scans, X-rays, drew blood, drew more blood, yet more again. She seemed to deteriorate as the night went on. As I was leaving her, she had to go to the bathroom and just the 4 foot walk knocked her out.

Perhaps they say, God works in mysterious ways. He realized she wasn't heading the caution we were telling her about her recent behavior and she certainly wasn't all that concerned about her dad.... so He gave her a serious wake-up call that she couldn't ignore.

Can you share some prayers and good thoughts for her? I feel so bad for her.... never saw her so scared in my life. She might be rebelling (for lack of a better word) at the moment but nobody deserves to be sick like this. :(

11-02-2007, 07:58 AM
Prayers coming from my way

11-02-2007, 09:23 AM
Oh no. I am sorry this happened. And I do hope this will help her see what her dad is going through as well. It's not fun to be sick, especially if you don't even know WHY you are sick. That is scary.
Your family will be in my thoughts.

11-02-2007, 10:17 AM
prayers! I hope the docs will ask about her lifestyle...and you and dad may need to fill them in since she is still living at your house.

I hope she is better soon!

11-02-2007, 11:43 AM
Prayers on the way, that it is something fixable, and she'll feel better in a few days.

11-02-2007, 11:49 AM
Prayers from RI for you, her, and the whole family.

11-02-2007, 11:54 AM
Dear God,

I know there is a message in this incident, as well as a lesson to be learned. We may never know what or why, and that's okay. But please, take care of Ashley, watch over this wonderful family, help them through this most difficult time and make them all stronger. Most of all God, strengthen the bond between them and help them love each other and come together as a family.



You have my number. Call me anytime. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.


11-02-2007, 11:54 AM
Kim, I'm so sorry to hear this.:( Hopefully the doctors will be able to find out what's wrong with her. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way.

Daisy and Delilah
11-02-2007, 01:02 PM
Thoughts and prayers going out, Kim :(

11-02-2007, 01:03 PM
Prayers on the way. I know how scary it is to be in the hospital and not have any answers. *hugs*

11-02-2007, 01:33 PM
*HUGS* GREAT vibes your way! :(

11-02-2007, 02:19 PM
Thanks guys (((hugs))))

I just got back from the hospital. We still have no idea what's happening, other than a lung infection and racing pulse. Her BP is back to normal and she looks MUCH better this afternoon. She'll most likely be discharged tonight (goodness knows they can't keep her for more than 24 hours! :rolleyes: )

They're thinking it might be a serious asthma attack, but its boggling their mind because she never once showed any signs of asthma in the past, and to have an asthma attack this bad, you'd most certainly have noticed something.

She's on nebulizer treatments, which amazed Cam to no end. He was fascinated by the smoky mask on mommy's face :p I left because a 1 year old and hospital do not mix. Hubby's still there.

11-02-2007, 03:27 PM
Oh dear poor you, sending you lots of well wishes, positive vibes and good thoughts for Ashley to make a good recovery and be home as soon as possible, take care and keep us posted.

Daisy and Delilah
11-02-2007, 03:31 PM
Kim, have they checked for internal bleeding(ulcer)? It sounds like the symptoms I had years ago with that. :( Maybe mono?

11-02-2007, 07:01 PM
Any more updates?? It is horrible to be sick AND not know why!!!!

Prayers on the way. Keep us posted.

11-02-2007, 07:14 PM
I hope if she has ever smoked anything, she'll stop now. Lungs are too precious to pollute. Warn her that, if they put her on prednisone, as soon as she can breathe well, she'll have the hungry horrors! At least that always happens with me - pink cheeks (butterfly rash) and feeling starving hungry!

11-02-2007, 07:20 PM
Just got off the phone with hubby.... they're keeping her another night. They are still very concerned about her heart rate. And as you all know how the hospital system works, they don't keep someone for another night unless absolutely necessary. :(

As best as they an figure, it was an asthma attack mixed with an allergic reaction to something. What was she allergic to, we don't know because she didn't encounter anything different :confused:

They also mentioned her lack of sleep and affection for Red Bull and coffee didn't help matters any. I commented to them about Red Bull months ago, about how its not good (I think I even posed the question here) and everyone just ignored me :rolleyes: I have the feeling Red Bull will from hence forth be banned from this home.

11-02-2007, 07:39 PM
OMG! I just recently read about those high caffeinated drinks and how DEADLY they can be!!!!! I don't know about the breathing problems, but the racing heart beat could MOST DEFINITELY be due to those drinks.

More prayers coming.

11-02-2007, 08:15 PM
More hugs and prayers...you know that when a nurse or doctor - or ANYONE besides Mom and Dad - tell someone like your daughter the same things mom and dad have told them...well, suddenly they are TRUE!!!! ;)

I pray she gets well...if they get her thru caffeine withdrawl and get some food into her, that will help. At least it sounds like she told them all about her lifestyle, otherwise how will they know?


11-02-2007, 08:30 PM
At least it sounds like she told them all about her lifestyle, otherwise how will they know?

The big bad step-mom snitched. :o

Cam's dad's step-mom (got that relationship?) is a nurse at the hospital where Ash is at. She'll check up on her tomorrow afternoon. I wonder if I should ask her about the Red Bull... she's VERY intelligent and I think she might be able to talk some sense into Ash.

PS: my keyboard is acting up. The enter key, X and C only work if I pound them a hundred times. What a pain! (just a random whine ;)) You don't want to see how gross it is under the keys if I pry them up.... that'll be tomorrow's project.

11-02-2007, 08:51 PM
Just got off the phone with hubby.... they're keeping her another night. They are still very concerned about her heart rate. And as you all know how the hospital system works, they don't keep someone for another night unless absolutely necessary. :(

As best as they an figure, it was an asthma attack mixed with an allergic reaction to something. What was she allergic to, we don't know because she didn't encounter anything different :confused:

They also mentioned her lack of sleep and affection for Red Bull and coffee didn't help matters any. I commented to them about Red Bull months ago, about how its not good (I think I even posed the question here) and everyone just ignored me :rolleyes: I have the feeling Red Bull will from hence forth be banned from this home.

Nobody ignored you, you got 2 pages...that is much better than I get :eek:

11-02-2007, 09:00 PM
Nobody ignored you, you got 2 pages...that is much better than I get :eek:
Oh no... not PTers ignoring me, my family ignored me and continued to drink it! oops, I can see how you interpreted it that way though

11-02-2007, 09:07 PM
Gee, Kim...you wouldn't happen to have CAT HAIR in your keyboard???? :eek:

That happens here too....strangest thing, must be ghosts! :D

I have actually used a screwdriver to take the KB apart (unplugged, of course), and rinsed clear warm water through it. Thing is, I have to wait til it is COMPLETELY dry, or the typing gets pretty bizarre. Think of a word pinball game! :)

How do you clean yours? I wish I had a tiny powerful vacuum with a nozzle the size of a ballpoint pen!

Re: Hospital - might not hurt to have step-mom stop by..... ;)

Hugs and more prayers!

11-02-2007, 11:49 PM
Wow! Lots going on over there! I'm so sorry to hear about Ashley. I hope that whatever it is, is fixable and good enough to scare her into some better behaviors.

Prayers on the way.

11-02-2007, 11:56 PM
Thanks guys (((hugs))))

I just got back from the hospital. We still have no idea what's happening, other than a lung infection and racing pulse. Her BP is back to normal and she looks MUCH better this afternoon. She'll most likely be discharged tonight (goodness knows they can't keep her for more than 24 hours! :rolleyes: )

They're thinking it might be a serious asthma attack, but its boggling their mind because she never once showed any signs of asthma in the past, and to have an asthma attack this bad, you'd most certainly have noticed something.

She's on nebulizer treatments, which amazed Cam to no end. He was fascinated by the smoky mask on mommy's face :p I left because a 1 year old and hospital do not mix. Hubby's still there.

That really sounds like my first asthma attack which landed me in the hospital for 2 days. I had an racing pulse, my legs was burning, and i could hardly breath. When they discharged me they gave me an nebulizer and a inhaler. I had to use the nebulizer (aka smokey mask) for 2 weeks. And i had never showed any signed of asthma.

11-03-2007, 12:00 AM
How do you clean yours? I wish I had a tiny powerful vacuum with a nozzle the size of a ballpoint pen!

Actually, they make little USB vacuums that are designed to suck the grime out of keybords. Heres an link to one: http://www.usbgeek.com/prod_detail.php?prod_id=0123

11-03-2007, 07:52 AM
I do hope that they can pinpoint the cause of the problem. Regardless of what the diagnosis is, hopefully Ashley will do her part in taking care of herself. Regardless what the diagnosis is, she might be better off to avoid caffinated anything at least until she can figure out if that is a contributing factor.

11-03-2007, 11:05 AM

She needs to come clean with her doctor about anything she's recently drank, smoked, ingested. There's a doctor/patient confidentiality that protects her from anyone else knowing. If this doctor is going to treat her, he needs to know everything NOW.

I've never tried Red Bull but I do see alot of younger people drinking it.

You guys are in my prayers.

11-03-2007, 02:45 PM
If you need anything, I'm only about 45 mins. away... and I drive like a madwoman, so can get anywhere you need quickly, lol!

Well, Kim, I drive like a little old lady.......but for YOU, I could drive like a little old lady who's in a hurry. ;)

So if you need me...............

Or maybe I can hitch a ride with Jennie. :eek:

How is everyone today????

11-03-2007, 03:19 PM
She's home! Her heart still is racing, but its closer to normal. She was up to 140-150 beats per minute, double what someone her age should have! :eek:

They still have no idea what happened, why or how. They do believe lack of sleep and caffeine played a part. My youngest poured all the remaining Red Bull down the kitchen sink this morning :)

She was sent home with lots of prescriptions... one of which insurance doesn't cover and its over $200! We left the pharmacy without it and called the insurance company and hospital to see if they can get her an alternative within a reasonable price. She is on strict bed rest with little exercise as day (in other words, she's supposed to walk a little more each day) and can't return to work or school for a week. She also goes for more blood tests on Monday.

Cam was very happy to see his mommy again and has been so sweet. Somehow he understands she's delicate now and he can't be bashing around her like he typically does.

11-03-2007, 05:33 PM
Glad to hear Ashley is home. I wonder what caused all of this. I hope they can figure it all out with testing and all. Hope it was just the red bull and not enough sleep and nothing more serious.

Hehehe.... Jen L. can hitch a ride with me... she'll just have a lot of gray hairs when she gets to your place! :eek: :p I really miss having the VW GTI with the turbo. This Nissan Versa is nowhere near as fun! :o ;)

11-03-2007, 06:07 PM
If you can't get a substitute for the medicine, ask for samples!

Kids and pets...they have a sixth sense, I believe.

11-03-2007, 06:09 PM
I hope she feels better soon!

11-03-2007, 06:09 PM
Glad to hear Ashley is home. I wonder what caused all of this. I hope they can figure it all out with testing and all. Hope it was just the red bull and not enough sleep and nothing more serious.

Hehehe.... Jen L. can hitch a ride with me... she'll just have a lot of gray hairs when she gets to your place! :eek: :p I really miss having the VW GTI with the turbo. This Nissan Versa is nowhere near as fun! :o ;)

How about an corvette stingray?

11-03-2007, 06:25 PM
How about an corvette stingray?

One of the reasons I went to the Versa was to have lower car insurance, lol. I think the Vette would be defeating that purpose, lol.

11-03-2007, 07:35 PM
She was sent home with lots of prescriptions... one of which insurance doesn't cover and its over $200!

2 suggestions (I'm an insurance nurse) -

Call the pharmacy back and ask the pharmacist what pharmaceutical company makes the drug you didn't get. Look on the manufacturer's Web site for their pharmaceutical assistance program. They all have one but you do have to search out the info.

There is also pparx.org - sort of a clearinghouse for prescription assistance programs - where you can search by the name of the medications.

Let her doctor's office know you haven't been able to fill it so they can get samples the next time the rep for that company is in the office. I learned this waiting in the doctor's office one day. I heard a nurse tell a drug rep that she needed samples of one particular med. The rep had the med with her, and after she left, the nurse called the patient to come and pick it up.

11-03-2007, 10:21 PM
I'm glad to hear that Ashley is now home and I hope she'll feel better soon and that the meds will help her.:)

11-04-2007, 06:38 AM
2 suggestions (I'm an insurance nurse) -

Call the pharmacy back and ask the pharmacist what pharmaceutical company makes the drug you didn't get. Look on the manufacturer's Web site for their pharmaceutical assistance program. They all have one but you do have to search out the info.

There is also pparx.org - sort of a clearinghouse for prescription assistance programs - where you can search by the name of the medications.

Let her doctor's office know you haven't been able to fill it so they can get samples the next time the rep for that company is in the office. I learned this waiting in the doctor's office one day. I heard a nurse tell a drug rep that she needed samples of one particular med. The rep had the med with her, and after she left, the nurse called the patient to come and pick it up.

I was going to indicate searching out this type of help myself and thankfully someone has the details needed to get you headed in the right direction. PLease do reiterate the need to stay away from anything with caffeine, even colas and chocolate. She may be on overload right now. I glad to hear she is home and obviously improving. Yea!

11-04-2007, 06:55 AM
One thing I don't understand is that the medicine her insurance won't cover is one that REALLY set her heart racing in the hospital. Why would they give it to her to use at home? There were alternatives they used in the hospital. :confused:

She "overdid" it last night. She insisted on going out to the pharmacy and having a few friends over (just two at separate times and they all just sat on the couch watching TV). She was bored out of her mind. And today she's feeling a heavy chest and is a bit wheezy. One friend who "is not a boyfriend; in fact I want to set him up with someone else!" came over with the most gorgeous vase filled with a dozen different colored roses. We all rolled our eyes when he did that because we know she likes him but won't admit it to herself because he's a nice stable guy.... gasp... stable? Good influence? Yikes, run! :eek: (LOL)

11-04-2007, 10:03 AM
OMG.. a guy who brings flowers?! :eek: Send him my way, lol!! :D

I could write a book with all the duds I've had. Had one who brought an uncooked turkey and was like "Look! I brought a snack! Can you cook it?" Ugh. He was a weightlifter/body builder dude who ate all the time. Really not what I needed! :rolleyes: :p

11-04-2007, 10:43 AM
Kim, this is all very scary! She sounds like I was when I had double pneumonia which was complicated by a severe asthma attack! I can't believe all the extra caffeine kids these days are drinking! I can't even drink normal caffeinated drinks (cokes, etc.) because they make my heart race and give me anxiety! Now all the kids are into flavored coffees and such and it really worries me. To me, it's all just legal "speed".

I'm glad that Ashley is back home, I sure hope they can figure out what has caused all of this though!!!
